Choose the right time.
The rejection or acceptance of a kiss is very dependent on where they are. If your date is shy not try to kiss in a crowded place, but wait for a time when they are alone and in private, for example, when you're leaving the door of your home or while walking down a street or less depopulated. Nor try to kiss when the other person is distracted or talking about something. The immediate reaction to this rejection and be sure you think you're a misfit. Note that the first kiss between you and your lovemate should not be remembered fondly as an awkward moment.
Do not dominate the nerves.
You must be very sure / to yourself / a because the nerves can ruin the moment. If they have come together for the second time, because there is a connection between them, you have to be relaxed / a. But if you can not control anxiety, it is best to give a short and straightforward kiss. While there are many ways to kiss, choose the simplest to prevent making mistakes. The goal is to be tender and romantic; this is what he will remember.
Delivery previous signals
Before taking the big step is always better to leave clues. For example, stay close to your appointment, I rózalo hand or leg, look him straight in the eye, smile seductively, etc. . These are all ways to show that the other interests you and what your intentions are. It is essential to be attentive / aa gives you the answers your date meet these signs, that lets you know whether or not to accept your kiss.
Study their reactions
It is essential that when you decide to take the big step, do it slowly and gently. Bring your face close to your date slowly and study the reactions. If you build a confused or scared expression and slightly back, opt for a kiss on the cheek to save the situation and avoid tension in the air. Note that getting a kiss means having patience, so do not attempt immediately. It is better to keep the appointment and try your luck again later.
Also, note how he reacts to the kiss; that will tell you how long and must be passionate. Kissing is a task in pairs, and you can not ignore what the other feels about it.
Following these tips will give you more chances to get a kiss on the second date. However, none of these tips is infallible; it all depends on how the relationship develops between you and the trust and confidence you have placed in you, the person sales.