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Thursday, March 31, 2022

I’m very happy with my partner, but why won’t he divorce his wife? | Ask Annalisa Barbieri

He may feel ashamed, scared – or perhaps he’s just lazy? Either way, you need to look at legal avenues that may open doors for him

I’m in a relationship with a man who is separated from his wife but not divorced. He left her five years ago and says their marriage had been over long before that, but he decided to stay until his children left home. We are both in our 50s and his children are now young adults. I was divorced in my 40s and have no children.

We live separately. We’ve had a very happy relationship for several years, but there has always been the elephant in the room of his marriage and the block it presents to our planning a future together.

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* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Bf (M21) had a talk with his mom (not sure how old) about me (F20)

Me and my friend dated for about two months and we remained friends but it ended up becoming more than a friendship, we would still do relationship things. So it’s been over a year now. But in that time that we’ve been “dating” we’ve both tried to see other people and I never liked when he would see someone else. He did go on a date with a girl and I did go on a date with a guy, they didn’t work out. So we just came back to each other. But now that we’re back from college (he graduated, im taking a break), we have been hanging out at his house and wherever we can. His parents think we’re having sex and we’re not because when I was, I was being irresponsible, so I don’t want to have sex until I have kids. (I’ve been on BC but still) and he says im not enough for him because I won’t have any type of sex with him, and I don’t make him happy anymore. But whenever I was having sex with him, we weren’t having these problems. So two days ago his mom talks to him and asks him what’s going on with us because she wants to know. And I get it, he’s her son, but I’m not her daughter and we are literally just friends. The most we did this year was kiss. So he tells her we are dating and have been for a year and she asks him why he’s been hiding that because that’s a long time and he says he doesn’t know why. She asks what he likes about me and he says he doesn’t know. But before this talk happened, we were perfectly fine. He never mentioned to me that he was unhappy or telling me anything like this. So I feel like his mom (and his dad does this too) are trying to get him to see someone else because they don’t like me because I have tattoos and because of my race. (They are very conservative and have never liked me from the beginning) but I could just be missing something that I’m not seeing. Should I talk to the mom?

TL DR: bf and I were perfectly fine until him and his mom had a talk about me and now he wants to end things because he’s “unhappy” but I think it’s because his mom is putting some bs in his head. Should I talk to his mom about why they’re constantly in our business?

submitted by /u/throwawaykill1819
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* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

How we met: ‘I’d been out as gay for a long time, but I thought Imogen was straight’

Aine, 26, and Imogen, 29, became friends at a bellringing group in 2019. They fell in love after the first lockdown and live in London with their two cats

In 2019, Imogen was working as a freelance musician and studying sound art when she stumbled on a new hobby. “I was inspired to try out bellringing after speaking to a friend,” she says. “I didn’t have any expectations, but I was really interested in the bells and wanted to see what it was like.”

In September, she went to a church in Hackney, London, to join a local bellringing group. She followed the spiral staircase to the bell tower, where people were gathered in different patterns. There, she spotted Aine, who had been taking part for several years. “It’s mostly older people, so you notice when someone younger comes in,” says Aine. “Because it can get quite crowded in the tower, you end up perched on the edges. When Imogen arrived, I accidentally dropped my water on her, which was embarrassing. Luckily, it broke the ice.”

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* This article was originally published here

Monday, March 28, 2022

Me (21F) get mistreated by my younger friends (19F-18F)

Should I continue being friends with them or not?

I have two university friends that are younger than me. I’m a very friendly person, and so they said that they don’t feel the age gap while I do.

I’ve been disrespected by them sometimes as they had more knowledge in the major we study while I didn’t. I tend to ask so many questions to understand and get the accurate information, but one of them keeps saying that she felt like she was the taking care of me bcoz shes the one who tends to answer and sometimes she ignores me completely because she said that my questions were dumb.

The other one keeps saying that shes so smart and her IQ is so high whenever she answers something or knows the answer to something…?

They also do things that I don’t agree with at all, but at the end of the day they are sometimes nice and worry about me.

I know the value of myself and I respect myself thats why I have distend myself from them but I feel like I did it too fast. and that they might be confused of why I just stopped talking to them one day.

I also feel like I the opportunity to make many friends because of them.

I’d really appreciate hearing your opinion.

TDLR; My younger university friends treated me bad but I cut my friendship with them instantly which might make them confused

submitted by /u/Sasha99999
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Our relationship was bad, so why can’t I get over my ex? | Ask Philippa

You tried to fit this man into your dream – and it’s the loss of the dream you are mourning, says Philippa Perry

The question I don’t know how to get over my ex. I feel as if the breakup has been like a frog being slowly boiled to death – I didn’t see it coming and it got progressively worse.

In September, we had a holiday abroad together and he enquired about apartments and asked me to think about whether it was a place I could see myself moving to. We had also agreed that I would come off the pill in a couple of months. He came with me to two weddings and my family said how happy we seemed.

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* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Swipe right – find misery and heartbreak. Here’s why catfishing should be a crime | Charlotte Proudman

Fraudsters who deceive and manipulate people looking online for love must be held accountable by the law

“Catfishing” sounds like an exciting hobby, but language can sometimes conceal the insidious nature of abuse. Perpetrators reel in victims by deceiving and manipulating them, pretending to be someone else and preying on their vulnerabilities to create emotional dependency. Then, when they have been duped into a relationship, they extract something from them – money or emotional pain. At least one in five people surveyed by BetMinded last year said they have been the victim of catfishing

Financial gain is often the driving force behind online dating scams. In the first quarter of 2021, romance fraud cost UK dating app users more than £73.9m according to Action Fraud, with online dating scams up a staggering 40% since the pandemic. A man was jailed for 12 months for lying about his identity and scamming two women out of out of more than £345,000.

Charlotte Proudman is an award-winning barrister specialising in violence against women and girls and a fellow at Queens’ College, Cambridge

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* This article was originally published here

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Should my boyfriend and I move from his parents' house?

My boyfriend (27m) and I (26f) have been together for 6 years. We started to live together about 2 years ago in his parents' old house in which they used to live. This house was empty and we have decided to ask them to live there so we can save more money for our own place and they were okay with that. We even offered to pay at least some money for rent, but they refused. My relationship with his parents is okay, we are very different, but up until now we were respectful, so we didn't have any problems.

A bit of a background story about my family. I grew up in a family where fights about inheritance and properties were often. The situation was so bad that my father even tried to commit a suicide a couple a years ago, fortunatelly, he survived. So I would never fight about something like that with anyone. I don't need anyone's property and don't expect anything. And those kind of fight are quite regular at my boyfriend's family as well. (We live in the Balkans...)

Last night, we have visited his parents and his mother (52f) started to talk about how she would rather die then live in the nursery home when she gets old and that she expects for her children to take care of her. And I said that my father took care of his father for 10 years because he was disabled and it left great consequences on him and asked if she in hipothetical situation, would agree to go to nursery home if her children could afford it and she needs 24h care or she would basically ruin someone's life. She took that question pretty hard and told me that she needs to take same legal precautions because we are going to take her house and everything she has and kick her out. I told her that that wasn't even remotely related to my question and that I don't want anyone's anything nor I would kick someone out, I mean what the hell. So she started to yell at me and I just said I am not gonna deal with this and went home.

Now, I want to move out from their house we are currently in because I don't want to be on their property and give someone a reason to accuse me of something I am trying really hard not be part of because of the situation in my family. I don't want any inheritance, anyone's house, I just want to live life without that kind of drama. Should we move?

TL;DR My boyfriend and I are living in his parents' house and I don't want to be part of family drama over inheritance and stuff like that, but his mother accused of wanting to take her house and kick her out, should we move out?

submitted by /u/beerlovergirl
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* This article was originally published here

Friday, March 18, 2022

You be the judge: should my fiance start cleaning our cat’s litter tray?

They both love the cat, but he says clearing up after it is her job. We ask you to clear up this mess by delivering a verdict

If you have a disagreement you’d like settled, or want to be part of our jury, click here

Jerome loves Lilly and plays with her all the time, but refuses to clean up her mess

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* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

I [F21] love my bf [M21] but our relationship is just not the same.

I guess I'll start from the beginning. My boyfriend and I met through college. We're doing the same degree and we really hit it off. We were friends at first for a few months and then we started dating. Immediately within the first week we started having sex, lots of it.

Pandemic sent us home from school but our relationship never suffered from it, at least in the beginning. We drove to see each other and I really hit it off with his family. They're such great people.

Before we started dating, we signed a lease together with some friends (living in separate rooms). When we moved in everything was great throughout the whole first year and even in the summer when we moved back home. He had an internship that was pretty far away but it was really fun because when I'd visit we would explore the new city and go on dates and whatnot. Our sex life was decent, not crazy like in the beginning but enough.

After the first year of dating, our sex life started diminishing though. I believe there are a lot of factors contributing to that and I think it's a sign there's something wrong in our relationship. In fact we've grown more into the "roommate phase" to be specific.

We go out to eat on dates (when we can afford it). We never stopped doing that. We watch TV together and occasionally movies and we cook dinner together. But it's just not the same. Living together the first year was fun and I enjoyed it and I enjoyed having my own bedroom (although I slept in his a lot). I felt like we could live together but still be independent which is important to both of us.

We thought our sex life was diminishing because of my birth control. I think it was more so that I was more stressed with school and this whole school year he's been doing a co-op instead of school like I am. In general, it's hard for us to spend time together when we're not on dates. When we run out of things to watch we're not sure what to do. I love to cuddle and be touchy feely but he's not always into that. We talk about our day but after that it's just like what to do?

I've always enjoyed video games. I love to play video games with him too, but the big problem is we do not like the same games at all. He gets upset that we don't have anything to do but when I try to suggest certain games, he's "not feeling it." In fact he doesn't really play much video games in general. When I ask him to suggest games or even things to do and he just doesn't know. So when we run out of things to do together, I go have me time and play video games with my other friends (who he also doesn't want to hang out with.) That's another problem, I've tried to include him in things but he just doesn't like my friends or want to play the same games. It's strange and I don't know how to help him when he's so damn stubborn but then complains about "not really having friends" or not "spending time with me." I'm practically his only friend and I'm really getting tired of it.

We like the outdoors but in the winter it's hard to do stuff. It gets pretty cold here and it makes me just want to stay inside and cuddle. I think it's been a big contributor as well since people are more depressed in the winter.

The next problem, which don't get me wrong, I love him to pieces and I don't think he's ugly because of it, but he's gained a lot of weight and mostly due to the pandemic and not walking to class (cause of his job and us being online for a good portion of our college career). I think it's making him really unhappy. I've told him that I'm willing to go to the gym with him. To be honest, I wasn't at first. I really didn't want to go and I don't feel like I need it. I'm fine with my weight and I don't eat a lot of sweets. He, on the other hand, loves sweets. At the grocery store he picks out donuts, cinnamon rolls, you name it and I try to be nice about it by saying things like "How about we only pick one sweet this week," "we should pick out a healthy snack instead," etc. But he says things like he "can handle himself." and puts it in the cart anyways. I used to buy him lots of his favorite candy and stuff as surprise gifts in the beginning but I stopped doing that when he started gaining weight. I felt like I was a bad influence on him. Not to mention, he has ADHD and I've learned a lot about how to handle it with him. That being said, I think that is a big contributor to him not going to the gym. I've asked him multiple times to plan it out for us (such as, let's go every tue and Thurs) but he just won't do it. He's stopped taking his medicine ever since he started his job and I honestly don't want to do everything like that for him. He's his own person and I'm not really sure how to handle that.

I love him so much. We've passed our two year mark and I want to so desperately stay together. I know I'm not perfect and I'm probably a big contributor to this as well. I think I play too many video games when I'm not doing school, but in my defense, it makes me happy, esp since it's cold outside. We talk a lot. This is the best relationship I've had thus far. We talk about our feelings and I've done things like stop taking my birth control (we use condoms now) to see if maybe it would help but we've come to a rough spot again. We took a small break when we went home for the holiday because we both wanted to think about things and see if we want to continue our relationship. We came back and decided we still wanted to go on, which was good. We were having more sex and enjoying our time together, but now after a few months, we're back to our dead spot again. I started back up in school again and our longest period we didn't have sex was in my midterms. I think I'm stressed (due to school) and the fact that I don't feel secure in our relationship is not helping me be turned on at all. OR, it goes the other way around where I'll try to initiate, or just ask to make out and see where it leads but he doesn't even want to do that half the time.

Thank you for reading this and thanks in advance for any advice. I just want us to be like the way we were our first year of our relationship.

TLDR: I love my boyfriend a lot and I know he loves me but we don't enjoy spending time together like we did before.

submitted by /u/anotherthrowaway6760
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, March 13, 2022

My mum has developed learned helplessness. Advice please?

Hello all, I'm a 30f who has to run to my mum's (57) aid constantly. I am an only child.

If you peek at my history you'll see we have a turbulent relationship but mostly okay now. She is currently going through a divorce with my dad and I am dealing with most of it. I've found since trying to get information from her for lawyers that she has buried her head in the sand all her life basically.

Recently between helping me plan a wedding and her getting a divorce she can't cope with anything. She messaged me today saying she was freaking our because she thinks her roof has leaked (no major damage but obviously a cause for concern). She was saying how this'll cost her thousands and she doesn't know how to cope. I told her she had home insurance (that I helped her set up even) so to look at her policy.

She had no idea where her policy was. I reminded her it's a website and all online and we even wrote down her password in a book to remember. She eventually got onto the website but then didn't read it, instead sending me screenshots asking me if I think it covered what she was asking for, it did.

She then told me she is going to call some local person to look at it. I told her no call her insurance first as they may have companies/traders they deal with. My fiance stepped in at this point and called her to tell her what to do.

He called her and she was nearly in tears, asking a number of questions like "Can I send you a photo so you can tell me what to do?" [No, I won't know what I'm looking at, I'm neither a plumber nor a roofer], "Should I phone a repair company?" [No, phone your insurance company first], "How can I phone my insurance if I work all the time (i.e. 30 hours a week)" [They have 24/7 contact numbers for emergencies], "What if they ask me a question and I don't know how to answer?" [The most they'll ask you is for your policy number so they can look up your details], "What if they ask me a question about my policy? I don't understand it!", [Why would they ask you anything like that? It's their policy, they'll have all the info they need]. She gradually broke down in to more tears before saying "I'll just say bye and hang up!!" and hung up on him.

I know she'll have been wanting me to come to the rescue, but I am already dealing with my wedding, her divorce (I'm the main contact for that) and also having to sell my house so she can keep hers.

Earlier last year I cracked and got myself into therapy, which helped me massively. My mum does not know about it because she is dead fast against it, believing people don't need to know her problems (but will gladly dump every stress or problem onto me) and thinks it doesn't work. I've even told her I'll give her the books I have that were therapy recommended and she'll flat out say she won't read them.

I am at an absolute loss, I feel I am looking after a child. I know this is all just one instance, but stuff like this is becoming increasingly the norm.

If people have any advice I would massively appreciate it.

Thank you

Tl;dr My mum dumps all her problems onto me and expects me to fix it all.

submitted by /u/heilig_story
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* This article was originally published here

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Artist's Comics Find The Humor In The Ups And Downs Of Motherhood

Artist's Comics Find The Humor In The Ups And Downs Of Motherhood
"Humor won’t take the hard stuff away, but it can make living through it a bit more bearable," said Gina McMillen, a cartoonist and mom of two.

* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

‘We’re having way better sex than our kids!’ The seventysomethings hitting their kinky, blissed-out peak

What do you get when you combine decades of experience and endless time to experiment? The best sex of your life

Waving a bright pink vibrator, Sylvia worries about one of her neighbours walking past the window. She is 81, and she and her husband, Paul, who is 73, started to use sex toys about 10 years ago, mainly because Sylvia needed a bit more stimulation to become aroused. The pink vibrator is new. “I haven’t really, to coin a phrase, got to grips with it,” she says, laughing. We speak one evening over Zoom, Sylvia and Paul sitting close together in their living room. They have been married for 32 years, and sex has remained important to them. Paul stresses that he prefers to call it “making love”. “We don’t do ‘sex’ – sex is purely physical – we are genuinely sharing our love for each other,” he says. The first time they made love, he says, “it was a remarkably intense physical and emotional experience.”

Sylvia rolls her eyes: “He’s much more romantic than I am.” She has always, she says, “had a very lively libido”. They used to have sex most days, but Sylvia is still feeling the effects of Covid, so it’s down to every 10 days or so. She has, she says, “an arthritic knee, which is a bit of a nuisance”, and arthritis in her wrists can make some previous positions harder. “I think it’s been well over a year since you were on top of me, and it’s a position we both like,” says Paul to Sylvia. “That’s the age impact,” she says. But both agree that their connection, their intimacy, is deeper now. “Over 30-odd years, we’ve learned what works, what doesn’t,” says Paul. “We have a real sense of intimacy.”

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* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

I (23F) am not sure I want to be with my boyfriend (20M) but I am afraid of dumping him.

Throwaway account just to be safe.

My boyfriend and I have been together for a little over a year. He's a very sweet guy and I like him a lot, but there are some issues at hand.

I'm his first in basically everything. First serious relationship, first kiss, etc., and while that was all endearing to begin with, I can't help but feel like I've trapped myself in something now. I'm a very independent person after going through a lot of struggles in my life alone, and how often he wants to be with me is almost suffocating at times. I feel bad telling him no, but I just don't want to see him all the time, especially when it feels like he's almost constantly asking. Also, I have some PTSD due to my childhood life, and he has some anger issues that don't exactly make me feel comfortable. He gets decently angry over small things, especially video games, and it changes the entire mood of having fun and playing around when he gets like this.

I've tried to bring things like this up, but he really doesn't respond well to confrontation and almost shuts down. It feels like there's a way bigger age gap between us a lot of times, and it makes me feel like I'm walking on eggshells with a guy in high school while I'm a grown woman.

I know the best thing is to probably break up with him if he's making me feel like this, but I am genuinely scared of the backlash if I decide to do so. As I said, I'm his first, and I don't want to be that person, but I really don't feel happy anymore.

What should I do? Should I just bite the bullet and break up? Or should I risk making things awkward by bringing these things up again and trying to fix the relationship?

TL;DR: I feel trapped in my relationship but I'm terrified of being the one to cut it off.

submitted by /u/Mysterious-Cherry182
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* This article was originally published here

Monday, March 7, 2022

Boyfriend (29M) going to a stag-do this weekend. Thinking of breaking up

Hi, I (23F) have been with my boyfriend (29M) for almost 2 years, living together for almost 1. He is going to a stag do this Saturday and I am unhappy with this in addition to other factors in our relationship, such as being his emotional punching bag and feeling like I’m getting in the way of his life without trying to.

Basically, my boyfriend is a perfectionist and has been mad at me on and off for 6 months over things like me taking too long to get ready or not performing well enough in the gym etc. Now he is going to a stag do which may involve strippers. Not a big deal, I get that it’s not like he’s going by himself to the strip club every week, but I’m still bothered. It pisses me off that he can treat me like I’m so unimportant whenever we go out to do something together but will happily spend money on strippers. I also don’t want to tell him not to go as I want him to hang out with his friends and have a good time. So basically, I just feel that I am an unnecessary obstacle in his life. We live together though and he is paying off University at the moment, so it’s logistically hard for me to just leave. He would likely still expect me to pay my part here and then I’d have to pay to stay somewhere else.

What does one do in situations like this?

TLDR; My (23F) boyfriend (29M) is going to a stag do this weekend. This in addition to other factors in our relationship is prompting me to think it’s over but not sure how to go about breaking up when we live together and still love each other? This would take him by surprise

submitted by /u/Low-Substance-5274
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, March 6, 2022

How do I seem like a cool uncle when I have no experience around kids?

My (24M) gf has nephews (5&7) and I'm going to one of their birthdays in a few months. I've always wanted to be an uncle (I think owing to the fact that I had an uncle by marriage who is genuinely one of the best people I know) and I want to make a good first impression on these lads. I have a few little cousins but I've not engaged with them too much so I'm not entirely sure how to talk to children. Is there anything I can do other than getting them a gift to help me win them over?

tl;dr I wanna be a good uncle and might not get another chance. Tips for being liked by kids?

submitted by /u/jaspotron
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* This article was originally published here

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Gf (26F) messaged me once at 3pm and then nothing.

For context, we've been dating for 2.5 years and normally message a few times during the day, and often tell each other goodnight. We haven't seen each other for a week as she was tired and she actually cancelled on an event we were meant to go to this weekend that we'd planned for months. All good, she is tired.

My girlfriend messaged me at 3pm yesterday once showing me her getting a winey lunch with her best friend for her birthday. I messaged her back an hour later talking about my day, showed her some stuff. Since her message at 3, radio silence.

She went to lunch, went home, ignored my messages and went to sleep at 10-11ish and didn't think to message me back?

She may need time to decompress, relax, etc. Is messaging your partner a message or two back too tiring?

I am insecure. I want to gauge how insecure I am being right now, or if it's mildly reasonable for me to be a bit annoyed by this? I view our relationship as serious, with a future, and I like to communicate with my partner at least in intervals. She may be different.

I know a lot of people that would be annoyed by this, but I also know people who have a relationship dynamic where they don't talk for a day or two (weird to me personally).

I'd appreciate anyone's insight.

TL;DR: Gf hasn't messaged me back since 3pm yesterday, which I consider quite annoying but also worry it may mean I am insecure. Would love advice.

submitted by /u/sjahdaksjhdakjh
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* This article was originally published here

Friday, March 4, 2022


TL;DR should I re-friend with crush?

About 7-8 weeks ago I told my coworker that I (M31) love her (F36) backfired and we didn't talked for a week. A week later, She came by and said that she values our friendship and asked if I regret that my decision to tell her how I feel. I said "no, I felt love and I told you so. I won't be the guy who's waiting in the corner for you to notice me." ( Not sure about exact words but context was something like that) Anyway we are not talking anymore ( it's ok for me) and she has a boyfriend now which shows my decision is protects me mentally. ( I do still have feelings, it's reducing by the time yet I didn't fall in love her in a day, it took a while vise versa ) And today her best friend came by and asked to me again if I feel regret about my decision. I said no. And it's puzzles me. I don't have a grey area. If I love someone, I do love; if I don't love i don't. I value friendship and people but it's not the "LOVE" and for me losing a friendship is not that hard. Yet I don't understand her motive. I mean ok, she values me. just it's not love and as I don't have any control over it neither she. And this is understandable. So why she tries to be friend again. I don't understand the drive. Help :) Ps: I believe I need more time if she asks me personally Its gonna be my answer.

submitted by /u/Laleltharn
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* This article was originally published here

Thursday, March 3, 2022

I am attracted to my cousin.

I know it's weird from this title but IDK why I feel this way to one of my cousins. She's my first cousin she is only 10 and I am 15. She actually lives not far from us so I see her more often than my other cousins. So, I'm kinda close to her than my other cousins. So, I don't know why but recently I started feeling attracted to her. IDK if it's because of her looks she's really good looking than most of my other cousins and a lot of people have called her pretty and stuff. She's like cute and she's gotta good booty I know I shouldn't be saying this, I am not sure if I have paedophilia.

So, I didn't try to do anything since she was my cousin. But yesterday my aunt dropped my cousin off at our house while she and my mom were going shopping. So, I was alone with my cousin I was just sitting on the couch in the living room watching TV when my cousin came and sat next to me. We were talking about something when she began cuddling with me for some reason. We decided to watch a movie and she was moving closer to me on the couch and sat on my lap IDEK why.

When she sat on my lap I got a boner I think she could feel it as well because she was wearing tight leggings. She made me put my arms around her hips and IDK why I really felt like wanting to kiss her at that moment. But my mom and my aunt returned soon after that and it was quite awkward. But we pretended as nothing happened and my cousin and my aunt left soon.

So, IDK why but it felt like she was trying to hit on me. I know I really shouldn't be thinking about this but I can't help and after what happened yesterday it has increased my urges even more. I am thinking about telling her because I think she might feel the same way. But I don't know if it will be the right thing to do. So, any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

TL;DR; I am attracted to my younger cousin and she hit on me yesterday. It has increased my urges for her even more I am not sure what to do so any advice would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/WTFis_wrong_withme
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* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

My gf (f27) made a sexual remark about a celebrity

She opened messages on her phone when I was next to her, a friend had sent her a video of someone famous and her replies were how it made her wet horny and she wanted him inside her, I was obviously not meant to see this but I did and it bothered me, should I talk to her about it? it doesn’t bother me if she says a famous person is attractive or anything but I feel like the nature of those comments were kinda disrespectful

TLDR gf made a sexual remark about a celebrity which I feel was a little disrespectful

submitted by /u/gg479
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* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, March 1, 2022