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Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Bf (M21) had a talk with his mom (not sure how old) about me (F20)

Me and my friend dated for about two months and we remained friends but it ended up becoming more than a friendship, we would still do relationship things. So it’s been over a year now. But in that time that we’ve been “dating” we’ve both tried to see other people and I never liked when he would see someone else. He did go on a date with a girl and I did go on a date with a guy, they didn’t work out. So we just came back to each other. But now that we’re back from college (he graduated, im taking a break), we have been hanging out at his house and wherever we can. His parents think we’re having sex and we’re not because when I was, I was being irresponsible, so I don’t want to have sex until I have kids. (I’ve been on BC but still) and he says im not enough for him because I won’t have any type of sex with him, and I don’t make him happy anymore. But whenever I was having sex with him, we weren’t having these problems. So two days ago his mom talks to him and asks him what’s going on with us because she wants to know. And I get it, he’s her son, but I’m not her daughter and we are literally just friends. The most we did this year was kiss. So he tells her we are dating and have been for a year and she asks him why he’s been hiding that because that’s a long time and he says he doesn’t know why. She asks what he likes about me and he says he doesn’t know. But before this talk happened, we were perfectly fine. He never mentioned to me that he was unhappy or telling me anything like this. So I feel like his mom (and his dad does this too) are trying to get him to see someone else because they don’t like me because I have tattoos and because of my race. (They are very conservative and have never liked me from the beginning) but I could just be missing something that I’m not seeing. Should I talk to the mom?

TL DR: bf and I were perfectly fine until him and his mom had a talk about me and now he wants to end things because he’s “unhappy” but I think it’s because his mom is putting some bs in his head. Should I talk to his mom about why they’re constantly in our business?

submitted by /u/throwawaykill1819
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* This article was originally published here

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