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Friday, March 31, 2023

I (26F) saw my BF (28M) like a random girl's thirst trap picture on Twitter.

I was browsing my boyfriend's likes on Twitter and saw that he liked this random girl's closeup photo. She was wearing a loose lingerie top and her nipples were almost peeking out with some extra showing of armpit. I checked the girl's twitter and she only has a few decent amount of followers and likes (so she's not one of those popular thirst trap influencers). I've only recently started opening twitter again.

I've also seen him like other female photos showing thighs and lingeries. How am I supposed to feel about this and what am I supposed to do?

TLDR: I've been really anxious these past few days and I haven't talked to him the way I used to. I get anxious and uneasy everytime I think about. Am I overeacting or what?

submitted by /u/gimmemymuffin
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* This article was originally published here

Thursday, March 30, 2023


I(27F) got dumped by my boyfriend(26M) recently. Our relationship lasted for 3 years. We had recently celebrated our anniversary too.

I don't know how to cope up with this. I have become numb and motionless. My work is getting affected. There is no one in my life who I can talk to about this. I feel like there is nothing left in my life to live for. I know this is a very strong statement to say but this is what I am feeling. I am trying my best to move on but i am not able to. Don't know what to do. How to move forward. I don't think i will ever be able to move on from this.

TL;DR!: I am just stuck in this endless phase of sadness and hopelessness.

submitted by /u/MatterAgile7069
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* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

I (24f) was messaging a random guy (24m) in hopes to catch him cheating and don't know what to do now.

Hello everyone. I hope this post doesn't make me seem terrible because that is not at all my intention. Honestly, very simple situation (I think) I just don't know where to go from here. I (24f) got a message yesterday morning from a FB friend who I don't know (24m).

He was an old friend of mine's ex's brother and somehow we ended up as friends on FB. This was probably 6 or 7 years ago and we have never once communicated. Well out of the blue yesterday morning, he liked 2 of my pictures (most recent profile pic and one from about 6 years ago) and messaged me saying hello. I went on his page and saw that he has been married since 2019. Now, I have a boyfriend (25m) who I've been dating for 5+ years that I love and have zero interest in this guy who messaged me. I am strictly replying to see how far he's gonna go as he is married and I find it wrong to be messaging a "pretty woman" behind her back.

So, conversation started off basically figuring out how we knew each other and me asking why he messaged me which is where the pretty woman thing comes in. Then it gets basic, getting to know you type stuff like where do you work, what are you studying etc. I decided last night I don't want this to be something that carries on for an extended period of time so I cut middle of the conversation this morning and said I see that you're married, so why are you messaging me?

He basically says there's a bit of tension and he's looking for conversation. I said I wouldn't like it if I had a man messaging other women even when things are tough like it just seems wrong especially considering we don't know each other and all these years later start communicating. He said he knows I'm completely right he just wanted to know what it's like talking to a female without feeling bad because it's more than just tension, it's a lot I guess. He "genuinely" apologized more than once and said he was just looking for conversation and knew I was in another country and he didn't know who I was(???). But idk what I'm supposed to say to him from here or if I'm supposed to tell his wife?

That was my whole original plan was to message her and let her know because I would hate to be in her position and not have someone tell me what's going on behind my back. But at this point, I'm feeling like they're 2 grown people who need to deal with their relationship on their own and I honestly don't know what to do or what to say to him even at this point. Does anyone have any advice?? Should I just cut myself out of the equation and pretend like it never happened? Idk if that makes me a bad person..

TL;DR - FB friend that I don't know from 6-7 years ago randomly messaged me, he is married and I wanted to catch him cheating to tell his wife. He's now saying there's a lot going on between them and he was looking for genuine convo with another female. Don't know what to say to him or if I should tell his wife or just let them sort it out like 2 grown adults.

submitted by /u/cvlewin15
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* This article was originally published here

Monday, March 27, 2023

my (21f) boyfriend (24m) is lying to me and i dont know what to do

my boyfriend of 3 years and i have a good relationship so far, and we established that we will not go through each others phone earlier on in the relationship, but lately he has been very guarded of his phone and secretive of his texts, so i did what i know is wrong of me ... i went through his phone and found that he was texting a girl that he knows i dont really like. apparently she is in town and they are planning to meet up for dinner on thursday, but he told me he had a work dinner on thursday. basically, he lied to me about his plans. he even texted her that it was better that his gf (me) don't know about this, which is weird.

do i confront him? he might get angry at me for looking through his phone, which is what is stopping me. any advice would be great.

TLDR: i went through my boyfriends phone without him knowing and found out that he was planning to meet up with a girl i dont like.

submitted by /u/kiyoxhi
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, March 26, 2023

My (23f) friend’s (25f) boyfriend (25m) used a word I consider very offensive, but I’m conflicted because of the context he used it in

Something happened last night and I’m still high so I don’t know if I’m overreacting. Me (23F) my friend (25f) and her boyfriend (25m) got drunk and also high on coke, so we were VERY talkative and often times incoherent, if you know you know.

I’ve known my friend, we’ll call her Chloe, for nearly a year and she’s great. Her boyfriend, we’ll call Jack, I’ve never been too keen on. They’ve been together for 5 years and sometimes he can be a bit of a dick, Chloe is not delusional but I think a part of her thinks they’ve been together for so long they may as well make it to the end. He can sometimes be lazy and a bit childish, but overall he is a pretty intelligent guy intellectually and emotionally.

We were talking about really deep topics and the topic of Jack’s family came up. He said how he doesn’t really speak much with his family because they are very ignorant and it’s exhausting trying to ‘correct’ them all the time. Basically lots of racial microaggressions, his mum actually got brought to court because she, and I quote, saw a woman in a hijab sat in a corner and she said to her colleague “I bet she doesn’t speak English” or something along those lines. I believe she is some sort of teacher.

He brought up how his family constantly used slurs and he has to tell them to stop, and Chloe said sometimes family members would say really ignorant things to her because they “can’t say it in front of Jack” and this makes her super uncomfortable too.

For context, he grew up in and his family still lives in Croydon, which is south of London. It is very culturally diverse, specifically with black minorities. Him and his family are white.

He was talking about how it’s very ironic that his mum says the things she says (she’s one of those people who refuses to educate themselves because they think the world has gone ‘sensitive’ and ‘woke’) because one of her best friends is actually black. He was saying how he knows she wouldn’t dare say the things she says in front of her friend, so for her to claim she isn’t being racist is hypocritical.

Anyway, he said “her friend isn’t a [c word that rhymes with moon], I don’t think she knows what my mum says behind closed doors”. I was initially very taken aback because I never hear that word, especially in this country.

I immediately called him out and said that it’s a slur. He said he understands but he meant it in the context of black people being performative towards white people, which is where the word apparently originated. He said people have discussed this with him before and he knows to never say that word in front of someone who is actually black because even if he meant it ‘in that context’ it would obviously be in big trouble. Chloe agreed and said he had to be careful saying that word, it’s clear they have had a conversation about it before.

This is what is confusing me. I do believe using that word is wrong in any context (he said the n word purely has racist origins so he would never say it) and I personally had no idea it has a different context as I’ve only ever known it as a slur (also not very common in the UK either).

I’m just confused because he is very against slurs, always calls out racism etc. I know this doesn’t mean he can’t be racially ignorant but I think I was just very confused in the context of the situation because it came out of nowhere.

Jack isn’t ignorant, he’s quite an emotionally intelligent person and so is Chloe. I don’t know if this is some weird blip.

I’ve had similar situations before with close friends who used words/said things I don’t agree with. I understand no one is perfect, but these situations create a lot of anxiety for me as it triggers a ‘guilty conscience’ reaction in my head which leads to panic attacks and long bouts of depression. I’m currently in therapy unpacking things like this, because some things have grey areas and I’m not automatically a bad person for wanting to stay friends with someone even after they said something out of the blue.

I was just wondering people’s thoughts on this. This is the first time he has ever said something like this and I’ve known him for nearly a year. He is very outspoken against racism and microaggressions usually, so now I feel confused.

Tl;dr my friend’s boyfriend who is usually very outspoken against racism/slurs, mentioned a slur when describing his racist mum’s friend (who is black). He told me as the ‘context’ of the word has multiple meanings he felt okay to use it.

submitted by /u/Faithyxox
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* This article was originally published here

Saturday, March 25, 2023

How come i like so much someone i should absolutely not?

I'm (32M) and shes (26F).

Hello. I very deeply like this woman i shouldn't, ever. She's everything that goes against what i believe or want, her style of life is not only something i don't converge, but something i've honestly felt contempt for my whole life. Her conversations bore me incredibly, her looks are "ok", but nothing too much (in my perspective), her goals are the opposite of mine. Everything points me to indifference towards her, everything, and yet i can only think about her - and she likes me as well, something that's also weird. We've been dating for a while, and i just can't wrap my mind around this insanity.

Have you ever been through something like it? It bothers me because i know it can't possibly work in long term with these insane differences. Being different is normal, some divergences are normal, some compromise is normal, but the complete opposite is not maintainable.

TL;DR: Irrational liking towards someone i should not.

submitted by /u/Certain-Animal9285
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* This article was originally published here

Friday, March 24, 2023

Fiancee [22,f] cheated on me [24,m] 3 years ago.

My fiancee and I are in a long distance relationship for a little more than 5 years now. I proposed to her last year. I am almost done with university and already found a job in a city rather far away from my family and friends. The plan was to marry this year and finally live together there.

First, here is the timeline of her ex boyfriends.
Ex A -> Ex B -> Ex C -> Me

So, yesterday Ex C wrote me a message saying they were constantly chatting and calling each other for the last 5 years. There are screenshots of up-to 20 calls a day. She constantly complained to him about me, told him I was an abuser, controlling and so on. Naturally, Ex C who lives just as far away as I do, who is still in love with her, wanted to take her to his place and start a new life there. He said at times she was even begging him to do it, and so he finally decided to buy train tickets and show up at her place. She started panicking and got in an argument with him. Finally, he was so fed up with her lies - he decided to tell me everything.

Now, we started talking, and he casually mentioned that he would never forgive cheating. I was kind of surprised, because I didnt know of her cheating on me. So he told me: 3 years ago, when we had an argument, she just called Ex A, got into a car with him. They drove to a lake and fucked there. She told HIM immediately after. And although I was jealous and suspected something was off - to me she always denied it.

I confronted her with it - meanwhile she was begging me to stay, swore she would never lie again - but denied that she ever cheated on me. She said "I dont remember and I would remember such a thing". She proceeded begging me to not leave her. After about an hour of begging and trying to call me, she confessed to me that she - in fact - slept with Ex A.

I can't imagine how I am supposed to trust her... She already fucked her ex, she probably did it again without anyone knowing - I know they talked and met again a couple of times. Im not sure what to think, I planned my whole life around her. We wanted to finally live together. Now I have a job far away from my mom and my friends. I dont want to throw away the 5 years we had together, and I can forgive her fucking her ex. It was 3 years ago, she was younger and a lot more stupid. People change. But the fact that she was lying WHILE BEGGING ME to forgive her. While PROMISING to never lie again. That is so fucked up. I dont know if I should forgive her... who knows how many other people she fucked. Who knows if she fucked her ex last week. I obviously cant trust her.

I dont know what to do, I dont know what to think. My whole life planning just went down the drain, my whole motivation in life was to live with her, together - and i dont know if I should forgive her. She will lie again and that is a fact, but maybe she can change... Although I suspect she has some kind of borderline, I cant imagine why a person would try to lie in every word otherwise. I never prohibited her from talking to Ex C, or anyone else. I even explcitly said it was okay to talk to him and that the only thing that hurts me is the constant lies. And STILL, she tried to hide it from me as best as she could. Deleted chats, had burner accounts and so on.

What are your opinions on this whole shitshow? What should I do...?

tl;dr fiancee cheated on me with ex 3 years ago. I found out from another ex who she talked to constantly for 5 years.

submitted by /u/romanuks
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* This article was originally published here

Thursday, March 23, 2023

does my (16F) classmate (16M) like me, or he is just being nice?

does my (16f) classmate (16m) like me, or is he just nice?

so this is a new school year, and I've been in my class for slightly over a month already. Recently I started being friends with a guy I'll call E, we started a conversation during lunch and I guess we're friends now? Thing is I've been in an all girls school for 10 years of my life and have 0 clue how boys act when they like a girl. I have pretty solid examples which I'll list below.

  • In our friend group of about 7 people, I feel like he talks to me the most? Like when we're moving from place to place he'll come up to me to talk and walk. I guess that's pretty normal for friends to do regardless of gender anyway.

  • Sometimes, he offers to clear my bowl after I'm done eating without me asking AT ALL. Like he'll go "I'll help you return the bowl" and before I can say anything he takes my bowl to the return area. Thanks I guess? Plus he sometimes helps me throw my drink cup away too... (I think he doesn't do this to other girls in our friend group or maybe I'm unobservant) And usually he'll sit next to me at the table during lunch.

  • Today after school I was walking towards the school gate to go home and he appeared beside me to walk together. We walked to the bus stop and talked quite a lot too. We found out we had something in common and we were laughing a bit too.

I find that we actually get along pretty well, but I'm starting to question if he's interested in me. I'm not particularly good looking either so it's probably not looks. Can someone tell me if he likes me or is he just being nice?

TL;DR I can't tell if my friend likes me or if he's being nice due to my lack of experience. He helps me with stuff without me asking and seems to find ways to try to talk to me. Does he like me?

submitted by /u/AlarmingStart1799
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* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Should I get back with my ex who stopped caring and broke up with me

Me (20F) and my ex (20M) broke up a couple of months ago after ~2.5 years of relationship. We were each other's first serious relationship, and we didnt really know how to make a healthy relationship. We spent every single second together, and had no life outside each other. We started to stagnate, and my ex started to put less and less effort, and stopped caring about my feelings as much. This would frustrate me and would drive me to become maybe a little controlling. He was also quite immature at times. In the last few months of our relationship, he just stopped caring and eventually he stonewalled me and ghosted me for 6 days, and was quite rude to me when I needed him the most. We then decided to break up because things just werent working, for me it was mostly because i felt he didnt care about me. And for him it was mostly because he lost interest. The breakup was rough, and he quite quickly tried to get back with me. I was however still really hurt by what he did, and everyone around me was telling me not to get back with him. So i didnt, but i proceeded to feel scared that i had made the wrong choice for about a month. I then contacted him, and we have started talking again. He really seems like he wants to put a lot of effort in to make this work, and he's realized what he did wrong and what went wrong the first time around and so have I. I really want to give him a chance to show me that he cares, but I haven't told my friend or family that we are talking again. I'm scared that they'll tell me not to get back with him. Should I get back with him after he basically didnt give a shit about my feelings? TL;DR: After a 2year relationship, my ex broke up with me, now I am considering getting back with him.

submitted by /u/theplaincracker
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* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

i (18F) am scared my online match (19M) won’t like how i look IRL

TLDR - might be going on a first date with an online match soon and i’ve convinced myself i don’t look like my pictures and he’ll be disgusted by me, and i want to know if this is irrational.

hi guys - i’m 18F, bisexual, and about to go on my first date with a man. i’ve been on one date before, with a woman, but that was after we had met in person and i kind of convinced myself she didn’t actually like me since she was drunk when she showed interest in me but i digress. i’m a really insecure person. i’ve done a lot of work over the years and feel secure that i’m an interesting and kind person with goals and passions and hobbies and humours and i don’t think i’m entirely ugly. i know how to look good in pictures but i feel like my pictures don’t show my major insecurities which are my weight (i’m chubby, thick thighs and a fair bit of stomach, but i’m straight-size. kind of a middle ground that causes a lot of body dysmorphia lol) and my teeth which have some discolouration and chipping from enamel problems and just like. are uneven and look awful in pictures. but my social media/dating profiles dont show that, and i know no one highlights their insecurities in online posts, but i feel like this particular shame about it, like i owe a warning to anyone who shows interest in me.

ANYWAY, i matched with this guy in december and he’s the only person from these apps that i’ve actually held an interesting conversation with. we lost touch during my situationship with the aforementioned girl but reconnected in late january and have been talking wayyy more in the past month. he’s so wonderful, had the coolest tattoos and stuff, isn’t a creep, has amazing hobbies and really similar values. i really really like him. and i think he’s asked me out for next week but i’m scared shitless that he’ll be disgusted by me in person. he just seems so out of my league and i want to tell him about my insecurities but i don’t want to draw attention to them because maybe he won’t fixate on them if i don’t. but i’m just so scared because i already know i’ll be a nervous wreck on the day and feeling insecure would amplify that so much more. but he seems interested in me and has liked my instagram stories that show my full body but obviously not side angles, stretch marks, the full picture so i dunno. maybe he knows i’m not particularly skinny and just doesn’t care. this is kind of a mindless ramble so i’m sorry. i guess i just want to jnow if this is an irrational anxiety

thank you

submitted by /u/sm0kesign4ls
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* This article was originally published here

Monday, March 20, 2023

I 31M being approached by 24F

I’ve noticed dating has been a lot easier my age (in terms of them approaching first and actually wanting a relationship). In my 20’s I wasn’t getting anything except rejections, I’d even go as far as I had a hate for women internally.

This 24 year old approached me at a coffee shop outside my work and was really interested in me and asked for my number at the end of our conversation. I told her to give me hers and I’d contact her (which I didn’t). I still sort of hate women to be honest. Why were girls rejecting me all throughout my 20’s when I was really looking for a relationship and not just hook up ?

TDLR - 24f approached me at coffee shop and asked for my number. I took hers instead

submitted by /u/cripoplit
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* This article was originally published here

Saturday, March 18, 2023

He’s slowly fading away

Hi everyone,

just need some advice on a situation. The guy (m38) I‘ve (f31) been seeing has been slowly fading away. Or at least it feels that way. He’s not initiating as much anymore, he barely has time. He’s extremely busy and has family stuff going on, but it kinda starts to feel personal at this stage. He’s climbing up the career ladder at the moment, working at least 12 hours a day managing a site with 300 employees. He also started working as an independent consultant, which has been taking off a lot quicker than he expected and takes up more time than he initially intended to. On top of that he divorced about 1.5 years ago and spends as much time as possible with his son (8). I understand he’s extremely busy and I love that he always puts his son first. I also understand that with everything going on we see each a lot less. But it bothers me that he barely even contacts me anymore when we don’t get to see each other. I tried to talk to him about it. He basically said he completely understand how I’m feeling and told me that his feelings for me haven’t changed. But he‘s completely overwhelmed with everything at the moment and it’s all getting too much. Not me, he keeps assuring his feelings haven’t changed, but his life in general. He feels like he doesn’t have time for himself anymore and it’s all getting too much. He knows he needs to step back. Basically he keeps saying he doesn’t want to give me up in any kind of tldr way, the issue is with himself. I don’t know how to deal with the situation to be honest. Give him space? Accept he’s too busy? Sorry for the bad English, it’s not my first language

submitted by /u/krlls89
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* This article was originally published here

Friday, March 17, 2023

My partner is frequently overwhelmed and I don't know how to help

Apologies for the word vomit

My GF (27; AuDHD) and I (29; OCD) have been going through a lot recently that has been built up over about several years of us being together which largely stems from me not supporting her while she really needed me and she then blamed herself/made excuses for me not supporting her. After broaching these feelings with me several months ago, I've been extremely unsure on what to do/how to help because acknowledging/expressing emotions are so foreign to me - that being said, they are equally foreign to her, except she had the strength to bring it up with me, whereas I still really struggle with emotions/feelings and empathising with her.

She is constantly overwhelmed with her job, her family, her health, and me all triggering her. For me being so dismissive of emotions/feelings and finding it so hard to empathise and offer useful support I ask often a lot of questions to get a picture of the situation (primarily offer a solution, rather than comfort); if I don't ask, then I don't understand? But, the relentless question asking is also triggering for her (or the relentless asking of the wrong questions), and after several years of living together, she's sick of giving me instructions on what to do for her/to help her and answers to how she feels for example.

She is so fucking tired of carrying all the incredible amount of trauma and stress and strain of her life that she doesn't have the energy to carry mine as well and tell me what to do to help her, because even if she does and I do it, that's not genuine.

So, I'm at a crossroads. I still don't understand what to do/how to help in so many situations and I feel like if I ask, then that's going to make her feel worse and more triggered and more upset. But if I don't ask and just do something (or nothing..) that I don't know will work, and it doesn't, then isn't that worse? <-- The inner dilemma that goes through my mind every day. I'm going to therapy to try to dissect that and understand why I'm like this, which is very helpful, but I need to DO something. I have zero actions because I don't know what to do or how to do it or when to do it.

TL;DR I'm an extremely emotionally dismissive person with severe issues with empathy and compassion for my GF struggling with her trauma/stress/anxiety/mental health. I can't sit on the sidelines telling her that I'm learning about X, but then doing fucking nothing while she collapses in from the weight of her trauma and stress. I LOVE HER SO MUCH, but I overthink everything and just don't know how to help and I feel so fucking awful.

submitted by /u/Either-Macaroon-8084
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* This article was originally published here

Thursday, March 16, 2023

I still cant forgive myself (25F) for breaking up with my ex (35M)

I said in a previous post how and why I broke up with my(25f) ex (35M) and its still hurting and causing me anxiety every day. I feel like everyday i remember a moment where i ve been mean or unfair with him.

I broke up with him because he was screaming during arguments and punched a wall. I broke up because in my mind i told myself people that love you don't make you cry or cause you panic attacks during fights. But now, being single again and looking at people around me, i realize that my partner had so many qualities that other people don't have, and that i ve probably been too sensitive and overthinking.

I was mean to him so many times, its no wonder he was loosing patience and screaming at me. I was criticizing him for smoking weed, i was complaining he's always late and that he doesn't answer my texts or that i feel alone. But i forgot how we was doing all this stuff for me, he never asked me to cook anything, or to clean, he was taking me out to eat everyday, whenever i wanted to go on a trip he would say yes, he gave me flowers every month, he surprised me whenever had a chance, always complimenting me so why was I always complaining like a spoiled child. Why did I cry every time he yelled at me instead of fighting like an adult. Of course he was yelling at me if i was always upset and complaining about stuff. Maybe its something wrong with me because i cry easily, maybe it was my fault i was having panic attacks because i cant control my emotions. I hear all the time from other people how partners scream during fights, if im quiet and dont talk its also bad since it doesnt solve the situation.

I see all these people and I dont find anyone better than my ex. He was treated me like a Queen when i wasnt starting arguments and now the treats like this another girl.

Of course he moved on from me in a month when I never provided anything for him, but he did so many things for me. And what bothers me the most its that im so upset and hurt, and blame myself for something i did myself: I broke up with him. Of course he didn't want to get back together when I tried to resolve our issue, why would he?

What i don't understand is why he came back 2 months after being with another girl (23F) saying he loves me and that i never called him to apologize for breaking up with him when I know i insisted for a month to get back together. He told me its my fault he s with someone else because this girl gave him attention, unlike me, and i cant stop blaming myself because i remember i was cold towards him. Whenever he screamed at me and even after punching the wall, I was more distant, I resented him, I kept telling myself he doesn't love me so i wasn't so affectionate.

But i forgot how i've told myself at the beginning he was a gift from God and i took him for granted.

I blame myself for the times i was being mean with him, telling him we're not compatible and making him tell me he's thinking about hurting himself and having suicidal thoughts because of me. And i blame myself for comparing our relationship with others relationship saying their boyfriends dont scream at these girls, when I ignored the fact that their boyfriends they're also not so romantic and nice like mine.

Tl;dr: I still cant forgive myself (25F) for breaking up with my ex (35M)

submitted by /u/ThrowRap54
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* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

I feel guilty about my reaction to my girlfriend telling me about getting an STI before I met her

I (29M) have been with my girlfriend (26F) for almost seven years. A few days ago we were chatting in bed and she told me that a couple of years before she met me she slept with a guy who gave her chlamydia. I was pretty shocked because she never mentioned it before in all those years.

She said the guy didn’t really mean anything to her and that she didn’t particularly like him. I responded by saying “Well, you liked him enough to have unprotected sex with him.” She didn’t seem to react to that but I’ve been feeling bad about saying that since. Looking back, it seems cruel.

Since then we’ve had sex a few times and it’s been fine in the moment. Afterwards though I keep picturing her having sex with this other guy from her past (I have a very strong image of it from his POV) and I’d be lying if I said I don’t feel really uncomfortable about it and I find myself running over it in my mind.

I knew she wasn’t a virgin when I met her and of course that never bothered me before - is that what’s bothering me now? Why should I feel insecure about her sleeping with this particular guy, she says just the one time, a couple of years before she ever even knew I existed?

I haven’t discussed any of this with her since because I don’t want to hurt her feelings and be cruel about a very personal matter that she shared with me, but it is bothering me.

I absolutely adore her and I don’t want to feel any different about her than I did but in the back of my mind, I worry that perhaps I do now feel different about her - possibly permanently?

It feels unjustified to think this way but I worry that I can’t help it. Is this an arsehole reaction to have? Is it normal?

I should say at this point that I’ve been suffering from depression and pretty debilitating anxiety for the last year and a half or so and have recently started therapy - I don’t know if this is merely an expression of that condition or something deeper. (This is of course a subject for my therapist, not reddit but I thought it might help to give context.)

In short - how have other people handled this situation in a healthy way?

TL;DR: My girlfriend told me she caught an STI from a previous partner before we were together. I’m worried that I haven’t reacted to it in a healthy way.

submitted by /u/Away_Associate4589
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* This article was originally published here

Monday, March 13, 2023

I (18F) am not sure about my feelings towards my close friend (18M)

To give some context, we met last year November. We hit it off, kinda liked each other and rushed into a relationship one month later (don’t flame me please, I know that was dumb now and that we should have waited longer😭).

Around Jan this year, I realised that when I thought of him, I didn’t get butterflies or didn’t feel silly happy, like I was in my previous relationship. It’s not that I don’t love him, I very much do, but I started hesitating on whether it was romantic or platonic love.

I didn’t bring it up with him because he is the type of overthink, and I didn’t want him to do that. But of course, that was dumb and I should’ve just communicated directly instead.

So it kept manifesting. It got to the point where I felt uncomfortable whenever we were talking (eg, being worried about acidentally hurting him if I tell him what’s on my mind) and to the point where it just took up my mind the entire time I was at school.

On the first week of Feb, I finally decided to confide in my besties. None of them actually had dating experience, but I was pretty much desperate at that point.

Afterwards, I made my mind up to break up with him. I shouldn’t lead him on when I myself am unsure about the status of my feelings. I cried a lot doing so, because I was scared he’d think I was leaving him.

He was understandably upset. But he took some time off and since then till now, we have been normal regular friends.

However, I get so jealous whenever I see him interact or talk to other girls. I feel oddly possessive and I hate it. It eats away at me inside. This suggests I have feelings for him, but yet again, I still dont get butterflies nor feel silly-happy whenever I think of him, which suggests the opposite.

I know I sound like a douchebag, but I genuinely need to figure out how I feel, or I’ll lose my mind worrying.

What should I do? Should I distance myself from him? Has anyone been in this situation? I’ve spent loads of time trying to figure out how I feel, but I seriously don’t know. Please help me.

TLDR: me struggling to figure out my feelings towards a close friend and need some advice

submitted by /u/IHaveDoubt
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, March 12, 2023

I (25F) don’t know how to get over some things my bf (23M) has said to me.

I’ve been dating my boyfriend for almost two years now, and there are just some comments he’s made that I find really hard to forget. Obligatory he treats me great otherwise, and I very much like him and would prefer not to break up.

For example, he’s made comments like:

-mixed girls are perfect and the best of both worlds. (I’m white, I look nothing like a mixed race black girl).

-I have to accept that there are going to be people more attractive than me out there, and be realistic and accept that.

-at base level, all relationships are transactional.

-they don’t go together, he’s not as attractive as she is. Why would she be with him? (in response to seeing a couple out in public.)

He’s said he prefers being logical about things, but I feel like someone should value being kind to their SO than being logical. I just don’t know how to let go of these comments and get over them. Is it naive or unrealistic that I want to be with someone who thinks the sun shines out of my ass? Do these comments indicate that he doesn’t think that, or am I wrong?

Tl;dr: bf makes some comments relating to my and other appearances and it makes me feel like he doesn’t totally like me 100%.

submitted by /u/treetimetreewaste
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* This article was originally published here

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Unmatched the person that ghosted me. Reasonable?

I met someone on an app a few weeks ago. We had a few lovely conversations. Except they would only happen late at night or after midnight for some reason. We had a call and he asked me out and I said. He kept saying how he’s looking forward to it. In the middle between setting up the date and the date itself we had barely any conversation. He just said he doesn’t like texting.

We called again and confirmed the day. I messaged a couple days after to confirm my timings and he didn’t reply. So I called and he said he’s busy with work. So I then asked him to let me know so I can make plans around it because I’m going to another city (was going there anyway). He said he will the day after. He didn’t and I replied suggested a specific time. He didn’t reply. He was online several times. We were supposed to meet today and no response so I assume I was ghosted right? I unmatched after wishing him the best.

TL;DR: is it reasonable that I unmatched someone who ghosted me despite having planned a date? 28F

submitted by /u/throwRAcircles1
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* This article was originally published here

Friday, March 10, 2023

I (24f) just found pictures of my boyfriend (30M) and his ex on an old USB drive. I feel very hurt by it.

Me (24F) and my bf (30M) have been together for 2 years now. We love, trust and care for each other and he says he has never been happier, which I believe. We are planning a future together as well, and are very committed.

Today I found an old USB that I didn`t even realize was his, until I put it in the computer. I looked because I thought it was mine and I wanted to use it, so I checked what was on it and I found a bunch of folders with images from his past. Some were family, some were vacations etc, but in a lot of them were images of him and his ex (exes?, I think there was more than one ex - but I didn˙t even look further, because I cound´t stand looking at him with another woman). I have never seen these, nor did I want to see them, and seeing him in photos with other women in loving/erotic poses and such, really hurt me.

I don`t know why he still has them, he probably forgot they were on the USB, but it still hurt me a lot. I am a jealous person - but not in a way where I wouldn´t let him be around women or anything, to be clear - I get very jealous and hurt when I see his past, which is already behind him. I think he should˙ve deleted those when they broke up, otherwise I don´t know why he would˙ve kept them, let alone kept them on an USB that I could´ve mistakenly looked at, like I did today. It could be an honest mistake, forgetting they were there, but still... It hurt me!

He isn´t at home now, he comes back in 2 days and I plan on confronting him. I love him dearly, but I will not stand for this. I will ask why he has them still and tell him to delete the images without hesitation, or I am done. We are planning a future together and if he doesn´t delete these - delete his past, I can´t trust that we can move forward. The past is the past for a reason. He should not have those photos, especially if he plans on marrying me.

Am I overreacting or am I right in thinking those should´ve been deleted a long time ago. What should I do?

TL;DR - Today I found photos of my boyfriend and his ex on an old USB drive and got very hurt by seeing the images.

submitted by /u/ArtemisTheirin
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* This article was originally published here

Thursday, March 9, 2023

girlfriend tells me exes were nicer

As above my girlfriend has told me how all her exes (3) We're nicer than me, exes never treat me like this, never made me suicidal and even had the I've had bigger than you comment from her. I've done so much for this woman I work 50-60hrs a week and take her out all at my expense, I make sure the house is kept warm while she isn't at work. I've booked a night out for her and a friend with tickets to a show and hotel paid for by me. I do the little things like make her breakfast after I've finished nightshift and she's in bed still, I drove her to and from her last night out, I cook for her, I run her a bath for after work, ill go out my way to do and make her happy yet I get the feeling she isn't happy when she's saying things like that.

Tl; Dr : girlfriend tells me how exes are nicer, never treat her this bad and that one was bigger than me (penis wise) Any advice would be great, thank you.

submitted by /u/Sowhatsnewhere3
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* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Is this a red flag? 31M and 28F.

I’ll just keep this short. My [31M] girlfriend [28F] have been together for 4 years. About a year and a half ago, I caught her having a bit of an emotional affair with a guy on Facebook. Ever since then, she’s let me look at her phone and her messages because it really put my worries to their max.

A few days ago, she told me she was talking to guys on Reddit (she made posts looking to make friends). I asked to see her phone and she said she doesn’t want to do that anymore because it isn’t helping my insecurities and it isn’t me working on my trust. She showed me, but was very mad about it. Nothing too concerning, but I did notice she and a couple of guys have moved to WhatsApp and Telegram. They have also sent selfies to each other.

I checked this morning to see if she changed the password on her phone and she did; also removed my face from her Face ID. She said she no longer wants to show me her phone.

I’m very worried about this. Am I being too paranoid or does this sound like nothing to worry about? I also want to add that I’ve been feeling a little more worried than usual because in our last big fight that almost led to a breakup, she said she wasn’t sure if she’s in love with me anymore. We’ve been lovey and intimate lately, so I’m not sure what to feel.

tl;dr: Girlfriend doesn’t want to show me her messages after telling me she’s talking to guys from Reddit.

submitted by /u/RickGrimes357
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* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

I feel confused after my bf went on a drunken rant

Me (26f) and my bf (28m) have been together about 1.5 years.

This weekend we went to an event, and we drank quite a bit. We were both drunk. When we got back home, he was going on and on, very emotional about a lot of things. He was telling me he has always worried I wished he made more money. (I never have, I’ve never said anything like that). He talked about his family and some of the regrets he had regarding his relationship with his siblings (his mother was very abusive and put the blame on him). He talked about how tonight was one of the best nights of his life because of how much fun we had dancing together for hours.

Then he turns to me and says “I think you love me more than I love you, but I need you more then you need me.” And I legit don’t know what to think of that. I always sensed he loves me equal. We match each others effort and ways of showing it. I will admit, I look for more physical affection than he does, but he has his moments of “neediness” too, so it’s never been an issue.

We talked about it the next morning, sober and hungover. I told him I always thought we loved eachother equally. He said what he said the night before was stupid, and I came across in the wrong way. He’s tried to reassure me in many ways since that he loves me dearly. I just feel a little thrown off and taken for granted.

Thoughts? Is my ego just hurt or should I feel a certain type of way about this?

TDLR: my bf said things during a drunken rant and now I feel strange

submitted by /u/playdotz
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* This article was originally published here

Monday, March 6, 2023

my boyfriend (m19) is a far-right, religious, conservative, conspiracy theorist. i (f19) am willing to compromise, for our future, he refuses. how should i handle this? is there hope?

this post may end up being very long but i will try my best to keep it short and answer questions below for more context and explanation. all relationships are nuanced and complex and i am sure there will be many details i miss that i am happy to answer to after the fact.

my boyfriend (m19) and i (f19) have been in the same friend circle for 6 years. we had never been PROPER friends, as i always had a bit of a crush on him and he was a teenage boy focused on his friends and video games.

2 years ago our friend group began to grow closer and i found a great friendship in him. after a few months, in february of 2021, he kissed me. from there, we had gone on a few dates, had sex multiple times (we were both virgins at the time) and eventually fell into a relationship. it was like a dream come true.

at the time of us getting into a relationship, i knew he was somewhat religious. (his faith is christadelphian). i had always known his family attended church and more often than not, he would go too. i knew he never swore and would occasionally travel interstate to see his extended religious family and friends. other than this, he didn’t express anything that i felt were red flags.

after a month or so, we had some big discussions where he expressed he would like me to involve myself in his church and check out out to see if it’s something i like. he told me that he dates to marry, and although many people do find themselves dating outside of the religion, it’s preferable that his partner is at least interested. i had been raised without religion and would consider myself agnostic. at the time, i had just started to really educate myself on politics and philosophy and found it all quite fascinating. his ask seemed reasonable to me and i was honestly very eager to learn about his faith and educate myself further. religion has always been something i have wanted to learn about, but i find it overwhelming at times and this seemed like an approachable opportunity.

so i began attending his church (or as they called it ‘the meeting’) nearly every sunday. i would say at least 3/4 sunday’s a month. it was definitely confronting at first, but i felt welcomed and it was genuinely interesting. obviously i had heard many stories of cults and grooming and keeping this in mind i made sure to stay grounded and keep a distance between me and the church. but it was enjoyable! i didn’t have an intention to ‘convert’ and i made this clear to my boyfriend, but if i found myself convinced and the faith formed, i wouldn’t be opposed. i’d embrace it and nurture it happily.

(note: i am not saying that his religion IS a cult, i only mention this to assure you i understood what i was getting into)

anyway… at this pace this post will be far too long so i’ll get you up to speed.

throughout our relationship, we would have arguments but only ever about politics and they were more like friendly debates. his positions on the lgbt+ community and feminism made themselves more apparent (he didn’t think it was ‘right’ but would use the right pronouns etc, and that he saw feminism as ‘anti men’) but he was always patient and seemed curious to learn more about my side of things. his ideologies concerned me and i told him this, but we had 6 friends in our 8 person friend group that were out as gay, trans, bisexual and non binary and he seemed very comfortable spending most of his time with them. we both knew we disagreed on these topics but i think both of us felt the other would ‘come around’, and i felt we could make peace with it and find a happy middle ground to function in if neither of us were to change.

outside of politics, our relationship was good. he had never dated anyone before me (i have had one 5 month relationship, one 1 year relationship) and he was still very clearly learning how to be a boyfriend (we barely ever call, he was ignorant of romantic gestures, took a while to learn how to reassure me and vice versa) but he was always trying his best. i will admit, i have been treated better before, but his lack of effort and action wasn’t to do with his lack of love or care. it is clearly a lack of experience and i felt it was no use to follow the ‘grass is greener’ mentality and ditch the connection i had with him in hopes of someone who bought me flowers and posted me on social media etc. i had considered it, but that has passed for me, things are improving and i am sticking it out as he does make me feel loved to the best of his ability right now.

a few other notes:

- i have struggled with generalised anxiety disorder for my whole life and the past 3-4 years i have dealt with an eating disorder, body dysmorphia and ocd too. i see a psychologist for this and am taking medication. it’s improving slowly. this was also taxing on him and our relationship and another reason for me sticking it out as i felt i couldn’t ask for more (he is wonderful in supporting me through anxiety attacks etc)

- he has a porn addiction that he refuses to seek therapy for. i have tried to help and refer him to resources but he believes he can ‘will himself out of it’. the use of porn does seem to waver depending on his religious guilt and guilt regarding me, but when he is watching it its instagram models, hentai, fetish stuff etc. this has been an on/off concern.

- during covid 19 he was heavily influenced by his family (particularly his mother) and is now very much anti-vax, believing in all the typical theories. i am unvaccinated due to his concern for my fertility (he told me it was my choice but he would be worried and it would ‘cause problems’ in our relationship. i caved, lost my job and hid inside for a year and a half)

- he has eluded to loosely believing in some conspiracy theories (fluoride in water, distrust of western medicine and doctors) but claims they are just ‘interesting’ to him and ‘make sense’.

i am sure if you are reading all of this you are probably thinking ‘why in the world is she with this idiot?’. i understand. i have heard it all. i do not have an excuse and i do not think i am doing the ‘right’ thing if i stay with him. all i can say is that i feel i am not in a position where i am stable enough to leave him. mentally and emotionally i am unwell and i don’t know how i would handle it. this might not justify sticking by him but i can only share my perspective. i do want your opinions but please understand that i am not ignorant of the issues here.

now we get to my main concern and breaking point. recently we had a conversation in which he expressed his concern with me spending so much time with our lgbtq+ friends. he said he likes them and i can do what i want but it does ‘worry him’ and he wishes i had some ‘normal girl friends’

this was incredibly upsetting to me and i expressed my discomfort. he didn’t have a lot to say other than that i can do what i want but he just doesn’t enjoy being around them as much since ‘all they ever talk about is gay stuff’

i was hurt and frustrated trying to help him understand, but his misconceptions seemed far too ingrained in his core values and character and i eventually gave up. we made up and he moved on. it kept weighing on me.

last night we were spending time together and another debate style conversation arose. we began talking about his faith in relation to lgbt+ identities and i tried to get an answer out of him about how he justifies the lack of utility in his arguments. he kept dodging questions and didn’t seem to have the vocabulary to express himself. he got frustrated with himself and resorted to explaining points that had nothing to do with what i was asking (explaining history of bible etc). i eventually just started asking direct questions because i was sick of the ego and lack of accountability. i wanted to get a CLEAR position from him.

i won’t run you through the back and forth s but this is the general idea:

- after i asked directly, he admitted that he would be pro conversion therapy ‘but done properly’ and believes that it works even though i tried to show him the evidence proving otherwise.

- he said he’s more about preventing trans and gay people from turning out ‘that way’ and thinks it’s to do with soy milk, social and media influence etc.

- i then asked him even if that WAS true (which it clearly is not) what would his solution be to help the current trans and lgbtq+ people in the current world. he didn’t have an answer. other than to ‘not flaunt it’ and to ‘not be PRIDEFUL’.

- he expressed he thinks incest and bestiality is wrong because the BIBLE condemns them not because of the harm done… however believes that part of the reason gay people are ‘wrong’ is because it’s harmful? i’m not too sure about that one but he has shaky framework for his arguments to say the least.

- for all of his points, he couldn’t provide any evidence (re conversion therapy, soy milk etc) but i asked for him to send me some.

- he essentially admitted that he wouldn’t believe there exists ANY evidence to prove utility in supporting lgbt+ or other things condemned in the bible. and even if there was, he would still believe in gods word because it’s ‘right’ and he knows best. he couldn’t answer directly what he’d do with that evidence and how he’d disprove it

- he kept using the word ‘unnatural’

then ultimately, i asked him what he would do if our kids were gay. he told me he wouldn’t go to our kids wedding if they were gay and said that he would ‘love them and support them’ but wouldn’t ‘encourage it’ and wouldn’t want them to flaunt it or be proud of it. he also blatantly said he wouldn’t feel comfortable with our kid having a gay relationship and wouldn’t see their relationship as legitimate or real.he insisted he could be ‘respectful’ and once they’re 18 they can do what they want (either choose to stay in church or leave or ‘proactive homosexuality’, transition etc) but he wouldn’t be ‘happy about it’i asked him if he would compromise on this and he said something along the lines of: having the intention to support something that is explicitly condemned in the bible is worse than ‘accidentally’ or in the moment sin. he would very likely NOT compromise on these things but insists he is ‘open’ to learning.

the conversation ended with both of us crying for a while, holding each other and him insisting ‘we will make it work’.

IMPORTANT!!! (rest of context in comments)

i suppose i’m wondering…

is it worth sticking this relationship out a little longer and attempting to help him out of this hateful mindset? is that even a possibility?

is there a best way to approach our next conversation?

how much should i compromise until this becomes borderline controlling/toxic?

i’m so sorry for the very long post, i hope it makes sense to you all and please ask questions below if it’s too confusing.

TDLR: my boyfriend is far more conservative that i initially realized. i am happy to incorporate his faith into our future family, but he refuses to love the members of the lgbt+ community in our lives… including our potential future children. i want to leave him but i want it to work out more. is this possible?

submitted by /u/chronicnostalgia
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, March 5, 2023

I M22 just deleted/Unfriended 2 girls F20 F21

May sound selfish but honestly idc anymore. These 2 girls that I would snap(talk to on Snapchat) let’s call them D and Z they are good friends and I’ve been actively trying to hook up with Z but no luck so far. Tonight I go to the bar with both of them we talk and drink and and have a good time but I’ve been trying to hook up or even take things further with Z but I find out she’s slept with HELLA dudes (whilst at the bar saying she hooked up with one of the bouncers) so I say whatever, people hook up with people all the time I don’t think I’ll ever be someone’s first obviously. We get back to my house and D just gets calls left and right from miscellaneous dudes while me and Z are talking. I’ve been trying for weeks now to get Z to even think about going further than a friendship boundary without pushing it too hard and coming off as weird cause I think she’s extremely pretty and she has a good personality but nonetheless D has other plans and they leave saying they are going home. Cool with me I’ll try another night but Z starts snapchatting me and it’s the regular face pics and stuff until she sends a pic with her legs and another DUDES leg right beside hers. I immediately unadd Z and D and just back tf up cause honestly I feel like im kicking a dead horse to try and race again after that dumb foolishness. I feel like I made the right call with this why should I spend my energy and time on someone I’m just gonna get played by and is obviously for everyone else (the streets). Was the right call made or was I wrong? What’s y’all’s thoughts? (Not even to add me and Ds terrible and beef/argument ridden backstory before all this transpired)

TL:DR: I removed these 2 girls from my life because they played games with me and I couldn’t deal with it anymore.

submitted by /u/Holiday-Bluebird-736
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* This article was originally published here

Saturday, March 4, 2023

21F Getting back with my EX 22M

So me (21f) and my ex boyfriend (22m) are trying to get back together, we were together for 3 years! Our relationship was very wonderful for the most parts but we still had our issues, I broke up with him due to him continously going too far in arguments by pushing, shoving, grabbing ect. He also said the meanest things to me when we were together, i just got enough and figured things werent going to work out since i was so drained from all the back and forth and not to mention my self image was shattered by the end of the relationship.

It's been around 5-6 months since we broke up and for a few months now we have been working on getting back together and he's showing alot of improvement and effort but I can't help but look back at the things he did to me and it makes me really worried about getting back with him.. I keep thinking I should just stay single but at this point I don't know how to not be with him.

I love him more then anyone else but I'm worried I might not still be in love with him and that I'm holding a grudge for the things that happened in our relationship, while the other part of me just so badly wants to be loved and believes he is the one, no one has ever been there for me, understood me and accepted me as much as him. I want to believe that we can just work through this like adults but I'm not too sure.

I'm so confused with all these feelings and I have no idea what to do, im worried that if i break things off that i will regret it, any advice?


Me and my ex have alot of love for each other but had a very rough time that made us break up and now he wants to get back together and show he's improved and we have been trying to work on things for a few months now, I'm not sure if I should trust it and keep trying to rekindle things or not, I'm worried that if I break it off that I'll regret it.

submitted by /u/pink_hentaigirl
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* This article was originally published here

Friday, March 3, 2023

Dateless 26yr old Male is confused by relationships and doesn't know how to convey it appropriately.

Hello, r/relationships

I've never posted here before, and am not completely sure if the topic I want to discuss is fit for this sub, but perhaps I should try to put it into words, post it and see what happens.

So, I'm 26, male and have never been in a relationship. I have been socially isolated for the past 8 years or so, a shut-in; I was depressed. Though even prior to this time, I wasn't very social at all. Almost never went out, never had any friends to go out with. (Why is this social stuff relevant?)

Okay, so in high school, I did receive interest from girls I felt attracted to, but never reciprocated any of the interest that they showed me. In fact every instance of someone showing interest in me I have never been able to reciprocate.

Maybe it's also relevant to mention that I'm a virgin (kissless).

I don't know how relationships work or how they are supposed to be formed. I've made an account on a dating website and am considering attending speed dating events. But still don't really know if it's possible for me to really connect with someone.

I've never really ever had any friends, I have a lot of difficulty with developing any and all kinds of relationships.

I've questioned whether I can even experience attraction. Though when I have felt attracted to someone it is accompanied by an overwhelming anxiety, a terror or fear. Makes it quite a nerve-wracking experience. It is rare for me to find someone attractive. And in the instances that I have found someone attractive it was purely based on looks, nothing deeper than that.

A friend that I have has been telling me about other things which are supposed to be reasons why people feel attraction. Things like interactions, humour, habits, shared passions, dance moves, them backing you up. This is a list he made which I have summarised. He also mentions to me this idea of being open to finding someone attractive. So not finding them attractive initially but choosing to get to know them in the hope that I may start to find them attractive. I really don't understand his second point. I feel like there would have to be something to hook me in, an initial attraction of some kind. And the other stuff whilst yes I may be able to find things about people to be cute or endearing I've never felt attracted to someone because of any of them.

I guess I associate being attracted to someone with the fear/anxiety/terror I mentioned earlier, there is an excitement that comes with it. I feel like there is something promising about whoever it is I feel this fearful of in this way.

I do believe that I must try to conquer this fear and I am willing to do so, but I'd need to go on a date first. Oh yeah, I've never been on a date.

What am looking for, by writing this and posting it here. Insight. I'd like insight.

I don't know if I've explained everything. This is quite the mess of a post. If this post provoked any thoughts (not mean) please share them with me. I'm aware in the rules it said no venting, I guess this was a bit of a vent.

TL;DR I'm open to the idea of a relationship, but feel a lot of pessimism and self doubt. I seriously doubt whether I understand how things are supposed to work or if I'm even able to be attracted to other people. I seriously question whether I'm capable of a relationship. I hope it's obvious why I felt this sub might be an appropriate place to post this.

submitted by /u/-abhayamudra-
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* This article was originally published here

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Keeping the momentum going before a first date with someone who doesn’t like text

I’ve been talking to someone over an online dating app just recently. Unfortunately we live a little bit away from each other so we can only plan a date next week. He asked for my number after we had a short call but I asked him if we could exchange numbers after we meet that I’d prefer that. He was ok with this. After that, I tried to get the conversation going but really it’s small talk. He called me yesterday to discuss the plans and I asked him and he told me he’s old school and prefers calls and doesn’t like texting. My questions are whether I ruined it by not giving my number (I just didn’t feel comfortable yet) and how I can make sure the spark stays there until we meet next week

TL;DR: 28F. how to keep the momentum going before a first date with someone who doesn’t like texting

submitted by /u/throwRAcircles1
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* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

My (29f) partner (40m) is depressed and it’s becoming too much for me

Tldr my partner of nearly 3 years is severely depressed and it’s making me I’ll

Long story short we live together and have had an amazing relationship for the most part. I love him so much and he’s the most important person to me. He’s stayed with me through some seriously rough times and he’s very loyal. But his job is really depressing him at the moment - he’s stuck in a position that is unfulfilling with not much chance of career progression and he has been for a few years - and he’s become very depressed. He’s moody and angry all the time, talks to me in a hostile way and when I ask what’s wrong he says he’s depressed about work but doesn’t want to talk about it as it makes him feel worse. He keeps slamming doors and banging things in the kitchen loudly. I am trying to stay positive and do nice things for him but it’s hard not to take it personally and I’m starting to feel really low myself, like I’m not good at making him feel better and I’m not right for him.

It doesn’t help that I am quite a bit younger and earning a lot more than him. He’s incredibly bright (probably the sharpest person I’ve ever met, including my parents, both of whom went to Harvard) but very shy and terrible at self-promotion, and has spent his career being largely overlooked. I don’t want the pay disparity to be an issue but it looks like it will be no matter what. He seems to resent me and think my success is undeserved.

I have a stress induced autoimmune condition that has started to flare up again and I need to fix this situation now for my health. Does anyone have any advice? I feel like everything I’m doing is wrong

submitted by /u/Fantastic-Abroad2323
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* This article was originally published here