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Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Swipe right – find misery and heartbreak. Here’s why catfishing should be a crime | Charlotte Proudman

Fraudsters who deceive and manipulate people looking online for love must be held accountable by the law

“Catfishing” sounds like an exciting hobby, but language can sometimes conceal the insidious nature of abuse. Perpetrators reel in victims by deceiving and manipulating them, pretending to be someone else and preying on their vulnerabilities to create emotional dependency. Then, when they have been duped into a relationship, they extract something from them – money or emotional pain. At least one in five people surveyed by BetMinded last year said they have been the victim of catfishing

Financial gain is often the driving force behind online dating scams. In the first quarter of 2021, romance fraud cost UK dating app users more than £73.9m according to Action Fraud, with online dating scams up a staggering 40% since the pandemic. A man was jailed for 12 months for lying about his identity and scamming two women out of out of more than £345,000.

Charlotte Proudman is an award-winning barrister specialising in violence against women and girls and a fellow at Queens’ College, Cambridge

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* This article was originally published here

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Should my boyfriend and I move from his parents' house?

My boyfriend (27m) and I (26f) have been together for 6 years. We started to live together about 2 years ago in his parents' old house in which they used to live. This house was empty and we have decided to ask them to live there so we can save more money for our own place and they were okay with that. We even offered to pay at least some money for rent, but they refused. My relationship with his parents is okay, we are very different, but up until now we were respectful, so we didn't have any problems.

A bit of a background story about my family. I grew up in a family where fights about inheritance and properties were often. The situation was so bad that my father even tried to commit a suicide a couple a years ago, fortunatelly, he survived. So I would never fight about something like that with anyone. I don't need anyone's property and don't expect anything. And those kind of fight are quite regular at my boyfriend's family as well. (We live in the Balkans...)

Last night, we have visited his parents and his mother (52f) started to talk about how she would rather die then live in the nursery home when she gets old and that she expects for her children to take care of her. And I said that my father took care of his father for 10 years because he was disabled and it left great consequences on him and asked if she in hipothetical situation, would agree to go to nursery home if her children could afford it and she needs 24h care or she would basically ruin someone's life. She took that question pretty hard and told me that she needs to take same legal precautions because we are going to take her house and everything she has and kick her out. I told her that that wasn't even remotely related to my question and that I don't want anyone's anything nor I would kick someone out, I mean what the hell. So she started to yell at me and I just said I am not gonna deal with this and went home.

Now, I want to move out from their house we are currently in because I don't want to be on their property and give someone a reason to accuse me of something I am trying really hard not be part of because of the situation in my family. I don't want any inheritance, anyone's house, I just want to live life without that kind of drama. Should we move?

TL;DR My boyfriend and I are living in his parents' house and I don't want to be part of family drama over inheritance and stuff like that, but his mother accused of wanting to take her house and kick her out, should we move out?

submitted by /u/beerlovergirl
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* This article was originally published here