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Monday, March 28, 2022

Me (21F) get mistreated by my younger friends (19F-18F)

Should I continue being friends with them or not?

I have two university friends that are younger than me. I’m a very friendly person, and so they said that they don’t feel the age gap while I do.

I’ve been disrespected by them sometimes as they had more knowledge in the major we study while I didn’t. I tend to ask so many questions to understand and get the accurate information, but one of them keeps saying that she felt like she was the taking care of me bcoz shes the one who tends to answer and sometimes she ignores me completely because she said that my questions were dumb.

The other one keeps saying that shes so smart and her IQ is so high whenever she answers something or knows the answer to something…?

They also do things that I don’t agree with at all, but at the end of the day they are sometimes nice and worry about me.

I know the value of myself and I respect myself thats why I have distend myself from them but I feel like I did it too fast. and that they might be confused of why I just stopped talking to them one day.

I also feel like I the opportunity to make many friends because of them.

I’d really appreciate hearing your opinion.

TDLR; My younger university friends treated me bad but I cut my friendship with them instantly which might make them confused

submitted by /u/Sasha99999
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Our relationship was bad, so why can’t I get over my ex? | Ask Philippa

You tried to fit this man into your dream – and it’s the loss of the dream you are mourning, says Philippa Perry

The question I don’t know how to get over my ex. I feel as if the breakup has been like a frog being slowly boiled to death – I didn’t see it coming and it got progressively worse.

In September, we had a holiday abroad together and he enquired about apartments and asked me to think about whether it was a place I could see myself moving to. We had also agreed that I would come off the pill in a couple of months. He came with me to two weddings and my family said how happy we seemed.

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* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Swipe right – find misery and heartbreak. Here’s why catfishing should be a crime | Charlotte Proudman

Fraudsters who deceive and manipulate people looking online for love must be held accountable by the law

“Catfishing” sounds like an exciting hobby, but language can sometimes conceal the insidious nature of abuse. Perpetrators reel in victims by deceiving and manipulating them, pretending to be someone else and preying on their vulnerabilities to create emotional dependency. Then, when they have been duped into a relationship, they extract something from them – money or emotional pain. At least one in five people surveyed by BetMinded last year said they have been the victim of catfishing

Financial gain is often the driving force behind online dating scams. In the first quarter of 2021, romance fraud cost UK dating app users more than £73.9m according to Action Fraud, with online dating scams up a staggering 40% since the pandemic. A man was jailed for 12 months for lying about his identity and scamming two women out of out of more than £345,000.

Charlotte Proudman is an award-winning barrister specialising in violence against women and girls and a fellow at Queens’ College, Cambridge

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* This article was originally published here