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Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Is it okay to hook up with someone, while expecting to continue dating someone else?

I [M22] met someone on vacation in August and dated and had sex with her for 1 week. I'm planning to move back there in January and continue dating her. We're texting fairly frequently (every 1-2 days).

Would it be wrong if I went on a date/hooked up with someone else during these months?

We obviously never had an exclusivity talk and we also talked about how we wanted to take it slow and date at a regular pace when I come back.

I see three options:

  • I hook up with the other person and don't tell the first person about it.
  • I ask the first person on whether she's seeing anyone else / or she'd be ok with me seeing anyone else. I feel like this is a weird question to ask.
  • I don't hook up with the other person, without asking anyone.

A female friend of mine told me it's okay to date multiple people as long as you're not committed, but I always feel very unsure about this.

What do you think?

If communication is the answer, I would appreciate advice on how to best communicate this.

TLDR: Is it okay to hook up with someone, while expecting to continue dating someone else?

submitted by /u/Niio
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, December 10, 2023

How do I M(30) navigate my ex F(26) now potentially resenting me?

Even though I was the one who chose to break things off, it needed her to finally understand the decision before going no contact with me. In her goodbye message she showed a renewed goodwill towards me having accepted my wish, and expressed a desire to tie up loose ends.

There are pictures we took during trips together that I never got around to sending her due to a lack of cloud space, so I'd asked her to download them so I can clear space for the rest of them. In the goodbye message she asked me to give her time and said she'd be in touch with me about sending the rest.

Well a week has gone by and I've heard absolutely nothing from her. I chased her up yesterday asking about it via the only channels I've got left to contact her to no avail.

It's eating me up on beyond reason. All of the pictures are from trips we did together, trips I know she loved and felt all the more connected to me for. Breaking up hurts me immensely too, but when I reflect on the time spent together I naturally want to view it from a place of gratitude, remembering the happy moments. She gave me the impression that she isn't the type to erase all evidence of her ex partners, but I'm starting to fear that she's trying to do that right now.

I realise it's an ego thing and I have to get past worrying about things I can't control, but it's incredibly difficult. Her not chasing me up on the pictures is a kind of rejection I haven't experienced before. The idea of her wanting to forget everything, erasing the memories from her life feels like it was all for nothing, making it harder from my perspective to accept the past and move on.

TLDR; My ex seemingly no longer wants the pictures of us I'm supposed to send her. It's getting me down and impacting my ability to move on.

submitted by /u/Psychological_Lab_52
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* This article was originally published here