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Saturday, July 16, 2022

You’re not taking the dog! How pet custody battles turned nasty

You’ve divided up the crockery, the books, the albums – but how do you split your beloved pets? As more and more cases end up in court, animal lovers share tales of dog eat dog

All Emma wants is to see her baby. Not even half the time, or at weekends, or in the holidays. The odd walk in the park would do, or a day at the beach. Emma misses her. She thinks about her all the time. She wonders if Luna has forgotten about her and, if she has, whether that’s for the best. The thought of Luna thinking that Emma abandoned her breaks her heart.

The last time she saw Luna was in mid 2021. Emma, who is in her 30s and works in social care in the south-west of England, travelled to where her ex lives, to see her. “She was so happy and excited to see me,” Emma says. “It was lovely. But he wouldn’t let me see her by myself.” They spent an hour together and as they were saying goodbye, Emma told Luna how much she loved her. Afterwards, Emma sat in the car and cried.

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* This article was originally published here

Friday, July 15, 2022

I (f26) like to spoil my SO (m26) but I want to be spoiled too.

We have been dating a year or so and this relationship confuses me. On the one hand we have good physical chemistry and our emotional chemistry is decent but requires quite a bit of effort and work. Our world views are quite different sometimes and I'm not sure how well he gets me.

I love to spoil the person I'm with and I'm a hopeless romantic. In the beginning he would try and spoil me too and it just fizzled out in a couple of months once he "had" me. I hate that this happened and I know that that's how a lot of relationships go. But I disagree that this is how it should be. I know that on my part I put in a lot of effort into dates and little surprises and doing sweet things for him and it feels like he does not reciprocate. He would rather take a passive role on that front in our relationship.

I realize that communication is important here but a part of me dies when I have to ask to be made to feel special to him. I feel like in a relationship we should want to and make a consistent effort to make the other person feel good. I don't think that's something he thinks about or actively works on at all.

It feels very transactional when I have to consistently reiterate and remind him what I want. I wish he would take more of an effort to remember.

What should I do and where do I go from here? Is it ridiculous for me to expect more?

TL;DR : I feel a little neglected by my partner and wish he would spend a little more time on making an effort to spoil/ treat me with gifts/ dates/ surprises and sweet gestures. I hate having to ask repeatedly.

submitted by /u/vera_09
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* This article was originally published here

Thursday, July 14, 2022

What to do with my anxiety?

Hi all! Hoping you can help because it’s absolutely crushing me.

I’ve (M32) been dealing with post-Covid anxiety since I recovered back in Decemeber. I get random anxiety spikes and it’s been affecting me for so long. One aspect that the anxiety is affecting me is with my relationship. I’m seeing this absolutely amazing girl for almost 2 years now (F32). She’s beautiful, ambitious, and has an absolute heart of gold and our relationship has been a dream. To me, she’s the one. But when I’ve been anxious, I’ve been having very scary thoughts- am I into the relationship, do I love her, am I attracted to her, etc. I know in my heart that I do, but my mind keeps trying to tell me otherwise. When I think about her, I get spikes in anxiety. When I talk/facetime her, I get a wave of anxiety that comes and goes.

Whenever this happens, it breaks my heart. I get so emotional and get on the verge of tears or even actually cry because that’s not how I feel and I don’t want this anxiety to be here. We are planning to move in together in a few months and I can’t wait to begin this new step with her, but at the same time, my anxiety is sort of pushing away some of the excitement.

This anxiety comes on the moment I wake up. It also occurs during work and when I’m not doing anything, but it’s most prevalent when I think about my relationship. This happened back in February as well out of nowhere and luckily went away. I’m trying to shake it but I feel like I have no control over it.

Any thoughts? I love this girl to death and to me, she’s the love of my life. I’ve communicated how I’ve been feeling and she’s been so supportive. I just want to feel how I feel without this anxiety!

TL;DR - Got Covid, now have this weird anxiety that’s making me rethink my relationship with my fantastic girlfriend for no reason at all.

submitted by /u/DeaconSloots
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, July 10, 2022

I am in the limbo and I am not sure what to think about this

I (M24) am seeing a F22 woman who has been a friend of mine for a while. Then at some point we deepened our connection and we got into some sort of weird limbo that I never really understood. Like, we did stuff that couples do, we talked until 6am in my car, we did nice trips, and even when I went to another continent for a few months we had lots of phonecalls and everything. It was very intense emotionally and it really looked like we liked each other a lot. However, she never wanted to exit the limbo, basically it seemed she just wanted me as close as possible but neither as a friend nor as a boyfriend, so I had to break it up. We were definitely each other's most important person so it sucked. After three months of no contact, we talked about it a few days ago and she said that she knows it's a defense mechanism. a) She has had a traumatic 4 year long relationship that makes her associate commitment to self-sacrifice and now she's in a comfort zone where the idea of dating a random guy that she doesn't even know feels less pressuring to her, because she could exit the dynamic at any point. With me, indeed, pressure is the problem: we know each other very well, it would be real intimacy and she would have to give her best. b) She told me she is definitely not great at understanding her emotions and it takes a lot of effort, so a serious relationship would be quite demanding for her. c) She told me she might have suppressed her feelings and that after her breakup (one year and a half ago) she has felt like she was compensating for the fact that she was too vulnerable before - so she forced herself to feel "less".
She is taking some time to think about it, but I am not sure how to feel about this whole story. Do you have any comments / insights? Thanks!

tl;dr i am in the limbo and i'm not sure what to do. I am only 24 and I know much more experienced people might have a better insight than me on this.

submitted by /u/No_Possibility_7588
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* This article was originally published here