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Saturday, November 25, 2023

What should I do?

I 26f have a guy friend 27m who liked me in the past, I'm not interested in him. I only see him as a friend. He always asked to hang out with me, and I would mention I'm busy We did finally get to hangout about 2 weeks ago. He mentioned to me today, he has a ticket to Disney Land, and wants me to go. So we can hangout. I don't want to lead him on, what should I say?

tl;dr I have a guy friend who liked me in the past, I'm not interested in him. I only see him as a friend. He always asked to hang out with me, and I would mention I'm busy We did finally get to hangout about 2 weeks ago. He mentioned to me today, he has a ticket to Disney Land, and wants me to go. So we can hangout. I don't want to lead him on, what should I say?

submitted by /u/findtinderlove
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* This article was originally published here

Friday, November 24, 2023

My bf (26M) almsot broke up with me (23F) while drunk

Hey everyone, so last night my bf (26M) and me (23F) went out since we haven’t seen each other in so long. Everything is going fine between and it’s pretty much stable, nothing to complain about.

After he dropped me off, he went to drink alone (I have a curfew and I don’t drink). He told me he’s afraid we won’t be able to live together and that I should leave him because I deserve better.

I didn’t take him seriously at the beginning because I know that everything between us is okay, and just earlier the same day we were checking some furniture together, and he explicitly said that he can’t wait to live with me.

He said he feels he’s not good enough for me and will leave me so that I can find someone better and that I shouldn’t wait. I never complained about any of this.

After he said so, I knew he was intoxicated yet I couldn’t help but legit panic and cry. He disappeared and shut his phone off and didn’t pick up my calls.

Eventually he said that he loves me and won’t leave me, and he slept ever since.

Should I take what he said seriously? Or was that like just some random drunk thoughts that will be brushed off? Everything he said while drunk contradicts everything he says and does for me.

Tldr; my bf almost broke up with me while he was drunk because he thinks I deserve better while i never complained about it, then he said he won’t leave me. Is what he said just be brushed off?

submitted by /u/MitsukaiSan
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* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

My (39f) coworker (27m) is married to a 45 year old woman what should I do?

My (38F) co-worker (27M) is married to a 45-year-old woman. Now, there is nothing wrong with a 27-year-old being married to a 45-year-old or dating a 45-year-old, but the problem is that was 22 and she was 40. When they met and started dating, they got married when he was 25 and she was 43 years old. I don't like this, and when they post pictures on their social media, their friends and family comment shit like heart emojis and say "glad you're happy" and "cute couple." Those people who comment are terrible people. We shouldn't be romanticizing this relationship; it's wrong and toxic. For context, he is just my co-worker; we don't hang out or anything, but I was bored one day, and I decided to look him up on social media and saw he was married. I started looking more into it, and then at work, I asked him about his life and his family, and I asked him about his marriage, and then that's when he told me about his wife and when and how they met. I told him he should divorce his wife and shouldn't think of his marriage as romantic.

That's a fact; the brain fully develops at 25; he was 22; he was too young to know any better, and now he's trapped in a marriage that honestly shouldn't be looked at as romantic. Any person in their 40s or 50s who is 21–23 21–23 year olds deserve to die a horrible death, and I mean, it's gross. I don't know what to do or how to make him think his wife is awful. Hopefully she cheats on him and they divorce. I'm praying that happens, and before you tell me to mind my business I'm a compassionate person who cares about people. If you saw a random 21-year-old dating a 90-year-old I'm sure you would step up and try to do something about it.

TLDR: Coworker is married to much much older woman

submitted by /u/Inevitable_Attempt74
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* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

My (25F) boyfriend (33M) never feels horny prior to sexual touching and apparently never has

TL;DR My boyfriend only feels horny with direct physical touch, never before. My boyfriend of two years and I have always had different sexual needs. I've always wanted more, felt like he was rarely initiating, I would get often sexually denied by him, etc. For context, I am a very conventionally attractive woman and know he is attracted to me. We have a fantastic relationship and he treats me like a princess. However, I just can't get him to have sex with me more than once a week.

When we were discussing how to change this again today, he revealed to me that he's never felt horny in his life before the act of physical stimulation itself. He says he looks at me and feels like I'm sexy, but it doesn't make him physically horny and he's never had that sensation without physical touch before in his life, even as a teenager.

This was shocking to me and worrisome because how would he initiate sex without feeling horny BEFORE the sex? I could physically touch him and initiate every single time, but his doesn't satisfy my needs as a woman in feeling sexually perused and wanted by my man. Reminder that we are very much in love and I'm blessed in the looks department so I know this isn't personal to me. This is scaring me because I'm worried I'll never be sexually satisfied. I don't want to make him feel like he's broken or inadequate, I just really hope there's a solution to this. Help!!

submitted by /u/corpsepartythrowaway
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* This article was originally published here

Monday, November 20, 2023

(27m) my (28f) gf won't vent to anyone

Hi everyone, I'm not usually on this subreddit but I've been wondering about this for a long time and I don't know what to do about it.

My girlfriend won't really vent to anyone. First off she says she can only confide in close friends. I found out very recently she doesn't actually confide in anyone, she just says a few details or a certain situation and omitting lots of info because she doesn't want the person she's speaking to to judge her or me. Especially me, she hates the fact anyone would ever tell her that her boyfriend needs therapy or something similar.

She also hates therapy. She is convinced that she needs to fix all her issues herself (she is able to but it takes years or extreme focus for weeks), she also doesn't trust any info to strangers so having online friends, therapists and similar situations are completely alien to her.

When I told her I have online friends I confide in she was outraged telling me that not only they could use that info to do harm to us (unlikely) but also that they're gonna judge her and that online friends will never be even close to IRL friends, which I basically don't have because I don't click with many people. But online friends I do have and we are very close.

I realize it's partly her self esteem issues speaking and she probably doesn't wanna look weak in other people's eyes. I also realize it was her upbringing to make her this closed and afraid of criticism and judgement.

I have been thinking of telling her she is coming very close to how her mother is behaving, taking every burden on herself and never being able to admit anything to her family. Hence why she's in a bad relationship with her, because they can't tell each other anything meaningful. I had to come in and fix things between them at times.

So basically I'm asking: how can I explain to her venting not only feels good but it's also healthy and necessary for all relationships and it's crucial in keeping our relationship healthy as well?

TL;DR My gf doesn't vent to any friend or therapist, how do I explain to her she can't keep bottling up her feelings?

submitted by /u/qpper96
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* This article was originally published here