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Tuesday, March 5, 2024

I (28f) found out the my partner (29m) was still in a relationship with his wife when we started dating. Is there a chance we can rebuild the trust?

Me and my boyfriend have been together about 8 months. The day after our first date he told me he was still married but separated and had a daughter. Things have been going really well, we are really loved up, love spending time with each other and things seemed perfect. However, I have had concerns that him and his ex hadn’t been separated as long as he said (he told me 7 months before meeting me). There were some signs, of them not having established a healthy co-parenting relationship.

Eventually after asking and questioning (which I am not proud of), he told me they had actually only separated 3 months before meeting me & was still living in the family home until meeting me. I was hurt, but began to move forward.

Fast forward to now when I am meeting his child, ex wanted to meet me first which I agreed. She then told me that they had separated after an event he went to, which I had met him before he went.

I didn’t tell her, as she believes we started dating after they split. And I didn’t want her to hurt the way I do because she doesn’t deserve it. I have told him I am most hurt he let me find out this way. He says the relationship was over a long time before, but he was stuck, he has tried to leave before but went back out of guilt. He says in his head they were split up.

We had just moved in together, and signed a tenancy together before I found this out.

I love this boy, but I don’t think I will ever trust him. Has anyone ever been in this position before? Can anyone help me see from his point of view?

TL;DR - boyfriend was still married when we started dating and let me find out the truth from his ex wife

submitted by /u/Unlucky_Pop7519
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, March 3, 2024

When me [25M] and my gf [24F] of 4 years fight, I feel like she always wants her way or no way.

I'm 25, my gf is 24. I love her to the moon and back and I want to spend my life with her. We have the same vision for the future. This is the first serious relationship for both of us. We started dating at the beginning of 2020 after she had a crush on me for years before. Currently, we live in different cities (200 km apart) due to studies. This has been the case for the last 2,5 years. We are planning to move in together in 6 months.

Anyway, we just had a big fight when she came to visit me for the weekend. It started with such a little thing and I tried to make things right so many times, even offering her food 3 times, but she would just tell me she was not interested and lock herself in the bedroom for the whole day. It drained my energy and I got super frustrated because she would not cooperate at all. I told her that I felt like it did not make sense for her to come all the way here just to fight and pout alone and we should make things right. She then proceeded to book a train back home the next morning and told me that she would rather leave then. I feel so hurt by this. A nice weekend after missing her so much was ruined and now I'm left alone and sad just cause she was not interested in making up. I don't know what to do now. She did not even look at me when she left. Do I wait for her to contact me?

It's like this most times we argue about something, I feel like she will not meet me halfway at all and the fights only seem to end if I apologize. I know she grew up practically always getting what she wanted, and I've tried to tell her that's not how relationships work and it makes me feel like my wants and needs don't matter at all. She seems too proud to admit something is "her bad". Sometimes she realizes she's been mean to me like a week later and apologizes then.

**TL;DR;** : My gf will not meet me halfway in solving arguments. She stays mad until I apologize, even if I've done nothing wrong. Does anyone have experience with these kinds of issues? I'm lost.

submitted by /u/happyteddy34
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* This article was originally published here

Saturday, March 2, 2024

I (28M) had a fight with my GF (26F) over me playing video games and not spending time with her

I want to preface this by saying this is my first long term relationship. So please point out anything I am thinking and doing wrong so I can learn from my mistakes.

Background is me and my gf live in separate cities. We’ve been together for almost a year. Long distance is rough but we talk everyday and usually video chat and have virtual dates on weekends (watch movies together etc). Generally we have great relationship with occasional fights that I guess looking back doesn’t get 100% resolved.

Today was an important day for my GF, she had a big exam that she had prepped a long time for. I called to wake her up, spoke with her until she went inside, called her again after the exam. We then agreed to video chat on our computers and relax after she went to get food and went back to her place. Before she hung up to get food, I briefly mentioned I might play some games, and she said don’t, spend time with me. I said yeah my intention was just kill some time, my plan is to have the virtual date with you. I also said okay, I won’t play games. I didn’t take her request that seriously.

After I hung up I figured I had a bit of time to kill, so I played video games for 30-40 minutes. During that time I didn’t check my phone. And she sent me a few messages, last one was asking if I was gaming. I didn’t take it seriously, so I just replied haha yeah. I’m done playing. Ready to chat when you are. She was upset and told me go date my gaming friends since we can eat and game together but I won’t spend time with her. I explained I planned tonight to video chat, but since we never said a specific time, I was just gaming to kill some time but I just was too absorbed to not check my phone for half an hour. Anyways this led to a long argument, which I’ll summarize our perspectives below.

Her issues with me: I went back on my word for her (said I won’t play games), I refuse to apologize and make her feel better (I felt angry that this should be a non issue), a couple of other issues that popped up in our earlier fights.

My issues with her: I feel like she made this to be way bigger deal. I was already spending/planning to spend most of my day with her. Think she blew this out of proportion and made us both unhappy.

I tried to get us to move on. We ended up video chatting for an hour, she turned her camera off, was passive aggressive, didn’t say much when I tried to have a conversation. She played music in background loudly. She’s never done any of this before. Eventually after one hour I had enough and turned off the chat. She then called me and we argued for another hour.

TLDR: played video games for 30mins after telling gf I wouldn’t. Got in a huge fight that escalated and want to know what went wrong and how to avoid future fights.

We just seem to be unable to see eye to eye on this situation. I think it’s not a big deal but she thinks I’m being inconsiderate and going back on my word. The truth is I didn’t pay much attention to her when she said not to game (like when your parents say go do this and you reply yeah ok). I realize my mistake in not taking that request seriously. After our fight, I really regret not making more of an effort to let my anger and feeling aside, and apologize and make up to her, especially since she was drained after a big exam. I apologized to her for not really listening to her request, for being inconsiderate, but I told her I didn’t want to apologize for saying she blew this out of proportion. Am I truly an asshole from this situation? Am I wrong in trying to diminish this situation, in thinking it’s not a manifestation of bigger issues as she suggests?

submitted by /u/Osmarku
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* This article was originally published here

Friday, March 1, 2024

M 20, Crush F 20 asks for advice on her past relationship

Crush texts me out of the blue, when we ended up unfriending eachother on social media and asks of advice on an relationship from which she can't move on.

she doesn't wants to meet me or also call she just wants to text and says if we meet she couldn't handle her talking about him she wanted an closure but couldn't get one and she got stuck in between. She wants to talk to him but his family members are not letting her to get in touch. And she is disturbed.

what should I do and is there any reason why me?

Important thing we tried dating eachother but couldn't happen due due to multiple reasons..

tl;dr: "I'm in love with her since an yr"

submitted by /u/nottobesaid
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* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

My (27M) girlfriend (26F) lied about other man

We have been in a committed relationship for 6 months and went on our first date 8 months ago. In the first half of our relationship, she told me multiple times that after our first date, she stopped talking to other guys as she had strong desire to make something work with me early on. She asked to be exclusive about a month after our first date where she claimed to have not slept with anyone since we met, I believed her at the time.

Last week she brought up the fact again that she had not been with another guy since we met. She would bring this up without me prompting the topic, I guess the intention was to woo me in a way. This time when she made this statement I asked her if she really meant that and that literally absolutely nothing occurred, she paused and starting talking about how she had made plans with a guy before we met who does not live in our city to meet him while he was in town for work. The story was that she drove an hour to see him, they got dinner, kissed and she drove home, no sex. It was hard to believe for me that there was no sex so I asked her to just tell me the truth. She looked me in the eyes and sweared multiple times, there was absolutely no sex and she drove home alone that night.

This stayed on my mind because it was hard for me to believe. Yesterday I unjustifiably went through her phone to read messages from that night. Long story short, she slept at his hotel. By the date, it occurred after our second date and before we were close to being exclusive.

Even though I don’t like it, I don’t penalize her for sleeping with this guy. What keeps me from getting over this is that she lied and was convincing too. I am tempted to have a conversation with her where we first promise to tell each other the truth, even if it hurts the other. If she agrees, I will ask her about the guy she met and see if she really will tell the truth, obviously she won’t know that I am already aware she slept there. Am I playing games at this point? I would prefer to simply put this in the past as the action itself was not condemnable given the timeframe, it just hurts being lied to and it’s tough for me to trust her without truly testing her after this.

It should be stated that during our relationship, she has treated me very well and with respect. I believe she truly does love me and she has stated several times she sees us getting married, that it’s not a matter of “if” but “when”. I have little concern that she will be unfaithful, she’s a very affectionate and loyal person. I don’t want to walk away from her given everything else is great. How do I get over this?

TL:DR:: everything is great in our relationship accept that she lied about a time when we first started dating. How do I trust her to tell me the truth at times when the truth hurts?

submitted by /u/SimpleAccurate1056
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* This article was originally published here