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Tuesday, March 5, 2024

I (28f) found out the my partner (29m) was still in a relationship with his wife when we started dating. Is there a chance we can rebuild the trust?

Me and my boyfriend have been together about 8 months. The day after our first date he told me he was still married but separated and had a daughter. Things have been going really well, we are really loved up, love spending time with each other and things seemed perfect. However, I have had concerns that him and his ex hadn’t been separated as long as he said (he told me 7 months before meeting me). There were some signs, of them not having established a healthy co-parenting relationship.

Eventually after asking and questioning (which I am not proud of), he told me they had actually only separated 3 months before meeting me & was still living in the family home until meeting me. I was hurt, but began to move forward.

Fast forward to now when I am meeting his child, ex wanted to meet me first which I agreed. She then told me that they had separated after an event he went to, which I had met him before he went.

I didn’t tell her, as she believes we started dating after they split. And I didn’t want her to hurt the way I do because she doesn’t deserve it. I have told him I am most hurt he let me find out this way. He says the relationship was over a long time before, but he was stuck, he has tried to leave before but went back out of guilt. He says in his head they were split up.

We had just moved in together, and signed a tenancy together before I found this out.

I love this boy, but I don’t think I will ever trust him. Has anyone ever been in this position before? Can anyone help me see from his point of view?

TL;DR - boyfriend was still married when we started dating and let me find out the truth from his ex wife

submitted by /u/Unlucky_Pop7519
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* This article was originally published here

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