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Saturday, March 16, 2024

GF(21) just brokeup with me(22M) due to boundaries being constantly overstepped.

Hey Guys, im in a bit of pickle rn. My girlfriend(ex now maybe idk) and I had been dating for a year and 3-4 months now. We both were invested in this relationship for the long run with hopes to get married within 3-4 years after my Master’s degree.

This wasn’t your usual relationship with empty words and promises like those of teenage relationships. Her main problem is disrespect during arguments. I was raised very differently compared to her so stuff that was normal to me was incredibly hurtful to her. She said from day 1 she can’t handle disrespect and I reassured her I’d work on it, and I did improve quite a lot but it’s not nearly finished yet. Our main problem is when we argue, we’re unable to resolve things calmly and more often than not stufff gets escalated to the point where it turns into a bad fight.

I know communication is an integral part of a relationship and she’d been tolerating me working on this but seems to have given up for the time being. Our chemistry and vibes are off the charts and I don’t doubt for a second that what we have/had is real considering the fact that I’ve been in around 7-8 relationships by now. She’s basically asked for space and distance but has called it a breakup. It seems I took her for granted and thought she’d always stick around which was a huge error on my part and the fact that It took a breakup to make me realise this is pretty shitty.

Im genuinely broken without her and I don’t want to go on in life without her. I’ve respected her wishes and told her I’ll be taking time to work on myself personally, to make sure that I get rid or this problem completely and that I’ll wait for her however long she needs because she’s the only girl I want my best self to be with. The place where I need advice now is for the people who have broken up and gotten back together eventually, Did you all give your partners a fair second chance? How long before you guys realised it’s not worth letting go and should be atleast tried to make it work again before completely giving up? And if you did get back together, were things better than before? Were you glad you gave it a second shot? Thankyou for reading and I look forward to what you guys have to say! TL;DR: My girlfriend brokeup with me because of constantly overstepping boundaries and Im not sure she’ll be coming back.

submitted by /u/Miserable_Glove_5796
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* This article was originally published here

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