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Sunday, March 10, 2024

i (19F) found a dating app on my boyfriends (21M) phone

i (19F) and my boyfriend (21M) have been going out for almost 6 months now and i wanted to ask advice. after our first month of dating while my boyfriend was on his phone i noticed on the screen a dating app, this wasnt too shocking to me as we met on a dating app ourselves and even tho it made me a little uneasy i knew that we hadnt been together that long and wernt too serious at the time so i forgot about it. fast forward to last night while we were out these guys came up to us asking us to do that tiktok loyalty test thing were we go through eachothers phones. my boyfriend gave me his phone with no hesitation. and while i looked at the screen i saw that the same dating app was there. i didnt say anything and we continued until the guys left and we joked about how random it was. but im still thinking about why he still has the dating app after 6 months. we are so close and i genuinely love him so much and belive he loves me too, i just dont know how to talk to him about how it makes me uncomfortable. first off i in no way think that he is cheating or being unfaithfull, but how do i bring up this conversation about the app and calm down my mind. thankyou

TLDR: found dating app on my boyfriends phone after 6 months and want to talk about it to him.

submitted by /u/night_baby666
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* This article was originally published here

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