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Monday, March 25, 2024

Stuck in a hard place in my relationship

I, 19-F, have been dating my boyfriend, also 19- M,for about 4 & a half years now. At the beginning of our relationship, we fought an insane amount. We used to be completely opposite with our morals (he was extremely homophobic, transphobic, racist, pro life, supported trump) so pretty much the complete opposite to me. This cause us to fight pretty much everyday, all day. We started dating when we were 15 so he was my first proper relationship. I struggled because I felt like breaking up wasn’t an option, I was so attached and still am. I’m an extremely anxious person, and the years that we’ve been together have made it even harder with how strong my attachment to him has become. He has extremely abusive and religious parents, and though it isn’t an excuse, this is where he got all of his questionable morals and opinions. Throughout our relationship, he’s pretty much done a 180 and completely worked on himself, he’s a totally different person now than he was then.He’s totally accepting of the LGBTQ community, isn’t racist and no longer supports trump, understands abortions and why women may need them. We also used to (and still somewhat currently) used to fight pretty badly because our communication is horrible. I have an anxious attachment, while he has an avoidant attachment style. (He’d push me away, ignore me, drive home, or even break up with me) in the earlier stages of our relationship when ide try to talk to him about a fight we’d had. But now, after working hard on himself, He’s a lot more patient, understanding /doesnt leave when things get heated anymore. Our relationship is the best it’s ever been. Yet I’m still terrified at the thought of us being together forever, getting married and having kids. I have this big part of me that fills me with guilt. Where I have the longing to experience being single and as cliche as it sounds, finding myself on my own. I feel like I put a lot of my mental wellbeing on him and depend on him emotionally a lot. I feel like I don’t know how to live without him. The problem is, he’s just as attached to me as I am to him. He would completely crumble if we broke up, it would destroy him. And honestly, it would destroy me too, we’ve become so intertwined in eachothers lives that it would feel like losing a limb if we broke up. But, it also terrifies me thinking about pushing away this feeling I have towards being single and exploring other people and relationships that I’ve never got to experience before. So reddit, in desperate for advice, How do I figure out how to come to terms with what I really want? Please help 😩


submitted by /u/Efficient_Captain804
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* This article was originally published here

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