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Wednesday, March 27, 2024

I (27m) feel like I am falling in love with one of my best friends (38f) although I know for a fact that it would never work out

I've developed feelings for one of my best friends. When I first met her, I did think she was cute, but thought nothing of it. But as the months went by, we started hanging out and got quite close. We would spend hours and hours talking and laughing without getting bored, and she's always been so comfortable and vulnerable around me. Not in a flirty way, but as a close friend.

Somewhere along the line, as corny as it sounds, I feel like I may have started to fall for her. I know it will never work out; there are so many reasons why it would never work out even if the feeling is mutual (I can never tell whether it is or not). But we get along so well and I care for her so deeply that it's difficult to let go of these feelings.. and she is exactly my type too. We would be so good together.

Althoigh it really hurts, I don't want to initiate anything or act on my feelings because I would hate to waste her time. She's such an amazing and beautiful person, and I want her to be with someone that she can have a future with.

I guess one of the reasons I'm posting this is to finally vent these feelings out, and at the same time, I would really love to get some advice on how to deal with this. We are such good friends and she's sometimes a little dependant on me, both emotionally and also with getting things done sometimes.. should I just do my best to suppress my feelings?

Thank you

TL;DR: I've started to develop feelings for a close friend and although I know it would never work between us long term, we are so good together and I can't seem to let these feeling go. I don't want to waste her time, so I'm looking for a way to get over these feelings.

submitted by /u/SingerAcademic2140
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* This article was originally published here

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