Me (19F) and my gf (19F) have already been together for a year and a half, but we’ve only recently became LDR because I had to move places. I’m quite an overthinker, which I do know is unhealthy when isn’t controlled. Because of this I prefer for my gf to tell me where she’s going and who she’s with when she’s out and about. She’s also a very social person with big groups of friends and loves to hang out with each other through drinking while I’m quite the opposite.
However, most of the time she only tells me when she’s already going home, meaning there were no updates the entire time she was there. I communicated this to her, and told her that I would appreciate it if she could at least update me, but she told me that she doesn’t like updating every single thing to me all the time.
Another thing is that I’m uncomfortable with some people she’s friends with because they had a (romantic) past together. Not offical girlfriends or anything, more like flings but still. But those things were far in the past already, and these people had been her friends for a long time, even before I came into the picture. She wants to hang with them but I can’t help feeling uncomfortable.
We get into constant fights about these things because she said that she feels uncomfortable with me acting that way, although I only see my actions as asking her to be considerate of my feelings. I genuinely want to know if my actions are already crossing the line of being controlling, immature and unhealthy? I don’t know if it’s me who’s in the wrong or not
I would appreciate to receive honest answers, doesn’t matter if y’all need to say that it’s me who’s in the wrong, and also some advice on how I can bring this issue up to her again
TLDR: Is me asking for constant updates and asking her to consider my feelings before hanging out with people I’m uncomfortable with being immature
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/u/15spx [link] [comments]
* This article was originally published here