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Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Help! Cheating 53m on girlfriend 50f with me.

Long story shortened… I’ve 50f been separated from my husband 50m for four years. We had an agreement to separate, but stay in one household for the kids. We were allowed to date. I was not looking but of course that’s when it hits… I found someone. But not just someone, definitely my soulmate. He was also separated at the time. He was eager to move forward together and finalized his divorce right away. While I loved him, I wasn’t ready to finalize my divorce because of my kids. So we were on and off for three years. I finally felt ready this summer and of course at that exact time, he met another woman. They started dating and he kept saying as soon as I was in the divorce process he’d be there for me. We continued our relationship but the other woman didn’t know. And still doesn’t six months later. He said she was a Plus One for holiday parties, etc, but that was it. Well, his feelings grew and now he’s choosing her over me. I want her to know that he’s been lying and cheating on her, but I don’t want to be the one to reveal it. I have messages, cards, etc but how do I do this without her “shooting the messenger”. Anonymously won’t work bc it will be obvious it’s me based on all the texts. Any ideas? And no judgment please.
TL;DR my love got tired of waiting for me to get divorced and started dating someone I know. Yet he hasn’t cut things off with me. How do I tell her?

submitted by /u/bristolavon
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* This article was originally published here

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