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Sunday, April 14, 2024

How do I get over my girlfriend not being a virgin?

I (18 M) started to talking to this girl (18) for a while now and honestly things are perfect. Just amazing. She's super funny, and chill and... she's just great. We're not dating yet as we both talked about it and decided to take it slow.

So now we were talking and the conversation of virginity came up. To get straight to the point, she' not and I am. I handled it well. Didn't make her feel bad or anything. I have been in a few relationships but I guess this is a new one for me? Look I get it... people have pasts. I'm truly not judging. It was before my time. But why do I feel weird about it? Like this feeling genuinely sucks.

Am I planning on breaking up with her?

No! Definitely not.

But I can't get rid of this feeling. And I don't want to look at her a different way but I'm starting to feel the way I see her chnage. And I don't want to close with feeling off. Done it before. Not it.

So how can I get over this? This is just a little phase right? My little ego being shattered? I just don't want to keep going like this while talking to this amazing girl. I feel childish and immature. I've built myself up from a previous relationship that was just toxic. But now I feel all that progress of me growing up is gone.

Any advice on how to get over this? Some tough/brutal words? A Swift kick in the ass or a nice slap to get my damn head on straight? Because I'm not going to end things just cause of that. I need to make this work. I really like her :(

Thank you!

**TL;DR: Found out the girl I'm talking to has already had sex. I'm not going to break up with her over that but I feel hella weird about it and need some words/advice on how to deal with it. Not willing to lose her because she's not a virgin and I am.

submitted by /u/Possible_Wealth_6673
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* This article was originally published here

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