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Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Is it valid for me [25F] to want a stay at a hotel from my boyfriend [21M], because he did it for one-night-stands?

Yesterday I [25F] found out that my boyfriend [21M] of four months had paid for a night at a hotel with a girl he never did anything again with, and that he used to do it before we met. He never did it for me, and that makes me upset. He says he loves me, and that when he is in a relationship, he splits everything (which I have no problem with). To me, the issue is that I never got any sort of special treatment, but a one-night-stand got it. It makes me feel « less than ».

I tried to tell him this, but I could instantly tell he did not want to do it. He said yes initially, so I asked him more questions about why this change of heart. The conversation devolved into whether he did anything for me (nothing that wasn’t reciprocated, which is fine), and now he says he does not want to do it.

Am I invalid here? I know it sucks now that I had to ask, but it really is a dealbreaker for me, no matter my high opinion of him or the feelings I have for him.

TLDR: I feel disgusted by the fact that my boyfriend will pay for one-night-stands, but not for me. Is that valid ?

submitted by /u/yelloromeo
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* This article was originally published here

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