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Thursday, April 25, 2024

I’m jealous of my wife for playing GTA RP with a romance story in it. How do I deal with it?

My wife and I (both 24) are both gamers and we play a variety of video games. Recently we came across a GTA RP server in which we both got “hired” as officers in the LSPD. Everything was fine, until she mentioned that she’s doing a kind of romance story with a guy from LSPD. As a person that did experience some really shit relationships in the past, I cannot get over a feeling of being kind of cheated on and it wrecks my head.

I cannot say that she’s not giving me attention, because she is, and seeing how this RP romance is getting into my head, she constantly talks that I’m the only one she loves, that she’s not going anywhere, and she’s mine.

The big issue I have with this is that in my mind, this scenario of romance roleplay lights up the same feelings of jealousy, sadness, heck, I could say I’m depressed because of it. I completely understand the concept of Role Play, and that she’s just playing a flirtatious character (related to a streamer that we both watch on Twitch).

I also play GTA RP but the concept of “going on a date” or even S*X RP for me is a really difficult area for me. I can talk to a girl in RP, but as soon as I’d see that they are thinking of getting a romance story role play with my character, I feel guilty, as if I was cheating on my wife. That’s why I keep this kind of stuff as far as possible. I’m chill with planning stories, heists, etc, but the romance aspect just scares me.

I’ve been really depressed since it started with the romance story, and I know that it’s completely irrational. I’ve stopped playing RP for this reason as well.

Another thing is that I work a standard 8am - 4PM/5PM jobs, so I do end up going to bed around 11PM, but it’s time when the most people are on RP and I’m feeling really shit, falling asleep by myself.

Is there anyone who’s had a similar experience, or who can open my eyes on the subject of not having to worry about rp stupid romance story? I really need it.

TL;DR My wife is playing a romance story in GTA RP and I’m jealous of it. What do I do?

submitted by /u/SnoopySoo
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* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

I (23F) am not sure I want to live with my boyfriend (24M) anymore after we’ve signed a lease

I (23F) just signed a lease with my boyfriend of 10 months (24M) to move to a new city together and am getting major cold feet. Background: I broke up with my ex of 2 years ~10 months ago at the advice of my current boyfriend and another friend, and almost immediately started dating my current boyfriend (I did not break up with my ex for my current boyfriend & had no feelings for him prior to the breakup). I am now realizing I likely got into this relationship to cope with the breakup and have just started grieving my ex, who I still feel very strongly for. I know I did several things wrong to both parties and am not looking for judgement, just advice. My current partner is relying on me financially for this move, and we’ve ended our lease at our current apartment and have also gotten jobs lined up. There would be no way for me to have a conversation about ending our relationship without significantly impacting him financially, which I would like to avoid doing — however, if I continue feeling like this, I don’t want to lead him on or stay in a relationship with him where we’re not on the same page because he doesn’t deserve that. I genuinely don’t know what to do that’s respectful to both him and myself. Any advice is appreciated.

TLDR; Planning a major move with my bf, only to start to feel like this relationship isn’t right for me at this time in life after plans have been made that will impact us financially.

submitted by /u/vhs1988
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* This article was originally published here

Monday, April 22, 2024

Hel regarding my "best" friend

We've known each other for six years now. She (22f) left her discord open where she talks with her situationship and I (23f) found out she badmouths me, saying things about me being ugly and trans, even though I didn't want her to out me like that to a stranger, and I was wondering how should I approach this whole thing, since in theory I shouldn't have seen all of that but at the same time I cant forget all of it.

Tldr; saw discord chat where I was being bad mouthed and I don't know how to approach this.

submitted by /u/100blacksouls
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, April 21, 2024

My girlfriend (19F) cheated on me (18M) with her abusive ex (18M)

In November 2023, my girlfriend slept with her ex. This man is mentally and physically abusive to her. He would beat her while they were dating, and when they broke up, he would threaten to harm himself if she stopped talking to him. Sometime in November he pushed her to sleep with him, and she was scared to say no. I believe her fear because I know how this guy is. He is very manipulative. After this occurred, she cut him off shortly after. Since December 2023 I’ve noticed she’s been incredibly happy. Before this she was very depressed and had lots of mental problems, and our relationship suffered a lot at the time because of it. She’s been incredible these past months, we’ve had no problems, and her mental health has been significantly better. I only learned about what happened yesterday (April 2024). She proved to me that they weren’t in contact, showed that their last texts were from December, and that he’s blocked. I don’t know how to feel now, because on one hand I feel like she cheated. I feel sick thinking about what happened. On the other hand, this man is abusive and I know she was terrified of him. What do I do?

tl:dr her abusive ex threatened to hurt her if she didn’t sleep with him. She did, and cut him off shortly after. I only discovered this recently and don’t know how to feel

submitted by /u/ThrowRAabcdefg12345
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* This article was originally published here

Saturday, April 20, 2024

I may of rushed into Marriage from a LDR

I apologize ahead of time for my writing skills and ranting.

I (32)M got married in December to my Wife (30F) and I just slept on the couch again. She's mad at me this time because my gluten allergy is very inconvenient for her when packing lunches for my work. A lot of little things set her off and it can ruin our day or week depending on how upset she is. I don't think she really loves me for me, but says she does and I'm struggling myself with the love. I've always felt I have sacrificed a lot more than her for this relationship. I feel unappreciated and hurt a lot. Which we've argued over before.

Our relationship started by matching on OkCupid back in Jan 2022. I was talking to a few women at the time irl, but I eventually found out she was from the Philippines. Her humble, hard working nature as a catholic school teacher inspired me. Yet, her mental instability at times scared me. Yet, she was a lot more sane than the usual girls that were around me. When I said I didn't want to talk to her anymore due to the distance and her mental state.(Mind you I only knew her for less than a month at this point) She threatened to kill herself and stalked me on my social medias when i blocked her. She never really dated before me and I thought maybe I was being too hard on her. I asked her out the same night like an idiot.

I was in a 7 year on and off relationship before this and tend to fall for controlling people like my parents were. I was raised by my mom to basically be the dad/caregiver of my severely autistic and brain damaged brother. Which leads me to care and serve those less fortunate than me. Even if it almost kills me or destroys my mental state. So I had to leave behind my brother and my ex to survive. Which leaving my brother behind haunts me and she can't really understand that.

Anyways, I visited her twice in May of 2022 and 2023. It was so beautiful there, and we had so much more fun in person than LDR. The first time seeing her and meeting her family almost brings tears to my eyes thinking about it because it was so unreal. I was on the other side of the planet with her and learning so much about a different culture. I proposed to her while island hopping because i felt pressured to be a man from my peers and that our love would grow more in time. We started our K1 visa in June 2022 and the soonest she could arrive was October 25th 2023. During the LDR parts there was a lot of jealousy issues from her end even though I was loyal throughout and she hated asking for money, but sometimes she would only have enough to eat rice once a day. I moved up in my job so I could afford to help her be happy and eventually fly her over. We almost broke up a couple times during the LDR period. I told her i may not be able to afford to come over May 2023 and she was really hurt. She began calling and yelling that I was a Weak Man for saying that and stopped talking to me for a few days. Of course we got back together and I worked overtime to fly over again.

Now, we've been fighting on and off since she arrived. She made me wait until marriage to have sex due to her being virgin. She would say we'd have sex on each visit and night of our marriage, but we never did. Not until a few weeks after our marriage. The sex became really good eventually, but i still felt alone in the relationship. Meanwhile my job was killing me, I'm the sole provider and she can't seem happy unless we're spending money. I really do care for her a lot, but our maturity levels are different. Despite her work, she acts childish which is something her dad warned me about. (For example, I asked her to grab some wires with her fingers through a tv stand hole. I walk away and come back. Shes using scissors to grip the wires. I ran over and stopped her...) Anyway, everyone has been happy for me and mention how beautiful/gorgeous she is. Yet, they don't know what happens behind closed doors. We do have great days playing games and shopping, but I feel stressed, depressed and had to get therapy to survive work and this marriage.

TL;DR: Rushed into Marriage with someone from the Philippines where the relationship has always been rocky for various reasons.

I feel like I wanted to achieve American dream too fast, and rushed the wife, the house and possibly kids in the future. Should we part ways, so I don't waste her years to have kids or is there something I can do to fix this?

Thank you for the help

submitted by /u/Icy_Department_4187
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* This article was originally published here

Friday, April 19, 2024

Does the man I'm dating have commitment issues? F24 and M27

Does he have commitment issues? M27 and F24

I'll give a brief timeline.

Met him 31st March 2024 at a Festival. He approached me and we started to talk. Stayed for 2 hours talking. exchanged numbers.

He called the following day and we arranged our first date on for Thursday 4th April. Went out to dinner and had a great time.

Called me Saturday 6th April and asked to go out with me that day. Date lasted 12 hours had the most amazing time.

Monday 8th April rocks up at my work just to say hello. We also went out on a date that evening and had a fantastic time.

Saw each other again on Wednesday 10th April. Had a fantastic time. Super affectionate and complimentary. And told me he really really likes me about 10 times.

Saw each other again on Thursday 11th April and again another fantastic time. Super affectionate and even said he can't wait to marry me.

Called me Saturday 13th April in the morning sounded a little different and said he hasn't really spent anytime with his family this week and needs to spend time with them.

Called me Sunday night on the 14th April and asked if he could see me. I had visitors over so told him I couldn't.

Monday 15th April called and asked if he could see me after work. I said ok. He was pretty distant. and said we will see each other sometime this week.

I could sense a change in behaviour. He was no longer planning dates but instead would want to meet me on a whim and expect me to be available.

He asked to see me again on Wednesday 17th April after work. We met up and I had a talk with him about where this relationship was going. I told him what my expectations are among those being that if he wanted to pursue this relationship I would like him to plan proper dates that included the weekend. He was very receptive and we actually discussed what he wanted from each other for a couple of hours.

Next day Thursday 18th April I don't hear from him all day. He calls me at night and tells me he is feeling numb and overwhelmed. I said to him that he is obviously confused and its best that he takes some time to think about what he wants.

This morning he calls me and says he is near my work and asks if I have time to grab a coffee with him. I told him no that I was busy. I'm so confused with this guy. He went from being the most amazing self assured guy to someone who doesn't know what he wants.

I was never the initiator in the relationship. He would always call me and text first. I never called or texted first. During our dates he would just stare at me with the widest grin on his face to the point where I had to look away. He would refuse to sit opposite me at the restaurant and only want to sit next to me. He would not let go of my hand the entire date. He would hug me and not let go for 5 minutes straight. He was so into me and now he suddenly is numb. I don't get it. I'm just so glad I didn't sleep with him then I really would have felt even more like shit.

Does this guy have commitment issues? Because I feel he has one foot in the door and the other out. I really like him but I don't want to waste my time on someone who is going to be hot and cold all the time.

TL;DR - should I just end it now and save myself future heartache?

submitted by /u/StatusCount3670
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* This article was originally published here