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Wednesday, March 9, 2022

‘We’re having way better sex than our kids!’ The seventysomethings hitting their kinky, blissed-out peak

What do you get when you combine decades of experience and endless time to experiment? The best sex of your life

Waving a bright pink vibrator, Sylvia worries about one of her neighbours walking past the window. She is 81, and she and her husband, Paul, who is 73, started to use sex toys about 10 years ago, mainly because Sylvia needed a bit more stimulation to become aroused. The pink vibrator is new. “I haven’t really, to coin a phrase, got to grips with it,” she says, laughing. We speak one evening over Zoom, Sylvia and Paul sitting close together in their living room. They have been married for 32 years, and sex has remained important to them. Paul stresses that he prefers to call it “making love”. “We don’t do ‘sex’ – sex is purely physical – we are genuinely sharing our love for each other,” he says. The first time they made love, he says, “it was a remarkably intense physical and emotional experience.”

Sylvia rolls her eyes: “He’s much more romantic than I am.” She has always, she says, “had a very lively libido”. They used to have sex most days, but Sylvia is still feeling the effects of Covid, so it’s down to every 10 days or so. She has, she says, “an arthritic knee, which is a bit of a nuisance”, and arthritis in her wrists can make some previous positions harder. “I think it’s been well over a year since you were on top of me, and it’s a position we both like,” says Paul to Sylvia. “That’s the age impact,” she says. But both agree that their connection, their intimacy, is deeper now. “Over 30-odd years, we’ve learned what works, what doesn’t,” says Paul. “We have a real sense of intimacy.”

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* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

I (23F) am not sure I want to be with my boyfriend (20M) but I am afraid of dumping him.

Throwaway account just to be safe.

My boyfriend and I have been together for a little over a year. He's a very sweet guy and I like him a lot, but there are some issues at hand.

I'm his first in basically everything. First serious relationship, first kiss, etc., and while that was all endearing to begin with, I can't help but feel like I've trapped myself in something now. I'm a very independent person after going through a lot of struggles in my life alone, and how often he wants to be with me is almost suffocating at times. I feel bad telling him no, but I just don't want to see him all the time, especially when it feels like he's almost constantly asking. Also, I have some PTSD due to my childhood life, and he has some anger issues that don't exactly make me feel comfortable. He gets decently angry over small things, especially video games, and it changes the entire mood of having fun and playing around when he gets like this.

I've tried to bring things like this up, but he really doesn't respond well to confrontation and almost shuts down. It feels like there's a way bigger age gap between us a lot of times, and it makes me feel like I'm walking on eggshells with a guy in high school while I'm a grown woman.

I know the best thing is to probably break up with him if he's making me feel like this, but I am genuinely scared of the backlash if I decide to do so. As I said, I'm his first, and I don't want to be that person, but I really don't feel happy anymore.

What should I do? Should I just bite the bullet and break up? Or should I risk making things awkward by bringing these things up again and trying to fix the relationship?

TL;DR: I feel trapped in my relationship but I'm terrified of being the one to cut it off.

submitted by /u/Mysterious-Cherry182
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* This article was originally published here

Monday, March 7, 2022

Boyfriend (29M) going to a stag-do this weekend. Thinking of breaking up

Hi, I (23F) have been with my boyfriend (29M) for almost 2 years, living together for almost 1. He is going to a stag do this Saturday and I am unhappy with this in addition to other factors in our relationship, such as being his emotional punching bag and feeling like I’m getting in the way of his life without trying to.

Basically, my boyfriend is a perfectionist and has been mad at me on and off for 6 months over things like me taking too long to get ready or not performing well enough in the gym etc. Now he is going to a stag do which may involve strippers. Not a big deal, I get that it’s not like he’s going by himself to the strip club every week, but I’m still bothered. It pisses me off that he can treat me like I’m so unimportant whenever we go out to do something together but will happily spend money on strippers. I also don’t want to tell him not to go as I want him to hang out with his friends and have a good time. So basically, I just feel that I am an unnecessary obstacle in his life. We live together though and he is paying off University at the moment, so it’s logistically hard for me to just leave. He would likely still expect me to pay my part here and then I’d have to pay to stay somewhere else.

What does one do in situations like this?

TLDR; My (23F) boyfriend (29M) is going to a stag do this weekend. This in addition to other factors in our relationship is prompting me to think it’s over but not sure how to go about breaking up when we live together and still love each other? This would take him by surprise

submitted by /u/Low-Substance-5274
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, March 6, 2022

How do I seem like a cool uncle when I have no experience around kids?

My (24M) gf has nephews (5&7) and I'm going to one of their birthdays in a few months. I've always wanted to be an uncle (I think owing to the fact that I had an uncle by marriage who is genuinely one of the best people I know) and I want to make a good first impression on these lads. I have a few little cousins but I've not engaged with them too much so I'm not entirely sure how to talk to children. Is there anything I can do other than getting them a gift to help me win them over?

tl;dr I wanna be a good uncle and might not get another chance. Tips for being liked by kids?

submitted by /u/jaspotron
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* This article was originally published here

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Gf (26F) messaged me once at 3pm and then nothing.

For context, we've been dating for 2.5 years and normally message a few times during the day, and often tell each other goodnight. We haven't seen each other for a week as she was tired and she actually cancelled on an event we were meant to go to this weekend that we'd planned for months. All good, she is tired.

My girlfriend messaged me at 3pm yesterday once showing me her getting a winey lunch with her best friend for her birthday. I messaged her back an hour later talking about my day, showed her some stuff. Since her message at 3, radio silence.

She went to lunch, went home, ignored my messages and went to sleep at 10-11ish and didn't think to message me back?

She may need time to decompress, relax, etc. Is messaging your partner a message or two back too tiring?

I am insecure. I want to gauge how insecure I am being right now, or if it's mildly reasonable for me to be a bit annoyed by this? I view our relationship as serious, with a future, and I like to communicate with my partner at least in intervals. She may be different.

I know a lot of people that would be annoyed by this, but I also know people who have a relationship dynamic where they don't talk for a day or two (weird to me personally).

I'd appreciate anyone's insight.

TL;DR: Gf hasn't messaged me back since 3pm yesterday, which I consider quite annoying but also worry it may mean I am insecure. Would love advice.

submitted by /u/sjahdaksjhdakjh
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* This article was originally published here