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Friday, July 14, 2023

helping my (22M) girlfriend (22F) that get triggered (because of my mistake)?

long story short, i had mental problems in the past (1,5-1y ago), and i used to vent to my friends, and have ever talked shit about my girlfriend. now im at much better place after professional help. it is not justified at all and i admit my wrongdoings. now our relationship is 2+ years old.

she snooped through my phone and looked at those old messages. and have lost trust in me. were on the verge of break up and she's been changing daily. one day we are never going back, the next she comes back to me, the next she says we're never going back again, the next she still gives me chance again.

she said she knows that it is in the past, but just couldn't help thinking how cruel i was talking behind her back. she took a break from social media, but recently came back and a certain word triggered her. of course ive been apologizing every single day, showing how regretful i am of things i did and i love her.

she says whenever she feels fine it is fine, but whenever she sees social media she always gets triggered and remember my wrongdoings.

she wants concrete evidence from me, showing how i really have changed. i suggested couples theraphy, she said she doesn't feel comfortable doing that, as she only shares her personal life to those closest to her (including me), and how i broke that trust.

how can i help her regarding this manner? showing concrete evidence to show her how changed of a man i am. we are on long distance as i study 6 more months abroad, and im not really sure how. ive really shown how changed of a man i am and our relationship has been wonderful lately, until she decided to snoop through old messages.

thanks in advance for the suggestions/comments!

tl:dr- mental problems in the past made me rant and talk shit about my girlfriend, now im a much better place after professional help. relationship been wonderful, then girlfriend saw old messages. gets triggered on a certain word nowadays. how can i help her and built trust back, proving im a different man now?

submitted by /u/Peacock-03
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* This article was originally published here

Thursday, July 13, 2023

She (26F) got mad at me (32m) for not calling her after 1st date


Met this girl on Facebook , she seemed cool and very gorgeous, so we went on 1st date, she seemed really to like me and had a strong crush on me, while since I"m still affected by the break up with my ex recently, I liked her, Called her after 3 days of the date and she went ballistic on why I didn't call during the last 3 days, I said to her I have been busy with work .. which I'm.. but she can call whenever she wants I'm happy to talk to her, and she went even more angry and cancelled the 2nd date

Am I supposed to stop what I'm doing to babysit girls to help them deal with their insecurities? Is dating has changed or am I living in a cave ?

Tldr: I met a girl on Facebook and we had a great first date. However, when I didn't call her for three days afterward, she became angry and canceled our second date. Now I'm questioning whether I should prioritize someone's insecurities and if dating norms have changed.

submitted by /u/Low_Complaint_7574
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* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Is my friend getting catfished/scammed?

I have a friend (25M) who met a girl (19F) on a dating app/website. They have been talking online for three months and have FacedTimed and he has confirmed she is a real person. They supposedly even talk on the phone every night. He booked a flight to Canada to visit her next week (we are on the East Coast). Based on the information he has given me, I’m very skeptical of her intentions.

  • Her family owns a very successful restaurant and they have a large sum of money. But she hasn’t given him the name of the restaurant to confirm (for “privacy reasons”).
  • She claims she has people after her and her family because of their wealth/business.
  • She has social media (Instagram), but her mom created the account and won’t share it with him (for “privacy reasons”). She claims she will give him access to her phone and social media after they meet in person.
  • She has offered to show him a video tour of her house to verify her wealth, but when he brought it up, she deflected and became aggressive towards him.
  • She is going to pick him up at the airport or they will meet at a public restaurant.
  • They only talk on Discord and Snapchat. He doesn’t have her phone number or e-mail address. She also shares her Snapchat account with her friend.
  • She was supposed to come visit him here, but her parents wouldn’t allow it, so he is going to her instead. However, her parents let her travel internationally with her assistant, who is a male. They supposedly just went to Europe. However, she didn’t send him any pictures until after the trip because her phone got taken away by her mom and she was using her assistant’s phone.
  • She lives with her family in Vancouver, but she is supposedly driving with her friend to Regina for 18 hours to hang out with him for a week at her own house (he booked a hotel room).

Whenever we tell him how sketchy this sounds, he claims that she is not like us common folk and that she has these protocols for security/privacy reasons. What are the odds that he is getting catfished/scammed? He says she has never asked him for money or gifts.

TL;DR: My friend met a girl online and he is flying across the continent to see her. She has no Internet presence and we cannot confirm anything this girl has said.

submitted by /u/RyzenGuy
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* This article was originally published here

Monday, July 10, 2023

How do I (F20) politely leave a group of friends of 7?

I met them all in 2019 when I was in high school, we quickly created this little group and everything was perfect. But since covid and confinement, and then our respective studies, we have moved away. We still have this discussion group on whatsapp but no one talks except to organize activities together but for years we have not been able to see each others anymore because everyone is too busy. I speak to only one person in private message very rarely, and for most of them absolutely never. I just feel like we keep some semblance of contact out of habit but I've grown up, I'm not the same anymore, and I don't feel connected to them anymore.

How do I politely walk away from them? I don't know what to do

tl;dr: How do I leave my old group of friends with whom I feel like I speak (very rarely) just out of habit?

submitted by /u/fluwless
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Am I (28M) his insurance or he's (26M) just unable to tell me to go?

Hey, this might be longer to read and I appreciate everyone's time beforehand. But I'm confused of my ex's behavior. I'd love to hear your POVs, thoughts,... I appreciate it alot.

My ex, 26yo guy, nerdy, scientist, geeky, cute, passionate about his hobbies, gamer, Introverted, comes from loving family, idealistic and creative, empathic and emotional guy (yet so super cold and distanced towards me after the break up). Me 28y, sensitive and emotional, nerdy, business guy, extroverted 68%, active planner, dreamer, loyal and supportive, comes from bad family surroundings, heartwarming and still in love obviously. We were both our first big love and relationship.

We broke up 10m ago, in a good faith. We've had 4,5y long relationship, we were a very cute and adorable couple, we've had many stuffs in common, attracted to each other alot, yet we've had our ups and downs and communication issues about stupidities... (selfishness, sometimes demanding or grumpiness). We broke up in a agreement as we were back then frustrated from each others behavior and also because of a difficult season we both have had at works, etc.... So we kind of a, gave up I'd say. Soon later I realized what's he worth to me and that I don't want to lose him. However, he was fine with the decision of breaking up, felt like we r not supposed to be together, rather friends. When I told him that back there, I hurted him as he didn't expect me to lay all my emotions on him and I was very dramatic there tbh and made a "scene".

He needed space back then from me.

After a gap of some time. We've tried being friends, agreeing, seeing where it leads.... (me hoping to be in a relationship with him again, which I did mention and he always said, don't bet on it but we'll see, there might be chance...) but it didn't work, from my side.... I always ended up asking about us... I told him some time later, on our trip together, that I lied and being friends is hurting me and I'm constantly depressed, thinking of him, hurted, missing him super much etc...... Back then when I told him that, he looked at me with glossy eyes, while I cried softly, and he said, he wishes to be friends and we'll see if we make it back (he mentioned that many times).

But I told him, as much as I respect his decisions, he must respect mine which is that I can't suffer anymore by being friends. I want him to take some time to reconsider whether we try, truly, or we forget about each other smh.... I told him, begged him to be direct to me and not to rub honey around my mouth, that I don't want to live in hopes and I can take it... He nodded. I don't want to push him to decide into my favor, but I also want to get rid of this pain and I believe we can make it work and be happy together. (Am I the selfish guy here?)

He said he will think of it and let me know how he decided. Back then when we've last seen each other, I was supposed to take my bike from his place and he was like "you can take it next time"... (Another sign of him wanting to see me again?).

Since then, nothing. I texted him two weeks later just to see if he thought of it and he said he haven't decided yet, that he needs some more time to think it through and he promises to let me know...

Well, that was another month and I blocked him being hurted and "on hold" (I didn't want to be able to see his socials)... I know as he's introverted he takes time to think things through and is sensitive and ..... Yeah, I don't want to excuse him, I'm also a human being right? However, if I asked him to be honest with me and end my suffering, and he says he doesn't want me to suffer and "needs time to think it through"... Why did he never tell me directly his "no" ? What's happening here? Am I absolutely not on his mind or is he afraid to be honest to me to reveal his emotions? Other then that, I feel like moving on is best for me (as I'm wasting my time obviously), but he's Incalculably valuable to me, he is a specific person and a little "weirdo" which I like him alot for, one has no idea how much. I care for him incredibly much as he basically was my family.

Back then, I was grumpy because of stuff hapenning in my life (work crisis) selfishly expecting his support and not thinking of him having his own things to deal with. (Guess it was too much for him back then) Sometimes I was needy or demanding towards him, invading his introverted bubble, not respecting his boundaries. I can see he's scared of that hapenning again. Sadly, I learned how to maintain all of that after the break up thanks to some reading, Psychotherapies, learning about myself better.... Sometimes people realize their mistakes when it's too late and honestly, he had his bugs too. But I can see he was best of a boyfriend to me when I was able to maintain these boundaries as I could see when he felt respected, loved and supported, he was able to return his love multiple times back.

I'd love to hear your thoughts, don't hasitate to be direct, I need it. Though I think I'll always think of him as my soulmate.

Just to add, we never kissed or anything since the breakup. For him, it's not right and he seems to not be thinking of me sexually or anything as we broke up.

TLDR: I want to get back together with my ex but he's unable to tell me directly his decision and takes his time to think it through, but haven't decided yet...

submitted by /u/haveueverbeenloved
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* This article was originally published here

Friday, July 7, 2023

F27 and m27 with completely different views on sex and intimacy. Does sex naturally come from being kind, sweet, and going out of your way for your partner or does sex need to happen in order to want to be good to your partner ?

My partner and I have completely different views of this. He tells me he can’t give me what I need on an emotional level unless he’s getting sex. That means he can’t and doesn’t want to go out of his way for me, saying kind things to me, or help me out with things unless it leads to sex. He says he doesn’t want to put the work in unless it’s going to result in something.

I, on the other hand, feel that being kind and sweet to one another is a prerequisite to sex. I don’t want to be having sex with someone who’s not treating me correctly. He says it’s my responsibility to be fucking him and that I owe him sex because I’m the only person he can get it from.

TLDR: Am I wrong for thinking emotional connection and build up are what leads to sex? Is it crazy that my partner expects me to give him sex in order for him to want to put effort into treating me how I want to be treated ?

submitted by /u/sightimesathousand
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* This article was originally published here