TL;DR My boyfriend only feels horny with direct physical touch, never before. My boyfriend of two years and I have always had different sexual needs. I've always wanted more, felt like he was rarely initiating, I would get often sexually denied by him, etc. For context, I am a very conventionally attractive woman and know he is attracted to me. We have a fantastic relationship and he treats me like a princess. However, I just can't get him to have sex with me more than once a week.
When we were discussing how to change this again today, he revealed to me that he's never felt horny in his life before the act of physical stimulation itself. He says he looks at me and feels like I'm sexy, but it doesn't make him physically horny and he's never had that sensation without physical touch before in his life, even as a teenager.
This was shocking to me and worrisome because how would he initiate sex without feeling horny BEFORE the sex? I could physically touch him and initiate every single time, but his doesn't satisfy my needs as a woman in feeling sexually perused and wanted by my man. Reminder that we are very much in love and I'm blessed in the looks department so I know this isn't personal to me. This is scaring me because I'm worried I'll never be sexually satisfied. I don't want to make him feel like he's broken or inadequate, I just really hope there's a solution to this. Help!!
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* This article was originally published here