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Saturday, February 17, 2024

How to not be resentful of your partner making a lot of money?

For context, my partner was fresh out of flight school when we met, I was just starting my associate’s degree. We supported each other through financial hardships for a couple of years until he got his CFI and attained enough flight hours to join an airline as an official pilot (well, FO). Anyway, I took some time off of school and coasted on the money we were making while he was flight instructing and just recently decided to go back. Well, he would rather I get a job and pay half the rent so he can put money towards his credit card debt he accumulated a few years back that has been gaining interest (which I understand), but has since started moving his money into another bank account and insisted we separate our finances… I can’t help but think this is his way of pulling away from the relationship and am resentful of the fact that he is hiding money now that he makes an exponentially higher amount than when we were together, meanwhile I am trying to figure out how to get enough money together through loans to go back to school. I am currently living in an apartment he is paying for but have not seen him for almost a month due to the fact he is on reserve. Though, he insists we are still together yet cancels any plans we make to see one another. How do I deal with feeling like he is being avoidant and waiting for me to leave? I am currently working part-time as a security officer and making close to minimum wage, meanwhile he is making what I believe to be around $80k/yearly… I am both embarrassed and ashamed to say I am envious and spiteful of the entire situation. Am I wrong to feel this way?

tl;dr: partner got a job as a pilot that makes almost $100k 5 years after we met and is never around anymore and I feel left behind while they fly around staying in nice hotels. trying to get into flight school to catch up…

submitted by /u/legendtail
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* This article was originally published here

Thursday, February 15, 2024

valentine’s day between my bf (28m) and i (26f) wasn’t what i thought but am i overreacting?

so i explained to my bf that it would be nice for him to ask me to be his valentine this year. he’s never asked me before, so i wanted to experience it at least once.

we don’t live together. he had work and i had some appointments. i wasn’t expecting us to go out the actual day or to see him at all. i thought maybe a phone call or facetime. instead, he wrote on a piece of paper, “will you be mine? <3 :)” and took a picture of it and sent it to me via text with, “say yes pls.” i was disappointed… i honestly thought the piece of paper was a napkin. apparently, it wasn’t.

idk. i know he went to five below and walmart this past weekend. he couldn’t have bought some construction paper, glue, markers, and glitter? just anything to make the “will you be mine” look like it had more thought/ effort? couldn’t buy one of those little balloons on a stick?

i know the question in most people’s heads rn is what do i do for him. pretty much every year, i gift him something. big or small. i make baskets filled with treats. i made different arts and crafts for him that contained memories of us for him to display in his room. one year, i made us cupcakes and lasagna in heart shaped containers but ended up eating that alone (lol least favorite vday). this year i bought him plushies that reminded me of us and an engraved necklace.

i don’t even want jewelry or a basket full of things or a room full of balloons and roses. i just wanted him to put a little effort into asking that question that i’ve never been asked before. we have a date this saturday but even that date was my idea… we’ve been together 7 years. i just wanted to experience it once like i said.

idk maybe you guys could tell me if im overreacting or being dumb. then, i will apologize to him for not being grateful enough.

TL;DR! : my bf didn’t ask me to be his valentine the way i expected. it left me feeling disappointed but perhaps i’m overthinking it.

thank you for reading.

submitted by /u/barbie_jojo
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* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

How do I openly and honestly approach going on first dates with two different relationship prospects?

Background: I (26F) met 2 wonderful men through a religious dating app (where most people on it are looking for serious relationships). Both of these men live in different countries (Europe and the Middle East), which I don't view as an issue, since I speak both languages and my professional degree from the US is recognized in both places. Additionally, both men are also open to living in the US and have some family here.

Man #1 - Europe (30M): I began talking to this lovely man first. He stood out for his thoughtfulness and consideration for my feelings. Our values, goals, and religious beliefs align, he is kind and gentle when he speaks, and there is mutual respect. For 2 weeks, he would call me everyday and we'd occasionally text. Our communication was consistent and equally initiated/reciprocated. Then, he went a day or 2 without messaging me, so I gave him space, since he works loong hours and possibly set the bar too high at first. Then without explanation, he reached out again and we now call every few days. Since I am visiting family in the Middle East soon, we discussed I take a cheap flight over to him and spend a couple days together, which we are both excited about.

My friends told me his behavior of gradually communicating less frequently could mean he's playing the field and keeping me as an option. I am not comfortable asking him about, bc we're not dating so he can really do whatever he wants. They told me I should be doing the same because this is just how modern dating works. (Plus I don't really want to be waiting on this person's every word, in case I really am just an option.)

Man #2 - Middle East (28M): So, I replied to a message from this other wonderful man. We too have shared values and religious beliefs, he is kind too, and makes me laugh a lot. I haven't spoken to him long enough (only a few days), but he's been responsive and is really excited for me to visit.

The issue: Now I have first dates/meetings lined up with both of these men in 2 different countries. This does not feel right, but it's the only way for me to get truer impressions of them.

My questions: 1. Should I inform each of these men that I will be going on other dates? (I can't stand lying, and I'm sure it will come up in my conversation--like why I'm going to Europe and with who) 2. If so, how do I break the news to them?

TL;DR! - Met 2 great guys on an app and want to meet them, but feel disloyal having dates w 2 different people planned at once. I would not have this challenge if they both lived in town, but I am flying out so this is my one opportunity to meet both of them.

submitted by /u/babyflava
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* This article was originally published here

Monday, February 12, 2024

Why do we catch feelings for/become attracted to those we shouldn't?

This might seem like a general question, but I have had it happen to me more than once. I seem to always catch feelings for the 'dominant' types if you like (I am anything but that, introverted, caring and somewhat socially awkward, etc) and nearly always it ends the same way, with a broken heart. This time has been no different, with one small exception. She doesn't know, and all going well she's not going to.

I won't bore you with great details. But more or less I (24M) am attracted to this girl (22F) who works at my local pub. I have somewhat of a history with her so it was awkward at the start, but we're all good now and it was not long after we smoothed things over that I realised I had feelings. Or at least I think they are, but I do at very least think she is somewhat hot. Maybe it's her looks, maybe it's the way she carries herself, maybe it's just because I have a history with those types of people. I don't know.

The reason I wonder why it's actual feelings or not, is because for the first time ever apparently, the realisation did hit me at some point that we would not work. Apart from her being tied down anyway, we have very friggen little common interests, and while we do get on that's for a few hours one day a week. Every day, I feel would be a different story. That's not to even mention my actual chances with her regardless (slim to none imo).

I have 8 months (the pub's closed for renovations) to try and forget about this stuff and, jee wiz I hope I do.

But my question is, why does this stuff happen? Why is it that we can fancy people that we know we're not compatible with? We know it, I mean I had a girl who was almost exactly the same (with a few exceptions) basically gaslight me for years and it completely shattered me. To the point that I havn't felt anything for anyone, more or less until now.

Deep down though, there is that burning desire for it to work. Why?

TL;DR: Caught feelings for a girl that I have next to no chance of getting in with, and even if I did I doubt it would work. Why do we still want what we cannot have?

submitted by /u/Individual-Onion5132
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, February 11, 2024

How do I (M29) get over the fact that my girlfriend (F29) isn't conventionally attractive?

Julia and I matched on an app and one of the first things I noticed were that her pictures had been very flattering. But we'd gotten along well and by the end of first date, I was hooked. We've been together for almost a year now and I never thought I could love somebody this much. For me, the more I like someone the more beautiful they become and because of her strength, her passion, her kindness and so much more I do genuinely believe that she's beautiful. Sometimes I'll just look at pictures of her and smile. It's early on but I want to give her the happiest days of her life.

I'm worried I'll ruin it by being dumb. I'm a conventionally attractive guy, and Julia's the first person I've been with that doesn't really fit the mold of a "typically attractive" person. I've introduced her to some of my friends and I've worried that they'll judge me (which is stupid, they're good people that look beyond appearances). When I see picutres of us together I sometimes think "I'm the hot one and that's okay" or "I've been with people who looked better". When we're together I call her things like beautiful and sexy and wonderful and unstoppable (all of which are true), but I don't say things like "gorgeous" because it feels like lying. I've seen pictures of celebrity couples where one is physically stunning and the other is physically "okay" and I've thought "See? We can just be one of those couples". I don't think physical appearance is important beyond the early stages of dating, and I am very attracted to her, physically and emotionally because of who she is and the way she makes me feel. But I know she'd be devastated if I told her about these thoughts. Can I get over this or should we break up?

TL;DR - I love my girlfriend but she isn't conventionally attractive. How do I get over my social conditioning?

submitted by /u/This-Character8887
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* This article was originally published here