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Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Boyfriend (28M) of 6 years doesn't want to marry me (26F) so I fell in love with someone else.

Hello everyone!

I (26F) have been with my boyfriend (28M) for 6 years already. We met in college, and it was a wonderful relationship from the start. We formed an instant bond, and both fell in love. When I saw him for the first time, I was sure that I found "the one," and he said he felt the same. We lived together for a year while we were in college, but as soon as we finished, we moved back home and have lived separately since. He found a job with his university degree as an engineer offshore, so he would be at work for a couple of months then back home. I was hopeful that we will move in together soon and start living like a couple again. This was in 2020, and nothing has changed since. He lost his job in the meantime because his eyesight has been getting worse, and he can't work if his health is not perfect. He is now unemployed, living in his parent's house and doesn't even look for a job, and I work as a manager on a project. Even though he lives only 17 miles away, we see each other once a month for 5-7 days because he cannot drive due to his health issues and has to take a bus. I've been unhappy for a long time, and the fact he won't put an effort to see me is making me very sad.

I've chatted with a friend I met online. This guy (33M) is someone I share interests with, but I never saw him as a love interest. When this guy was in my country in November last year, I met up with him, and I felt an instant bond forming. I've told my boyfriend about my friend, and he said I can meet up with him because I would never go behind his back on something like that. Then it was December. During the Christmas period, I was at home, and my family was here, so, naturally, I asked my boyfriend to join us and celebrate Christmas with me because I can't be with his family due to my work. He declined my offer, said that it's boring to celebrate Christmas with me, and that he wants to be with his family. I felt devastated and figured out he has been avoiding holidays with me throughout our whole relationship. He always prioritizes his family over me. Then it was New Years, and I asked him to come so we can spend it together. Again, he declined the offer and spent the night drinking with his buddies in his town. My birthday was recently, in February, and my boyfriend said he would definitely be there. I waited until evening, and then he said he won't be here for the weekend as planned because it might rain later on, and he can't travel by bus in rain. So he missed my birthday and arrived a day later, even though I asked for a few days off from work weeks before that to properly spend the weekend with him. He arrived when I had to work until 9 pm, then complained how he is just sitting alone in my apartment while I'm at work, and that it's boring. Other than that, when we are together he is kind and caring.

I was devastated and felt very lonely. I started chatting more with my friend I met in November, and during the Christmas period, we even video-called, which became a regular occurrence. He advised me to ditch the guy. We talked more, and I told him how unhappy I felt, and I never talked about my relationship problems with anyone. I opened up to him completely about these problems. He said he wants to be with me and that he was in love with me for a long time. Due to my loneliness, I think I fell for this guy too. I dream about him often, and I think about him all the time. The problem is I am afraid to leave my 6-year relationship, and a part of me just wants everything to be just like it was. Even though he has been neglectful and made me feel bad, I am still hoping he will come back to his senses, sort his life out, and everything will be fine. And yes, I did talk to my boyfriend about everything that has been bothering me, he just says that everything will be fine if I just wait for a bit more. I don't want to lose more time waiting, I want to live my life and have a family of my own.

Please advise me on how to solve this mess. I would like a fresh perspective. Thank you.

TL;DR - Boyfriend of 6 years is neglectful towards me, refuses to find a job, refuses to spend important holidays with me or my family and refuses to try to work towards a goal of having a family. I fell in love with someone else due to the loneliness I feel. Now I am afraid if I am making a mistake by leaving this guy for someone else.

submitted by /u/Accurate_Ad7093
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* This article was originally published here

Monday, February 19, 2024

Am I (25F) overreacting if I am anxious that my guy (24M) has a dummy account where he accepted friend requests from a few random hot girls but he “never flirted with anyone using the account”?

I’m aware of my guy’s dummy account (he used a fictional character’s name) that he created when his main Facebook account got banned for 3 days for some reason in 2021. I found out he had a few random hot girls as friends on the dummy account all because one day I saw those random girls as Facebook’s Friend Suggestions and his dummy account was a mutual friend.

He rarely used the dummy account after he got his main account back.

But today, I saw him online using the dummy account, and when I chatted him there, he immediately unfriended and blocked me saying he needs to use the dummy account for a business in which he needs to protect his identity.

Now he’s insisting that he isn’t doing anything wrong and that he removed all friends from that account. He even defended himself further saying he never added the random girls — he only accepted their friend requests. I am anxious now and I pointed out that he wouldn’t accept those girls if he really didn’t have any plans to flirt.

He said I am just overreacting.

Am I?

TL;DR My guy has a dummy Facebook account where he became friends with random hot girls. I pointed out that he wouldn’t accept those girls if he really didn’t have any plans to flirt.

He said I am just overreacting.

Am I?

submitted by /u/_whoneeds1
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, February 18, 2024

My (32 M) gf (26F) (ex) cheated on me with a white guy who is supposedly her bf now. Should I ask her if she cheated on me before this also?

We were in live in relationship since past two years. She was the love of my life. It's been 4 months since breakup and I'm devastated to be the understatement. I would prefer to die than bear this pain.

Anyway, she went to Europe for further studies. Did her first year, came back to me for three months break from university, we fought and everything and she was very hard on me during that time, but I knew she was always problematic but she's my baby and I tried to make it as best for her as it can be. She went back for second year, and after 15 days fought with me for no reason and told me that I'm worst bf and everything and she's going to go out on dates there now. After 7 days she posted on Instagram a photo with this new guy calling him love of her life.

She says that she did it all after she fought with me and told me we broke up. I told her she cheated on me, but except for above excuse once or twice she never denied it. She'll cheat is the last thing I expected from her.

Now I'm thinking if she cheated on me before as well. When she was in Europe in first year. Should I ask her this? I wanna know because I would like to know the truth and get a closure, otherwise I'll die in pain. But is it okay to ask this? Will it yield any result?

I am still the nicest to her, and we are in touch. Should I just ask her. I came here to ask you guys because I'm very high and I'm not trusting my judgement at the moment.

tl;dr - she cheated on me when we broke up. I wanna know if she cheated before as well.

submitted by /u/CautiousSuit165
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* This article was originally published here

Saturday, February 17, 2024

How to not be resentful of your partner making a lot of money?

For context, my partner was fresh out of flight school when we met, I was just starting my associate’s degree. We supported each other through financial hardships for a couple of years until he got his CFI and attained enough flight hours to join an airline as an official pilot (well, FO). Anyway, I took some time off of school and coasted on the money we were making while he was flight instructing and just recently decided to go back. Well, he would rather I get a job and pay half the rent so he can put money towards his credit card debt he accumulated a few years back that has been gaining interest (which I understand), but has since started moving his money into another bank account and insisted we separate our finances… I can’t help but think this is his way of pulling away from the relationship and am resentful of the fact that he is hiding money now that he makes an exponentially higher amount than when we were together, meanwhile I am trying to figure out how to get enough money together through loans to go back to school. I am currently living in an apartment he is paying for but have not seen him for almost a month due to the fact he is on reserve. Though, he insists we are still together yet cancels any plans we make to see one another. How do I deal with feeling like he is being avoidant and waiting for me to leave? I am currently working part-time as a security officer and making close to minimum wage, meanwhile he is making what I believe to be around $80k/yearly… I am both embarrassed and ashamed to say I am envious and spiteful of the entire situation. Am I wrong to feel this way?

tl;dr: partner got a job as a pilot that makes almost $100k 5 years after we met and is never around anymore and I feel left behind while they fly around staying in nice hotels. trying to get into flight school to catch up…

submitted by /u/legendtail
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* This article was originally published here

Thursday, February 15, 2024

valentine’s day between my bf (28m) and i (26f) wasn’t what i thought but am i overreacting?

so i explained to my bf that it would be nice for him to ask me to be his valentine this year. he’s never asked me before, so i wanted to experience it at least once.

we don’t live together. he had work and i had some appointments. i wasn’t expecting us to go out the actual day or to see him at all. i thought maybe a phone call or facetime. instead, he wrote on a piece of paper, “will you be mine? <3 :)” and took a picture of it and sent it to me via text with, “say yes pls.” i was disappointed… i honestly thought the piece of paper was a napkin. apparently, it wasn’t.

idk. i know he went to five below and walmart this past weekend. he couldn’t have bought some construction paper, glue, markers, and glitter? just anything to make the “will you be mine” look like it had more thought/ effort? couldn’t buy one of those little balloons on a stick?

i know the question in most people’s heads rn is what do i do for him. pretty much every year, i gift him something. big or small. i make baskets filled with treats. i made different arts and crafts for him that contained memories of us for him to display in his room. one year, i made us cupcakes and lasagna in heart shaped containers but ended up eating that alone (lol least favorite vday). this year i bought him plushies that reminded me of us and an engraved necklace.

i don’t even want jewelry or a basket full of things or a room full of balloons and roses. i just wanted him to put a little effort into asking that question that i’ve never been asked before. we have a date this saturday but even that date was my idea… we’ve been together 7 years. i just wanted to experience it once like i said.

idk maybe you guys could tell me if im overreacting or being dumb. then, i will apologize to him for not being grateful enough.

TL;DR! : my bf didn’t ask me to be his valentine the way i expected. it left me feeling disappointed but perhaps i’m overthinking it.

thank you for reading.

submitted by /u/barbie_jojo
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* This article was originally published here