So my ex (33M) and I (31F) dated for 6 years when I was 18 to 24. It was a bit of a rocky relationship although we were both very serious about it and we broke up once before our final breakup. He had issues with lying and avoiding his problems by gaming all day which eventually led to the end of our relationship where I am ashamed to say I went to seek comfort in someone else. It’s been a few years now and we both moved on to new long term partners. I’m engaged to be married this summer and he’s been together with his girlfriend for a few years too. We haven’t spoken since. I think we both felt it was more respectful to our partners and also we wanted a clean break. I do think about him occasionally because we were together for such a long time and I wonder if he managed to fix his issues and hope that he’s happy. I’m really happy in my current relationship so it’s not that I have unresolved feelings or want to rekindle anything. I just still care for the person that was in my life for so many years.
However by a crazy coincidence it just so happens that his girlfriend and I are in the same course. It’s a big class so it’s not like we have to interact. But I’m guessing she also knows who I am. It’s a bit awkward.
This has made me want to reach out to my ex to tell him about it and ask him how he’s doing at the same time. Would it be wrong? I told my fiancĂ© about this and he’s fine with it. He said I should introduce myself to the girlfriend but I think that would be really weird. Thoughts?
TL;DR : Weird coincidence: I’m in the same course as my ex’s gf. We haven’t spoken in years, but we dated for a very long time. I’m thinking of texting him to tell him and to catch up. Would it be wrong ?
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* This article was originally published here