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Friday, April 22, 2022

I left her but I still love her

Hey guys!

This is my first time posting anything on reddit, I don't even know if anyone will read this but I have no one to talk to so her we go

3 weeks ago I (25M) left my girlfriend (20F) after 2 years. I didn't want to leave her but I felt like she started falling out of love with me. I talked to her about it and she said that she still loves me.

I don't feel like she does anymore and here's why...

I haven't seen her in 6 months, when I ask her she says she is busy with college and exams and stuff but when she gets the chance she is out with her college friends. Doesn't even tell me, I just know from IG.

We rarely talked after she went to college (which is 7 mins away from where I live btw). At first she would talk to me non stop, wanting to know how my day was, she would do anything to see me, always saying she misses me and she loves me but now, none of that.

When I confronted her, she said she will "try" to do better. We talked for a while after that but I felt like I had to go, she is not the same person anymore.

Right now she is going out almost everyday with her friends, funny how she now has the time to go out and college is not a problem anymore.

I don't know what to do now, I don't know if I made the right decision or not.

Should I talk to her again or not?

Should I stop looking at her IG?

Thanks for reading!

TL;DR: I left my girlfriend because I felt like she is not in love with me anymore, she says she does but her actions don't.

submitted by /u/ahmed-shaker-
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* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

My fiance (F23) told me she wants to brake up with me (M24) after 8.5 years.

So on Monday evening i got a text from my fiance about how she feels we need to talk about something and asked me to call her. I called immediately and straight away she told me she wants to brake up.

I moved abroad in January and we have been in a long term relationship after that and have seen twice. The brakeup came out of nowhere as i tought things are better than ever with us (disregarding the fact that i live abroad now). My plan was to be here for a year and then return but now i have no reason to go back.

My heart is shattered and i feel so lost and afraid. I love her so much. What should i do? I don’t really have friends here yet and am so lonely. I feel terrible thinking about that I should have not left here or how I should have done things differently. She says that the reason is that she just doesn’t love me like she used to.

TL;DR: I got dumped after 8.5 years and feel bad.

submitted by /u/BrakeupAfter8yrs
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* This article was originally published here

Monday, April 18, 2022

don't want to lose them

My(24) partner(25) of 4 ½ years has recently been thinking about their gender presentation and how they identify etc. I initially reacted kinda badly but after talking about it a little bit I'm fully on board with whatever they want to do. However they're understandably freaking out and unsure of what they want from life and whether we could work out so I offered to give them space without contact for a week to mull things over. It's only the second day without speaking and I'm really struggling. I want them to be happy and be able to explore and experiment and to have someone to support them throughout it, but if they feel that they can't do that whilst with me then they might end our relationship when I check in with them at the weekend. I'm preparing myself for the worst but I'm hoping they want me to stick around, even if just as a close friend.

TL;DR: Partner wants to experiment with gender possibly without my support, I'm feeling lost

submitted by /u/redloriyellowlori
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Need advice on my relationship

Its been about 5 or so months since we started talking. We’ve had many abusive drunk fights, she once punched me in the head while I was driving and tried to swerve my car off the road (I know I should have already left). Even just writing this down makes me realize that I should have left long ago, but now I’m feeling stuck and scared of what will happen if I try to leave. She doesn’t try to understand my pain whatsoever, we have both called each-other awful names. She seems to constantly play victim which enrages me, but then love bombs me while I’m sleeping with texts. I’ve made a lot of mistakes as well but it seems I’m the only one who is truly apologetic.

She’s also threatened to stalk me if we break up and makes comments that I can’t break up with her.

I’m struggling here, this is the same girl who constantly says I’m the love of her life and have treated her better than all of her exes. She has said she wants to have a kid with me since the first few weeks we started talking. It’s very hard for me to give that up because all I want is a family.

I’m spending every day strsssed and feeling much lower than before the relationship started.

Someone please help me, I want to believe that she can change and we will be a happy couple. But the other half wants to run away. I’m feeling codependent at this point. Any advice is much appreciated.

I know most of you are going to say leave but if anyone has any insight to whether this possibly could get better I would really appreciate it.

TLDR: My gf seems to be abusive, I want her to change, it’s been months of constant trauma and my mind feels scrambled. Desperately need advice.

submitted by /u/goodmaritimes
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* This article was originally published here

Saturday, April 16, 2022

[UPDATE] I saw boyfriend's (23M) messages and confronted him about it

First part of my post: https://www.reddit.com/r/relationships/comments/u3djlb/i_saw_boyfriends_23m_messages_and_im_unsure_what/?sort=new

SUMMARY OF 1ST PART: My boyfriend forgot to logout of his fb when he used my laptop, so I ended up seeing his messages with his friend (chat box was open). Mainly, it stated how he lowkey wanted to be single to have fun, and that he couldnt stop thinking about this other girl. He also kept repeating how the "struggle is so real," insinuating how it's getting increasingly difficult for him to fight his urges, or to fight off temptation.

So I ended up confronting my boyfriend about the whole thing and he was nothing but apologetic. He clarified that the messages were taken out of context, and it was merely the *idea* of someone having a thing for him (as the girl mentioned in my post asked our other friend if my boyfriend was single) that sparked something in him, which in turn made him miss the single life. He assured me that it wasn't a lingering feeling or anything, it just excited him. He still definitely sees a future with me, calling me his "endgame." He ended up bawling (he never cries) when he realized that he could actually lose me over this. He said that he didn't tell me about any of this in the first place because he thought it wasn't a big deal and it would just unnecessarily hurt me. I explained that he doesn't have to tell me about every single girl he finds attractive, but if it concerns feelings of wanting to be single and thinking about other girls (more than just a fleeting reaction), then he should definitely tell me. He agreed.

I do believe that his words are genuine but I still asked for some space as I need time to think things over. He still messages me, mostly to just greet me good morning or good night, and to tell me how much he loves me. But because of all this, I'm unsure if I am able to fully trust him again whenever he goes out without me (I've never had to wrestle with this feeling ever and it's quite shitty). Also, I still have a hard time not thinking about his thoughts of wanting to be single and of him thinking about other girls -- he kept assuring me that it wasn't a major feeling or anything but what if he's just telling me what I want to hear because it's feeling all too real now that he's about to lose me? I still haven't given it much thought so my emotions are all over place. What I am certain of though is that this whole thing has made me reevaluate our entire relationship -- aka do I even see a future with someone who's ~probably not fully committed?

If you were in my position, how would you feel? would this be a dealbreaker for you? or is it nothing more than a minor hiccup?

TL;DR: I read my boyfriend's messages about wanting to be single and thinking about other girls, he apologized, and now I'm unsure what to do/feel

submitted by /u/Straight_School_5453
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* This article was originally published here