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Saturday, September 3, 2022

Boyfriend reveals his true colors when I make him mad that its scary

I've(23F) been with my boyfriend(21M) for a long one year. The whole year wasn't really all that good and he did a lot of shady stuff in the relationship i never understood. One would be him telling me he is busy and disappeared on me for a couple of days. I always had a feeling he was cheating on me but couldn't accuse him because i never seen it with my own eyes. Usually when we argue he wouldn't say much because he once told me he could say some things he know could hurt my feelings. Now when we argue he drops some things hes done behind my back. We had a total of 3 arguments that led to him showing his true color.

A few times in the past i would make him mad and he would say these things but will tell me it was a joke and it was only said to make me mad but it turns out they weren't really jokes. He then will bring up how i made him angry in the past that caused him to do these things. The first argument i made him mad and he admitted that he had slept with another girl. I didn't believe it but he showed me proof. And for the past few months before all of that, he's been telling me hes tired of me and our relationship and that im not attractive to him. Even though he said they were jokes, he didnt want to break up. We broke up after i found out he slept with another girl and i completely ghosted him for a few months. Still he found other ways to contact me and apologize. We got back together and had a second argument. He told me he had nudes of me but said it was a joke when we got done arguing. Only for us to argue again the next day and reveal that he ACTUALLY did have nudes of me. He deleted them when we made up. We got into it again two days ago and now he admitted he was tired of me again and he was messing around with a coworker at his job but hasn't shown me proof. It feels as though he doesnt like me anymore but doesnt want to break up. And if i do try to break up, he threatens me. What do I do?

Tl;DR: my boyfriend use to never argue back in the past because he told me he didn't want to hurt my feelings. Several months into the relationship he argues back and reveals how he feels about the relationship and stuff hes done behind my back. He slept with other girls and is still looking for more. He is tired of the relationship but doesn't want to leave me alone.

submitted by /u/throeuxuis
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* This article was originally published here

Friday, September 2, 2022

My sister wants help

She is 20 years old. She wants to marry guys she meets twice then in a week she doesn’t care about them. She breaks their heart because she is SOOOO into them after meeting them a few times, thinks and tells them that they are beautiful inside and out, then one day she will wake up and be not bothered about them at all. She was crying to me about it and saying she feels incapable of love. She sleeps around a lot now and still goes on about soulmates etc despite feeling unlovable. She’s in therapy for depression (she says her therapist is useless and refuses to take antidepressants) and hates both mum and especially dad. She says she hates men in general. (apart from her most recent ex who she says was an angel but she just lost interest in (he stuck around being her friend after she ghosted him, they got back together, then she slow ghosted him and told him what her problem was. I feel bad for him because I have an ex who did the same to me lol.) does she have a disorder or something? Deep down she is so sad but just moves through life at 100 mph and is constantly into the next thing and forgetting the past. I feel it’s all gonna catch up to her soon and she will attempt suicide again if she can’t break this cycle. Any ideas ?

TLDR: I’m very concerned about my depressed sister who is having relationship troubles where she can’t stay interested for long in people she claims to be ‘obsessed with’. She is very sad about it. She could have any man in the world, desperately wants love, but stops herself getting it

submitted by /u/Howsitgoingmyman
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* This article was originally published here

Thursday, September 1, 2022

I (M25) feel insecure about girlfriend's (F27) ex being in her friend group

Hey guys, need some advice on this since I don't want to fuck this up.

New girl I'm dating and she's amazing and I really like her. We always have a great time together and I feel like I'm falling in love with her every day.

She has an ex with with whom she was together for 8 years (they got together when she was 16) - they broke up 2 years ago cause he cheated on her. They're also in the same friends group so they see each other from time to time (its weird for me that they meet considering he cheated on her) but other people in the group also have exes as friends and its normal for them. I just find it very weird because I have never been in this situation before and also me and my friends' group could never do this.

Last time the friends were meeting she told me the ex would be there as well. No issue she told me so no big deal.

She's been really excited to go to this festival with her best friend and during some conversation about the festival I asked her if she's gonna know other people there cause she was telling me about this festival for a few weeks cause she was excited for it (Showed me the setup and flyer and always showed me the updates etc.). She said some other acquaintances will be there and friends of friends etc.

The other day, we were together and she always uses her phone openly in front of me and never got a feeling she's hiding something or being shady. Her best friend was gonna come over and they were gonna drive to the festival together and drop me off for my train on the way. I see that she gets a text on her phone and its her ex who asks her if they should save them a parking place cause the places might be taken soon. I felt really shitty when I saw that cause she told me last time he was gonna be there and this time she didn't even mention it. I don't wanna sound insecure or some shit but this shit is bugging me. Also, she told me and showed me (it said on the festival flyer) that there might be limited service cause of the area so be prepared etc. I just felt really bad connecting these things and imagining something terrible.

When I confronted her, she felt really bad and said she should have told me that he was gonna be there as well. She told me my feelings were valid and I wasn't being insecure. She also said she doesn't like to mention the ex in front of me because obviously I wouldn't react positively to it. We didn't really get to talk so much about it cause her best friend showed up and we had to leave.

I feel like she's really into me - I've met some of her friends, she sends pics of us to her mom and I've also met her coworkers on multiple occasions.

I've tried to get back into dating properly after my previous relationship and this shit is just killing me. She felt really bad and is still texted me while at the festival (doesn't matter, I know) and she said she wants to solve this - she also suggested she could block his number or something it makes it easier for me but I didn't want that obviously either since if it's not going to effect us, and they're all friends it makes sense they see each other from time to time.

When we met again, we talked about it and I told her how this is eating me up from inside and she totally understood my feelings. She said we're gonna spend more time together so naturally she will see her friends less and the ex will fade away. She also said she feels nothing for her ex at all and it's been 2 years since they broke up. She also invited me to her friend's birthday party next month where he's gonna be there too. I said yes, I will be there with you. Maybe it helps seeing their lack of anything in person.

So two things - do you think I'm being insecure or do I have enough reason to worry about this?

Second thing: Regardless of whats happening, do you think this insecurity will keep killing me? And also how can I deal with this going forward not just with her but also if this doesn't work out in general with other future potential partners too? I would be just scared to date if I fuck this up so I'm really scared and overthinking it a lot.

Please be brutally honest and also guide me on what to plan for both of us so this doesn't become a problem for us. What signs should I look for?

tl;dr - started dating this girl recently and her ex with whom she had a long term relationship with is still in his friends circle and I feel insecure

submitted by /u/invertthis
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* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

I think I am becoming a person I am actually not.

I am a decent earning man, who has a wife and a house.

Few days back, I had a fight with my wife, and I told her to go back to her parents home, and that she is a "begger" if she stays in a house she is not welcome in. It was something I said in rage, and I actually didn't mean it (though she thinks I meant it, and she is now starting to look out for a decent job by her own, so that she doesn't have to depend on me for anything).

Then today I saw a man in ragged clothes. He was a fruit seller, and I thought to myself how bad a person he is, just because he is not well dressed like me while going for work. I didn't realise not everyone goes through the same on their days like me, and being dressed properly doesn't mean being a decent person.

Then I boarded the metro train, in their I saw a man probably in his 40s who was short on hight (probably 5 and a half feets tall).He was trying very hard to grab on the supporting handles hanging from the train roof, but wasn't able to do so due to his short hight. When I saw that, my instant reaction was secretly giggling over him and trying to make fun of his short hight in my head (I am 6 feet tall, I thought how hard it is to grab the metro roof handles that this man isn't able to do ?).

This exact moment I realised perhaps I have an arrogancy towards my job, the fact that I earn money, the fact that I have a house, and that I am tall built man. And these are the things I have figured out till now, it's possible I am arrogant of more things in my life. This is not the picture I had in my mind for myself, and neither do I want to remain this kind of person.

What should I do ? How should I fix myself?

PS : Please no abuses. I need genuine suggestions. Also, I can't go to a shrink for this thing, I don't earn that much well.

TL;DR: How should I fix my arrogance/ego ?

submitted by /u/North_Marketing_273
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* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

What are nice things that I can call, and do for my boyfriend?

I've (21f) been seeing my now boyfriend (20m) for just over 7 months, although we've been officially together for just over 1 month. We've fallen for eachother, hard; we've met eachother's families and we always have a great time when we see eachother - usually 2-4 days a week...

Now I've never been very good at buying random gifts, or giving people nicknames; but I really want to just get him something little and find something to call him that I can surprise him with😩

I've read about men liking to receive flowers, so I'm thinking of getting him some - but not right now cause there's not really anywhere in his mum's house he can put them. I was also thinking of maybe getting him one of those naked-(female)-body-shaped candles because I think that'd make him smile... As for nicknames; he's started often adding 'beautiful' on the end of a 'goodnight' or 'I'll message you later' texts, and he'll often tell me I'm pretty to my face - I want something that I can match this energy with? I saw on a comment section somewhere (not reddit, I did search this topic but either I didn't search it right or there's not much around) that guys like to be called "pretty boy", but I'm not sure he'd like that too much - or at least not if anyone else heard... I was thinking of going with "my love" or "lover" but any other ideas are welcome 😁

tl;dr - what are some small gift ideas and nickname ideas that I (21f) can give/call my boyfriend (20m)?

submitted by /u/AffectionateEar1807
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* This article was originally published here

Monday, August 29, 2022

How do I (22M) tell the girl I like (20F) the truth about how I know her?

I'll try to make a long story short. I met an old coworker in early 2020 and he was in a relationship with this one girl for a few months. I genuinely never thought of her in a romantic way, especially since he and I were cool. I did think she looked extremely good though, something I told him to his face a number of times whenever she was brought up.

They either broke up later that year or in early 2021. He ended things and on top of that, since we were cool or whatever he'd tell me stories about how cheated etc. He got fired from our job early last year too. He and I haven't talked in over a year. I realized he only talks to me when he wants something (car rides home, registering for classes, etc.), owes me money, is not the brightest, he's deceitful, and the list goes on. To put it simply, we're not cool anymore.


Fast forward to this summer. I randomly found his ex's social media about two months ago. Of course, she still looks good. I thought "What if?" so I followed her, liked a picture, and she did the same. Again, I'd always found her attractive and after following her, I'm finding out that she's intelligent and so on too.

Throughout the last few weeks, I've been thinking about her a lot. I like her and want to pursue something with her. I was gonna wait to talk to her but yesterday I just messaged her off impulse and things went well. I got her number and now we're texting.


Of course, I want and need to tell her the truth as soon as possible. I want her to know that she went out with one of my old coworkers (And maybe tell her that I was cool with him/that's how I know her?). I don't want her to find out some other way and then be mad at me.

I feel like she'll think he and I are trying to play her or something. I want to stress to her that he and I don't talk anymore, never will again, and so on. But I don't know how to word it or how to tell her without getting a bad reaction. Can someone help me, please? I just wanna be honest with her. If that results in her ending things, then I'll have to respect that decision and move on.


Not that it matters, but I don't care if he were to find out. We're not cool, we don't talk, he cheated on her, broke up with her, and has been in a new relationship for almost 2 years. As far as I'm concerned, we were just coworkers who made small talk to pass the time.


TL: DR; I'm texting the girl I like but I only know her through an old coworker (Who I don't talk to anymore (1 year+)) who broke up with her over a year ago. I feel like I need to tell her this so she doesn't feel like she was played, set up, etc. but I don't know how/how to word it. Can someone help?

Thank you.

submitted by /u/retrolegend
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, August 28, 2022

I (29F) really need your advice in figuring out how to deal with my sister (44F) and her husband (42M)

I need to take in your anonymous thoughts or advice to figure out how to deal with my sister Lori and her man Brandon.

It is a very complex story to write down but I'll try to keep it as comprehensible and clean as I can. I will also keep it vague, as I do not want to be identified.


  1. Lori and Brandon broke contact with the rest of my family except for me and a mutual sibling. They pushed me into taking their side and do the same. When I told them I wouldn't break contact with the rest of the family, they harassed me for a whole year, weekly.
  2. They had a cancer sick child which became fatal, making us re-establish contact. After her passing, we still interact and communicate, but it is really tough and painful at times.
  3. I have since met a partner. He is understanding but fed up with how they have treated me and what Lori (but mostly Brandon are capable of.
  4. I worry for Lori and her children because Brandon is intense and seems controlling/abusive. I want to be there for her and the children. At the same time, I am torn from the stress & harassment of the past.


History of harassment against me

Brandon and Lori had a child together who I had a special bond with. The child sadly got cancer.

At the same time they had a long-lasting fight with our parent and parent’s partner. The conflict spawned from racism and political views. Brandon and his children are darker colored than white. Ultimately my parent went no-contact with them and the only contact they had was with me and another sibling.

They tried pushing me into doing the same; taking their side. But it was their decision and fight. I did not want to end my relationships within my family. When I refused and stood up for myself they harassed me for a whole year. Every other day or so, I would get a text asking why I was spineless and weak coward, why I was an egoist and a betrayer. That their child was asking why I wasn't there, etc. It was very painful and stressful. It was so bad I had to get help from the psychiatric intensive care. This was a couple of years ago.

After a long hiatus of three years or so onward, news reached me that the cancer reappeared in my niece and that it would be bad. Palliative care. My niece had also gotten a sibling during the time. We re-established contact and I spent a lot of time with them again. Felt important to be there for my niece. And for Lori. Until the very end until my niece...

It was terrible and heart-aching for all of us. I have since kept in touch with them.

They now have two lovely children. They are both very energetic and curious. One is diagnosed with ASD and ADHD, the other might have speech delay but is not investigated or really suspected for ASD. They are both very mobile and everywhere. They need a lot of attention and care.

I myself found a fiance, moved away and we have a child together. I take them with me when I visit Lori and Brandon.


The story could end there, but things are sadly much more complex, and this is what I really need your thoughts on.

It is exhausting and unbearable to be to close with them these days. Brandon makes it very difficult for Lori, their kids, us or whoever is near him because he is infinitely arrogant, manipulative, mentally abusive and intrudes into social situations (e.g. sibling conversations) where he makes himself the protagonist or completely changes the narrative of the conversation. He has always been this way. It is nothing new.


  1. Lori is noticeably burnt out. She never gets the peace and quiet she so very much deserve. She never gets to recover from the kids or Brandon.
  2. Lori has voiced that since the passing of their first child, life hasn't really felt worth living (which I can grasp) and that she lives for the kids. She has mentioned suicide when she has been to her very limit.
  3. Speaking of which, she is at her limit very often. Every quarter of the year or so. This usually leads to a huge fight with Brandon and she ventilates to me or our sibling. It's hard to hear and listen when I cannot really offer help, because she wouldn't take it and feel its insulting.
  4. She has mentioned wanting to leave Brandon at the climax of those fights, but has always bounced back to "normal" (which REALLY is chaotic to say the least).
  5. Even though Lori has harassed me in the past, me being there for her in that situation means a lot to her I feel. I feel the harassment was more Brandons doing, by manipulation and gaslighting.


  1. Brandon is 110% intense. And he loves to talk. To keep himself updated about you, your current thoughts and opinions. So that he knows where he can place you in his hierarchy model. But first and foremost, he talk about what he thinks and ponders on. He takes you on this analytic journey where he asks you questions but then doesn't care what you answer or have to say. He just wants to have your constant attention.
  2. He can say awkward and uncomfortable things,
  3. He has got a black-and-white perspective on things and has a hard time navigating gray areas. E.g.: Doesn’t understand how people can be dwell and be anxious over things when they should be able to not be phased by it from the beginning.
  4. While being hyper-social, he doesn’t pick up on social cues regarding when he should stop talking, be gentle, etc. Doesn't really read the room. Thus, he comes of as being very arrogant. He even says out loud that he takes pride in being arrogant. He is unbearable and everyone I know who interacts with him get exhausted and should step aside to save their sanity.
  5. He is currently being investigated for autism because his child got diagnosed. Me and my partner already suspected he’s a bit out on Asperger scale & ADD-scale.
  6. He has said out loud many times that he doesn’t want to earn a living for the family because he wants to be with the family at all times. Says it’s because nothing else matters after his child died.

None of them are have income from jobs. They don't work. Lori is on long term sick leave. Brandon is pushed by government programs to become working again. He is not motivated to go back working, so he keeps coming up with ways to ”pause” this push. They have been on social security for years. They borrow $ from time to time to make ends meet.

Their social network is small. It consists of me, my sibling and around three other persons they communicate with. It's kinda obvious and sometimes evident they analyze snippets of information they get from our everyday life. They often make false deductions about us which is annoying.

At least one of their children has special needs, but they are both very energetic and loud. It can get quite chaotic in their house from them alone. They scream, cry, laugh, and shout. They crave constant attention from Lori, less so from Brandon. This can spawn conflicts between anyone of them and raise the average dB to unhealthy levels. It is super exhausting for me and my family when visiting.

It is not ALL bad when interacting with them. I get to have a sister-relationship with Lori and I like being with her and her kids. I like bringing little gifts to them as they don't have a lot of money or get gifts from the rest of the family. And I have great talks with Brandon as well at time to time.

As aforementioned, BIG fights will happen between Brandon and Lori every four months or so. Often because of how Lori is sick of Brandons shit. At least one time I know of, Brandon has broken Loris things. While Brandon has never physically hurt Lori, he has put himself between Lori and the room's exit making it impossible for Lori move around him or leave. Lori will went to me or our sibling. I can only listen and be there for Lori, but often wish I could do more. It feels somewhat terrible to write out but... sometimes I wish for Brandon to be struck by lightning or die from a random natural cause I think it would be alleviating for Lori.

Apart from that Brandon is subjecting Lori to psychological violence. It doesn't come as a surprise to me because I know what least harassment Brandon is capable of. My partner thinks Lori is afraid of ending things with Brandon because she alone knows exactly what Brandon is capable of. And because she would have to have the spare energy to take care of the kids extra.

About two weeks ago they brought up some minor family related stuff in our group chat consisting of me, my sibling and Lori. That was enough to stress me out and spike my adrenaline. I couldn't think or relax for half an hour. My partner had to still my guts and take me outside for a walk with our little one. He told me it looked a text-book panic attack.

Partner (+ our child)

My partner understands what the situation is but wasn’t in my life when Lori and Brandon went no contact or the stressful year of harassment.

My partner got fed up with Brandon when he saw the texts (I saved every message from the time when they harassed me.

He has suggested I could break contact with them (but keep a door open for Lori + kids) to spare myself, him and our daughter from future potential harassment and exhaustion. But ultimately says the choice is mine to take.

Partner doesn’t really like for our child to be present in their chaotic environment, where sudden out-lashes may happen, now that he knows what they’ve done to me in the past.

Partner does not want our child to be exposed to their harassment or their conflict with our family.


How I feel and think

Now, all of this makes it feels like I am being pulled by the bad times in the past on one end. In the other end I feel pulled by the need to be there for my sister and her children. And keeping status quo. Status quo = I/we meet them, but it's on their terms as to not upset them so we keep a low profile. Both me and my partner do not to our full selves at their house and I know we both are selective about what I tell them because we're afraid that what we say will be used against us (mainly by Brandon).

I realize there will come a day where either

• my partner will become too fed up with Brandon while we are visiting and things will get dramatic or,

• My child will see/hear things that aren't appropriate or harassing.

I feel like I manage this somehow. But it's hard because I get scared because I know what kind of oppression follows and bonds that might break. I am afraid to not be able to interact with my sister.

I welcome your views on how you would act and think in such a situation.

submitted by /u/garket_mardening
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* This article was originally published here