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Wednesday, August 31, 2022

I think I am becoming a person I am actually not.

I am a decent earning man, who has a wife and a house.

Few days back, I had a fight with my wife, and I told her to go back to her parents home, and that she is a "begger" if she stays in a house she is not welcome in. It was something I said in rage, and I actually didn't mean it (though she thinks I meant it, and she is now starting to look out for a decent job by her own, so that she doesn't have to depend on me for anything).

Then today I saw a man in ragged clothes. He was a fruit seller, and I thought to myself how bad a person he is, just because he is not well dressed like me while going for work. I didn't realise not everyone goes through the same on their days like me, and being dressed properly doesn't mean being a decent person.

Then I boarded the metro train, in their I saw a man probably in his 40s who was short on hight (probably 5 and a half feets tall).He was trying very hard to grab on the supporting handles hanging from the train roof, but wasn't able to do so due to his short hight. When I saw that, my instant reaction was secretly giggling over him and trying to make fun of his short hight in my head (I am 6 feet tall, I thought how hard it is to grab the metro roof handles that this man isn't able to do ?).

This exact moment I realised perhaps I have an arrogancy towards my job, the fact that I earn money, the fact that I have a house, and that I am tall built man. And these are the things I have figured out till now, it's possible I am arrogant of more things in my life. This is not the picture I had in my mind for myself, and neither do I want to remain this kind of person.

What should I do ? How should I fix myself?

PS : Please no abuses. I need genuine suggestions. Also, I can't go to a shrink for this thing, I don't earn that much well.

TL;DR: How should I fix my arrogance/ego ?

submitted by /u/North_Marketing_273
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* This article was originally published here

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