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Monday, August 15, 2022

Is it bad to want to exclusively celebrate your boyfriend's birthday?

Context: we've been dating for 4 years, we're both adults (24f and 26m), but we haven't moved in together yet. He doesn't care whether or not he does anything for his birthday, but I always like to celebrate his birthdays. Usually, I have plans to go out for the day/have dinner, prepare/bake a cake, and buy gifts. I do this without thinking that his family would want to do anything for him too (cause I never get any birthday celebrations, esp as an adult). But I realise that his family literally buys a cake and has a mini celebration for him every year. I don't want to judge, but I do think it's a bit weird to still do that for an adult. Anyway, it's not that I don't want him to celebrate with his family, but most of the time, I want to treat him with these kind of things, and vice versa... My family already doesn't celebrate my birthdays lol, but even if they did, of course I would appreciate it. But it's a different feeling when it's your family and your significant other. I would want to celebrate my birthday with him too. Like I no longer expect anything from my family, but with a significant other, you kindaa expect it you know. Cause family will always be your backbone, but your significant other (esp a serious one), is your future... Lol cringe statement, but it's true. Anyway, what do you guys think? And yes, I could literally just celebrate with his family too. But like I said, it's a different feeling... Like I have plans to be romantic and stuff. Can't really do that with family around... But anyway, let me know what you guys think...

TL;DR: Bf's family still buys him a cake, and has a mini celebration for him every year, even though he's an adult... but I also want to make plans with him too, and do romantic stuff with him... Is it bad that I want to celebrate his birthday exclusively?

submitted by /u/Remote-Ad-1562
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* This article was originally published here

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