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Sunday, February 19, 2023

My girlfriend (24) and I(25)

met in early October and began dating since then. We have been having a really good time together and she had mentioned how she wanted to take everything really slow which I told her I respect. However I had mentioned that I tend to move a little faster than the pace she would like to which she also understood. So after 3 months of dating I decided to pop the question and we made it official. She said she would’ve liked for me to wait a month or 2 more before but it worked out. So a month into being official, I told her that I felt the “three words”(I love you). I didn’t say it but I said it without saying it. I went with that approach because I don’t want to say the words until I know she’ll say it back. I knew she wasn’t going to say it back because she wanted to move slower but I decided to say it because in all honesty it is what I felt. She looked at me funny and I knew I kind of triggered her and she said that I’m moving to fast. She said it’s completely fine but I know it’s kind of not. We’re on good terms but it made me feel like a weirdo for saying it within that time frame. So my question is, do you think I said way too soon?

TLDR: Dated for 3 months before making it official. Have been official for a month and I said “I love you” kinda. Was it too soon?

submitted by /u/anonchromosome
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* This article was originally published here

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Why women don't meet me? (32m)

For the last month, I have been chasing women in various places, mostly online. My ultimate intention is to find a woman for committed long term relationship. But I am open to short, non committed.

In one conversation, I had convinced a woman to meet me. During a meeting, she didn't even disclose her age. And what she looks for from a man. I am sure a (38f) has idea about this case. (I estimated her age as she mentions the year she was studying in the university.) We basically talked some politics and she left earlier. We were supposed to walk in a big park. Then case closed never to meet again.

Another case... I met this lady from a speed dating event. We had some common interests, common ideas on life.. After chatting for a few days, we agreed to meet up on Thursday. Suddenly, on Wednesday, she got sick. And for the following weeks, she had an overwhelming work. She never met me.

Another case... One lady was coming from a small town to my city nearly every week. She was staying with (genderless) friend's flat on Saturdays. Possibly this friend is somehow like a boyfriend. Since I have none, I would take this chance. Anyways... She agreed to meet me on Sunday and I was supposed to take her to bus station till 7 PM. I agreed and made a plan. She didn't answered my messages till Friday. And she didn't even gave me an excuse for not coming. She just didn't come. I wasn't there to wait her too.

I will cut short. After having some conversations, i asked another lady's number. Her answer was... I'm not ready for relationship. I'm in such situation... Jeeezzz. I didn't ask your p.ssy. Just a phone number. I will be wise not to disturb you. Otherwise it takes just 10 seconds to block someone. Another one dont even share her number after first date. Who said first meeting would be a date?.. And several other small chats that leads nowhere.

I question myself on this issue. Am I the problem? Or is this the market? How to get myself out of this situation?

TL;DR! Women don't meet me. Am I the problem? Or the whole market is the problem? How to get out of this situation?

submitted by /u/Embarrassed-Eye-4197
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* This article was originally published here

Friday, February 17, 2023

[25M][23F] (2 months) My girlfriend wants to “keep things simple”, whereas I enjoy deeper conversations. How do we find a healthy middle?

I often like to have conversations with my girlfriend about many things I find important. I also ask her to give me eye-contact during those moments, which I think is basic respect. She says she is able to listen to me intently even without eye-contact, and doesn’t understand that I feel it is a matter of respect to be fully engaged during conversations I feel are important, or at least first assess whether a topic could be considered “important” from both sides.

My girlfriend, however, says that she likes to “keep things simple” sometimes, and that my thoughts/deep conversations can come across as tiring to her.

Yesterday, we were talking about things over food, and I started the topic of what exactly makes people comfortable, and where those feelings come from, being a psychology nerd. This caused my girlfriend to react in an almost scared way, as she shut-down the conversation and said she didn’t want to talk about this topic because she was “worried it will end up in a disagreement again”.

Today, she told me that she actually feels tired oftentimes because my deep conversations overload her mentally. I understand that she is currently doing her masters degree and applying for PhD programmes, so perhaps that is a factor why she sometimes needs intellectual downtime!

She said that the crux of why she finds this difficult to handle is because usually, it is when I reiterate things I talked about before, that even after she would say “I agree” or “I disagree”, I still go on about this topic. Of course, me loving her, I want to know her perspective, rather than just a blanket “agree” or “disagree”.

I told her today to let me know when she isn’t feeling up for a deep conversation, and to also point out when I ruminate as I have ADHD. Perhaps, and ADHD brain can be very taxing on a partner, so maybe that’s an issue?

How do I help my girlfriend be less scared of talking about deeper topics without adding too much pressure? I proposed that she tell me when it’s a bad time, and that we rather talk about it later when she’s more up for it. Her response was that it’s not an optimal solution, as we would still need to talk about whatever topic is on my mind. I see it as her disregarding the thoughts I find important. She does agree though that “sometimes, deep conversations are important”.

I see two ways forward here: Either, we work on this and find a balanced middle, or I tell her that my intellectual needs aren’t being met and move on to someone else. It’s only been two months, so that’s also an option in my book.

What are your thoughts?

TL;DR: Girlfriend feels tired of too many deep conversations. Looking for a way forward to compromise. Considering breaking up gracefully if it is too serious of an issue to handle.

submitted by /u/AnglophileAlex
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* This article was originally published here

Thursday, February 16, 2023

I (30M) told my partner (26F) I don't know how I feel about her past

I (30M) need advice, I feel like I've been completely unfair towards my partner (26F) due to my honesty.

We've only been together for almost half a year now, things got serious rather quickly and we now live together, have done for just over a month.

About two weeks my partner decided she'd like to tell me about her past, she was a webcam model for 2 years. Initially my reaction was just.. oh cool and I had some questions she was happy to answer.

Then it started to play on my mind a lot, I have been diagnosed with anxiety and depression which isn't helping me process all of this.

We had a discussion last night after I was honest and said I'm still not sure how I feel about it.

She asked me is it something you would break up with me for? My honest answer right then was, I don't know. She started to cry and told me the thought of us splitting up made her feel like a little part of her inside had died, it broke my heart, I was upset at this too as I never want to hurt her.

Was it wrong of me to be honest and say I don't know? I understand now that she must feel like she's on a piece of rope that could snap at anytime. I've had last night and all night to think about it and its definitely not something I want to break up over and I would like to deal with it so it doesn't become an issue again. I've told her this but I'm afraid the damage is already done.

TL:DR: My partner was a webcam model, she asked if its something I would end the relationship over. I said I don't know.

submitted by /u/bRighteyez7
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* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Boyfriend’s friend/ex won’t leave him alone

My boyfriend and I have been on and off for 7 years, solidly back on for over 2 years and have lived together for a year. We’re in a very serious place and other than the below, we’re very happy.

Approx 4 years ago (when him and I were ‘on’) I met his new female friend and immediately felt uncomfortable with their relationship. She greeted me by saying she knew specific intimate details about mine and my boyfriends sex life and was generally flirty around him. They also spent a huge amount of time together, more than he spent with me. He knew I felt uncomfortable about it and along with other reasons, we ultimately broke up. Shortly afterwards, he slept with her.

When we got back together he admitted he’d slept with her once, they remained friends but he knew if things were going to work with me then she couldn’t be a part of our lives anymore and he cut her off. It was his choice but I’m relieved as being honest I don’t think I could have had coped with her being around.

Now over the last couple of years, she messages him every couple of months. He’s shown me the messages and he doesn’t reply but she continues to message along the lines of she misses him. A couple of months ago it still wouldn’t stop so he blocked her number. She’s now started reaching out on Facebook instead.

Any advice on what to do? It’s been years and she still won’t leave him alone and it’s wearing me down.

He’s suggested sending her a message requesting her to stop but I don’t really want to open a dialogue with her.

TL;DR boyfriend cut off his female friend who he slept with once during one of our breaks. She’s messaged constantly, he’s blocked her so she’s now reaching out on social media

submitted by /u/Ok_Breath9207
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* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

I'm [28M] terrified of letting go of my GF [28F] of 4 years as we reach a junction whereby our paths are diverging. Will I regret letting go of love to pursue my goals and ambitions?

Feeling quite desperate around this whole situation and seeking external advice.

We've been together for 4 to 4.5 years and since we are from opposite ends of the world (20 hours flight) we have had a very intense, deep relationship full of shared experiences. We have both lived in each others country for long periods of time, travelled to many different countries together, and lived with each other for almost this whole duration of time.

In this period we've developed our own paths to go after our dreams which has involved moving towards self employment. Unfortunately, it's beginning to feel like our own individual careers/dreams would be better off without the relationship. My business is more profitable when I can travel a lot more, and I would also be able to develop my craft when I can allocate more time to it and less time to my relationship.
As for my GF, she is 1 year into her journey and in order to progress with her career it would benefit her to be able to travel to different places where she can work closer with other people on projects and she would be able to learn more and build an even stronger network to help her breakthrough into an industry which is hard to break through when alone.

Unfortunately, the cities I want to go to for my business are predominantly cities that don't align with the cities my girlfriend wants to go to. It would be really hard for her to follow me because she would have no social network and I'd be wanting to work late hours leaving her feeling isolated from the networks she wants to get closer to.

One way the relationship could potentially work is if I lived with her in Europe and compromised the amount of travelling I'd be doing (e.g. 1 week every 5 weeks), as opposed to the nomadic lifestyle I would otherwise be living. Doing so would result in a less than optimal way for me to grow my business and chase my dreams.

Furthermore, it's worth mentioning that we both don't have any desire to have children within the next 5 years (if at all) and we both don't feel like we are ready to settle.

Has anyone else ever been in a similar situation and can advise me to help make a decision between compromising on my optimal pathway to fulfillment of my ambitions or letting go of a 4 year relationship with a loyal woman who loves me deeply and whom we have shared many rich years of experiences together?

TL;DR 4 year relationship with girlfriend from other side of the world has reached a point where our personal dreams are both being compromised in order to continue the relationship

submitted by /u/ThrowRA_20231234
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* This article was originally published here

Monday, February 13, 2023

My (30f) Nana with dementia (92f) won't pick up phone, how else do I try contacting her?

I (30f) have a nana (95) who lives in another state, and 2-3 hrs drive from her nearest relative (my mother).

There is quite a bit of history to this situation, with my nana moving out of our home city to the area in which she is now in a nursing home roughly 30 years ago, despite family asking her not to. She has had multiple illnesses and is in a wheelchair, with regular health flare ups. After multiple hospitalisations, she was sent to a nursing home in her local area on doctors orders roughly 2.5 years ago. Over the past 10 or so years, my family has been trying to get her to move closer to my mother (her daughter), with the latest attempt being just a few months ago. My grandmother is stubborn, and refuses to acknowledge or talk about the fact that my parents are also now getting too old to make the 4-6 hr return drive to visit her regularly, and the sad reality is that she is choosing loneliness over staying where she is.

Unfortunately, my nana now has dementia. This is where things have taken a turn for the worse, and are making it very emotionally difficult for us. My mother is technically power of attorney for my nana, and has had to deal with clearing out my nana's house, putting it up for sale, arranging all of her bills, medical appointments, finances, etc over the last few years. In her now affected mind, my nana has now decided that my mother has sent her to a nursing home (not the doctors), stolen and sold her house, and has shipped her up to a distant place so we can forget about her up there. She is in complete denial that she moved away from her home city on her own terms. She refuses to see my mother when she visits, becoming very aggressive and saying some very nasty things to her, including that my other is being controlling and insinuating financial/elder abuse.

I, on the other hand, get a very different reaction. She is usually happy to talk to me, and last December when I went up to visit she cried and clung to me because she was so happy to see "someone she remembered" - and then again yelled at my mother and refused to see her the next day. She was full of conspiracy theories about the phone being tapped/not working because "they" didn't want it to, that her parents "warned her" about my mum, etc etc. She has stopped making calls to anybody, and now rarely picks up the phone. Myself, my mother and my sister haven't been able to call her since December. I put all of the above for context, as things are a little tricky, as my mother is now also somewhat avoiding visiting or trying to contact her, given the abuse she receives.

What I need advice on is how to actually maintain a relationship with my nana, and actually get some sort of communication through to her. When I send her postcards from various travels in the past, she complains she can't read my writing (and I suspect she hasn't the last 2 I sent her, and she spent more time looking at the picture on the christmas card I gave her than the writing inside). She won't pick up the phone. It is VERY difficult to visit her where she lives, as it's a 2hr plane ride then a 2-3 hr drive or 2hr train + 30min taxi ride away from where I live (same for my sister). I did visit November because of some drama re trying to get her to move again, as well as at Christmas, but I can't do that all the time, it's simply not practical or financially feasible. So I feel like I'm out of options to communicate with her - I can't write because she won't read it, she won't take my calls because she doesn't trust or potentially also hear the phone (she's quite deaf being her age, and you know, won't wear her hearing aids), and I can't visit more than a few times a year. I'm the only one in our family she is communicating with. That means she's physically and socially isolated, which breaks my heart.

Any advice on where to go from here would be appreciated, especially from anyone else who's dealt with a relative with dementia whose personality has drastically changed.

tl;dr TL;DR! Nana has dementia and is refusing to see nearest relatives. She has stopped picking up phone calls, and I'm running out of ideas of how to maintain contact her. I'm the only one she still talks to in the family, but I can't get through to her, need advice for what else I should try.

submitted by /u/ka4564reddit
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* This article was originally published here