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Thursday, June 1, 2023

How do I get rid of unresolved anguish?

Last year, my boyfriend of 1 year got together with my bestfriend of 8 years (he was a common friend) before breaking up with me and she went along with it. So I completely cut them off from my life

I just suffered for 6 months to get to a level of peace where I wasn't overthinking every detail. He just blamed my anxiety as his turn off ( saying giving constant reassurance wasn't his thing) and she dismissed her mistake by saying she deserves to be happy

I was very hurt by the whole ordeal as I was noticing him being distant and did ask her and him if something was going on, they both denied and called me paranoid.

I just completely got over it but certain days are still triggering. Recently I heard they are getting engaged, through a common friend and she just wanted to let me know, I really don't know how to feel, I don't want to talk to either of them but I feel like I was the only one who suffered and they got their happy ending.

Is it wrong that I don't wish them well? Is it wrong that I am not okay with common friends hanging out with him? Why do I still feel icky whenever I hear about them? My common friends just ask me to be better person, I just don't know how to view this tl;dr need a different perspective to cheating ex getting engaged

submitted by /u/Anxiouspopsicle
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* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

My boyfriend (28M) says he wants to experience life before moving to the next stage of our relationship to ensure that he doesn't regret anything.

My Boyfriend (28M) and I (27F) have been together for 7 years. We met in college and were friends before we got together. Before he met me, he was very into clubbing, drinking and meeting new people. I have always been a homebody and simpleton. I enjoyed spending time with my family and having a close network of friends along with spending time in nature. I have always lived in Big cities while he only moved there due to College and was from a smaller town.

When we got together, he somewhat adopted my lifestyle, going on hikes, seeing and enjoying nature, but not once and I made it very clear to him did he have to give up going on night outs and clubbing.

We’ve experienced everything. I am his first relationship and he is my first adult relationship. We lost our virginities to each other, I taught him how to drive, we lived all our 20’s together.

During the pandemic in 2020, we were long distance as financially it was better for him to move back to his hometown as he could work from home. He was renting an apartment with his brother in the city at the time and I was still living with my parents. I had advised him and his brother to move back. During that time one of my grandparents who I am super close with passed away and I became very depressed. I made some bad decisions and ended up losing a lot of money putting me in debt.

End of 2021, Boyfriend (28M) got an offer for a new job in a new city. I (27F) was also having issues with my employer and decided that this was the world giving me a sign to get a new job and move with my boyfriend to the new city. For the first time in my life I moved out of my parents house and moved in with my boyfriend to a brand new city. The accommodation we got was a bit out in the countryside that there was no pedestrian path outside our door or public transport closeby and to do or go anywhere we first had to drive.

A few months into living together, my boyfriend ended up not enjoying his new job and I ended up getting diagnosed with PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) so we were both experiencing our own struggles. At that same time, I had also decided to further my studies and pursue a Masters Degree.

We both work as Engineers so we are working long hours too and both come home very tired. I tend to do most of the cooking and food preparation part though he is capable and sometimes do it on the weekends. The Laundry and Cleaning is split between us while the Dishes is his task. We got a dishwasher to make it more convenient for us too.

After 6-8 months of living in our new home and visiting my parents back in the city every few months, I had realised that I hated our new home. I felt imprisoned as I couldn’t just get up and leave without having to get into the car. Our landlord does have dogs so that has helped with my mental health. I have suffered with anxiety all my life and get severe seasonal depression in the winter as all of my deceased grandparents' death anniversaries fall in the winter and so do 2 of their birthdays too. My depression got so bad that i wouldn’t shower for weeks or brush my teeth for days too. Unfortunately I am high functioning, so I would still get up everyday against my will to go to work and do my chores. The house was becoming a mess as I would get home and not do any laundry or cleaning as I would be so tired so all I did was cook and then work on my college work. At the start of this year, my sister and her longtime partner got married and so everyone was looking at us next. One week ago, our close college friends who were a couple got married too. Exactly one week from the wedding while my Boyfriend (28M) was on Tiktok, he casually mentioned single life and so I said do you want to be single and he went silent. The conversation all just came down on that day. I asked him what he wanted and he said that for him to be ready to move onto the next stage in life, he felt like he wanted to explore life. I asked him if he wanted to separate then and he said no he wanted to be with me. I said the only solution here for least resentment towards each other is for us to separate. He then asked if I was willing to open the relationship and I immediately said no. It’s monogamy for me or nothing else. So we have decided to separate. I will be moving back to my hometown while he continues to live in our current accommodation. Unfortunately, due to my finances, I am still living with him. I am in the process of finding a new job in my hometown so that I can move back in with my parents.

I just want to add that my boyfriend (28M) enjoys porn on a daily basis which was no problem to me until he told me at the start of this year that it is fantasy for us to be in a threesome with another girl. I started to get self conscious too at the start of this year as he also likes to look at blonde thicc young women on Tiktok and that is not me. I am busty but my weight has exploded recently due to my PCOS and insulin resistance from my PCOS.

I just want to know that I made the right decision. I really do love him and he is my best friend so it hurts to know that this is all ending. I dunno if there is another solution so if you think there is, please do help.

TLDR: Boyfriend (28M) of 7 years wants to experience being single before moving on to the next stage after moving in together. Boyfriend enjoys watching porn daily and has asked if I was willing to open a relationship and I said no. We have decided to separate but I just want to make sure it’s the right choice.

submitted by /u/HayfeverVsNature
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* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

I (m26) asked my girlfriend’s (f27) best friend (f26) for a threesome and I’m struggling with an ultimatum

As the above text states. Some context for this story, said friend has taken me on friend dates before and expressed interest in me privately and specifically stated that she would be interested in being a third for a couple sometime. I took this as her asking permission to try it out sometime.

Yesterday, a group of us were day drinking at the lake. When the two of us were alone, girlfriends friend and I took a couple of pictures together and she started telling us about the date she went on the night before (which was with a poly man) and I took that as her wanting to have a threesome with my girlfriend and myself and offered it to her.

The thing is I genuinely don’t remember doing it. I don’t casually drink anymore so when I get drink, it hits extra hard. My first step to fixing this whole problem is to cold turkey drinking. Secondly, I need to explain everything that happened to my girlfriend, but idk how to. Any advice?

tl;dr I asked my girlfriend’s best friend for a threesome. Help.

submitted by /u/MclovinBuddha
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* This article was originally published here

Monday, May 29, 2023

I(20F) am having the worst intrusive thoughts about my relationship with my bf (21M)

I plan on breaking up with my boyfriend soon, we haven't been the same in a while. And we have tried too many times to fix things. Recently my anxiety became horrible, to the point that i am throwing up and physically feeling pain. I've been thinking a lot about the things i did in the past during our relationship. He's my first boyfriend and we go to seperate colleges in seperate cities. We have been in a LDR for 1.5yrs now. We had just started dating when we moved away to go to our colleges. At that time I found a guy in my class kinda attractive and fun to talk to. However, i never wanted to get with him, and my boyfriend was my first and only choice. I can never imagine cheating on him, i love him dearly. The guy crossed my mind a few times but i tried to shut it off. And eventually i could, i forgot about his existence. I had also indirectly told him i have a bf, so that things wouldn't escalate. I also thought another guy in my friend group was attractive and i enjoyed talking to him. But I've never thought of cheating on my boyfriend or choosing someone else above him. I have a lot of love and respect for him.

I told him about this a week back, and apologized a lot, he forgave me pretty quickly, but I'm not able to forgive myself.

I don't know why now, after an year, I'm thinking about all this all of a sudden, and I'm feeling insanely guilty and disgusted with myself. I feel like i wronged my boyfriend. Not just this, my intrusive thoughts have gotten to the point that, I'm imagining things with his friends, i never ever thought this way before, and now in my head I'm like, oh u would make out with any of his friends, u r capable of this, if u think anyone looks good, ull do it. And then I'm imagining it and crying, and being disgusted by myself. I would never do something like this in a million years. But I'm just thinking of every other guy i know and imagining it and then blaming myself for imaging it. It's like telling urself don't imagine an orange. Uve already imagined the orange while telling urself not to. It's getting really out of control. I've never felt this way before or thought this way before. I feel disgusted with myself for imagining it but as i tell myself to not think of it, i keep thinking more. And trust me ive only seen these people in pictures, never met them, never thought about them. All of this is giving me a lot of anxiety, making me feel like I'm an out of control freak. Ive never felt this way before or thought something to this extent. I just think the worst possible thing and apologize to him in my head, and to god. And just think that it's fine, we r gonna end anyway, he will be better off without me coz i have such a sick mind.

I would really appreciate if someone would talk to me about this. As i basically have no one to talk about this, openly. Normally I would've gone to my bf for help, but this is too sick.

TLDR: I'm having intrusive thoughts, that i would never do.

submitted by /u/No_Caterpillar_1963
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, May 28, 2023

lot’s of built up anger towards bf (m18)

i (f18) have been so mad at my boyfriend (m18) recently. I love him. We’ve been dating for two years and we’re best friends. i’m just getting tired of him doing the same things over and over again, it’s making me start to blow up on him.

there’s always something with his friends. he doesn’t understand why i don’t want him taking 14 yr olds to get nicotine/weed or why it offends me his friends disrespected me. he’ll make jokes i’m not okay with around me, long as his friends are around. he’ll be rude to me just cause my brother is in the room.

he insists on being brutally honest and i don’t wanna hear that i’ve gained weight or that i embarrassed him. or that my outfit sucks

and then i get the sweetest apology known to man with no change because “this is just how i am”

tdlr: getting constantly mad at boyfriend over little things, what do i do?

submitted by /u/lolfisuppose
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* This article was originally published here

Friday, May 26, 2023

I (20M) need to wait a month or two to date the girl I like (19F)

So, I had a fwb situation with someone (19F) who now ended up being in my friend group. It was fine at first but she tended to pressure me into things and make moves when I was drunk or just out of a relationship, and it felt a little off. I didn’t really want to do it a lot of the time. And I realised this and cut things off about 6 months ago. She however still likes me.

The girl I like currently is best friends with this girl I used to have a fwb situation with. The ex-fwb girl is currently changing her depression medication so is having really bad mood swings, and this will probably continue for about the next 6 weeks or so.

I’ve kissed the girl I like a few times and we have really strong feelings for one another, but agreed last night that we can’t sneak around behind my ex-fwb’s back as we are both mates with her (shes part of my friend group and best mates with the new girl). We decided that we would see other people for a while until her medication stuff was sorted, and then we’d speak to her about it and tell her we were going to date. We can’t do it right now because it would be way too much with how the medication is messing with her head.

I’m just not sure whether it’s worth waiting though. I really like this girl, and I don’t really want to see anyone else. I’m just not really sure how to go about this. Any advice is much appreciated, thanks.

TL:DR; the girl I like is best friends with my ex-fwb, who still likes me. She’s changing medication for depression right now and it’s hard for her so we’re waiting before doing anything more serious.

submitted by /u/ImpressiveTea6816
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* This article was originally published here