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Monday, June 19, 2023

I found out that my GF is backstabbing me and IDK how to move past it.

My girlfriend (29F) and I (31F) recently had a heated argument amidst personal, career, and family issues. I was hoping she would lend an ear and provide support, but due to my poor communication skills, I failed to express myself clearly. Frustration got the best of me, and I made the mistake of comparing her unfavorably to Redditors, mentioning that I received more sensible responses online than from her when I needed support.

Understandably, she was upset by my comment and confided in her best friend, who interpreted my words as an implication of her intelligence. While I realized the harshness of my statement and intended to apologize, I discovered that her best friend had made several derogatory remarks about me. They accused me of thinking my girlfriend is stupid, avoiding accountability for my actions, blaming her for my career failures, and even telling me that I have an ugly personality.

I confronted her best friend about the hurtful comments without knowing the full context. I also called out my girlfriend for demonizing me without fully understanding the issue and making it about herself. I acknowledged my failure to communicate clearly and apologized for my harsh words. As a result, I decided to sever ties with her best friend, as it will inevitably make things awkward.

My GF asked for forgiveness and In an attempt to process my emotions, I chose not to respond to my girlfriend's messages initially, as she had told me to take my time. However, I eventually went to her place to discuss and resolve our issues.

Unfortunately, I discovered that she had been badmouthing and mocking me to her best friend, claiming I felt like a public figure, only concerned about my reputation being tarnished. Furthermore, she suggested that my friends were neutral towards me because they liked and preferred her company over mine.

Learning about her betrayal deeply hurt me. I had always considered her to be my number one fan, best friend, and confidante—the person who would defend and protect me. Feeling stabbed in the back, I felt betrayed.

My girlfriend is now crying and expressing remorse for the magnitude and impact of her actions. She is begging for forgiveness and the opportunity to work things out.

We had a lot of fights in the past that were far worse than this and I know both of us are in the wrong but we always found a way to work things out with just the two of us.

While I don't want to end the relationship, I'm struggling to find a way to forgive her and move past this situation.

TLDR: I’ve hurt my GF by comparing her to Redditors but instead of us just resolving it together, I caught her backstabbing me to her bestfriend

submitted by /u/throwawaycj01
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Are we related?

So 1(21m) just found out that my gf (19) and I might be related. After 3 years of dating I found out that her grandmas maiden name was the same as my last name. So l done some digging online and found out how we were connected. To put it into words that make sense my great grandfather was my gf's grandma's great uncle. Which means her great great grandfather was my great grandfather's brother. What would this make me and my gf? If anybody that's good at the whole family genealogy thing could tell me I would appreciate it. Should we break up? Wwyd?

TL;DR: I found out after 3 years that I might be dating my cousin.

submitted by /u/ADuckOnQuack124
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* This article was originally published here

Saturday, June 17, 2023

What can I (30m) do to navigate a hostile situation between me and my step-dad (57m)

So I'm (30m) in a bit of a pickle here. So I currently live in a house that I found that I rent from my parents (47 f and 56 m) (because I didn't make as much money back then as I do now) and I went from paying the land contract to paying a discounted rate and then getting my rent raised twice (contrary to my folks telling me that I would only need to pay them 250/month and giving me the house after two years. My rent got raised to cover a mortgage that they have on another property (which I was covering while it was cheaper when my remt was 250 and no one knew for two years.)

Then I met my gf (now newly fiance) and my dad said he'd sell me the house for less than he bought it for if we got married. Then he thought this place would be too small for us both and I'm like fine I'll just find my own because I'm tired of being jerked around. All this has been over the span of nearly 3 years. Fast forward to today and my mom spotted her dream house (which can house the whole family including my grana who's sleeping in the family room) and her income can cover it but her credit isn't the best and dad couldn't do it because of his job being part time. So me and mom came up with a deal. I help her get the house and her and dad can just give me the house like originally intended and I don't have to pay any rent anymore starting in the fall.

Now at this point I was hesitant because I'm not a fan of cosigning personally and things have changed up too much with dad so I wrote up an agreement to keep it honest. Then last night my dad decided to alter the deal by my paying rent until the end of next year until his job is good and his credit is clear. Now I'm kinda pissed and I leave and I get calls from both of them. Mom was going to cancel the loan request and was kinda mad at dad for taking the wind out of things amd dad called me basically telling me to help her get her house because that's my mother and to stop being disrespectful. I laughed at that because during the last 10 years I have done everything they ever asked for and then some from helping put together their church (with a lot of time, effort and some of my own money), I've helped them get their rentals through my connections, helped them by going to bat for them for the real estate loan that got them their new roof and dad's classic car and a few other things as well as one of the rentals. I have given my mom my truck to help her get to work when her car was down and went into debt to buy my current car that I paid off very quickl. I told them to take care of it and I end up having to pay for the repairs when it broke down twice without their help (even though mom did give me half of the repair bill money which was nice because dad wasn't ) and a lot of other stuff.

I guess at the end of the day I know mom is looking to help me out by giving me the house and I feel like dad is jerking me around and it's causing me to really not want to respect him because over the last several years he's cheated on my mom, lied about several situations, started getting a little more vulgar in how he talks, getting really aggressive with everyone verbally, started smoking and even smoked in my car knowing I'm not a smoker and didn't even offer to help me detail it and clean it when I finally towed the thing home.

I feel like I want to help my mom because she's doing her best to look out for me (and I'm a mommas boy as my biological dad was never really there until my step dad came into the picture ) but I don't want this to bite me in the ass given how dad likes to mess stuff up. I don't want my kindness being taken advantage of. I feel like that could happen and could possibly impact my credit that I worked so hard to build. I want to help my mom but I really don't trust my step dad. I don't know what to do anymore at this point. Should I go through with this agreement or should I just say bump it and just move later and abandon this house that was supposed to be given to me?

Tl;dr my mom and I came up with a deal to give me a house I've been renting from her and dad and my dad is being an ass and altering the deal and I'm worried this will come back to bite me because of previous instances with him.

submitted by /u/Brogomakishima
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* This article was originally published here

Friday, June 16, 2023

Girlfriend (24f) got annoyed when I (26m) pointed out her hypocrisy

My gf and I have been together for around 2 years. She came back from work and was talking about one of her co-workers, lets call him James, and his girlfriend, lets call her Beth, and how they're going through a rough patch. Apparently Beth is very insecure which James knows about but according to my James, she has no reason to be. Well one of his friends thought got his gfs name wrong and he told Beth about it.

Well according to my partner, she went really quiet and checked his phone later and told him he's making her more insecure and she was asking why they thought she was called something else. My gf starts ranting about how Beth shouldn't be making her insecurities James' problem and that it's not fair on him. I pointed out that while that is true, James also knew Beth could be insecure and proceeded to tell her his friends thought she was called something else so there was no good outcome really.

My gf just keeps saying how bad it is to be that insecure while you're in a relationship and even if its because of things that happened in the past it's not fair on your partner and my gf would leave someone if they were like that. I pointed out that early in our relationship my gf herself was insecure due to past relationships and started multiple arguments with me when I saw friends, even pretty much ruining 2 weekends away due to her insecurities and accusing me of cheating. I just asked if she thinks I should have left her there instead of working through things like we did and getting to the point we're at.

My gf just said I was wrong for bringing that up and that this is different. I pointed out it isn't that different and she's being a hypocrite by saying how James needs to leave Beth because of how she's acting but then expecting me to forgive her when she did something worse. My gf just repeated that I was being unfair by bringing up the past. Does anyone have any advice?

tl;dr my gf was complaining about her co-workers gf and how everyone at work thinks he should eave her because of her struggling with insecurities but then my gf got annoyed when I pointed out that she had done worse things that her coworkers gf in the first year of our relationship. My gf said I was wrong to bring the past up and that I was being unfair. Does anyone have any advice?

submitted by /u/throwra4459
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* This article was originally published here

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Im not sure whether I (18M) should break up with my girlfriend (18F)

TL:DR My girlfriend has been treating me terribly forn a while and I just dont know what I should do, its not stopping nor is it getting better, would appreciate any advice or insight

hey guys im just really confused on everything at the moment and I would really appreciate some insight from an outside perspective. Ive been dating my girlfriend for 10 months now and I just dont know what to do anymore. Shes constantly hurting me and gaslighting me constantly. Heres a list of things that have happened
-swears at me even though she says its one of her big things that I should never do (I dont)
-yells/raises her voice at me even though she says its one of her big things that I should never do (I dont)
-hits me
-gaslights me into thinking im the problem when shes upset me
-complains about things just to complain and make me upset
-belittles me (calls me childish, to grow up)
-hypocritical in every sense of the world
-happily goes and hangs out with her friends but threatens to break up with me if I try to see my friends
-does not apologise whatsoever
-does things just because she knows it will hurt me (like throwing the necklace I bought her on the floor)
-says that aftercare after sex is important yet her aftercare is shocking
-sent nudes to a guy on "accident" claimed they were meant for me
-calls me dumb/stupid/unintelligent
-gets mad at me if I cant help her, even in situations where it is physically impossible for me to help her
that all i can think about for now. I know I also havent been perfect in this relationship but I havent done anything nearly as bad as any of these but i still do love her. Im just really confused and stuck and would love for anyone to comment<3

submitted by /u/okokokok2019
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* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Am I (24F) reading too much into this post-it note gesture from my crush (39M)?

I've been working at this company for about 6 months and have known my crush for the same time.

I'm going to sound like a complete psycho. I think I've built this little gesture up into something it isn't. Please, online strangers, drag me down to reality.

Okay, let's start. I (24F) have a crush on my male co-worker (39M). I know, age gaps blah blah. It's quite a casual work environment (experimental research facility) and we have a friendly but reserved relationship. He's a really kind, intelligent, and helpful person who is always willing to make time for others.

A couple weeks ago I asked him for some help finding a specific item needed for one of my experiments (my entire team is on holiday so there was no one else). He helped me search the building to make sure we didn't already have it stocked, then offered to order it for me (I can't access the PO system yet).

I wrote down the specs of the item on a post-it note (bright neon pink) and casually handed it to him when I walked past his desk later that day. He ordered the item and it arrived in time. Perfect. My experiment was saved.

Well a couple of weeks have passed since then and, when I was walking past his desk the other day, I saw a flash of neon pink. I did a double take and noticed that he still had the bright pink neon post-it note I had given him on his desk. It wasn't like he had discarded it randomly to the side or forgotten to throw it away. He had stuck it on the base of his main monitor so it would be in direct line of sight every time he sat down at his computer.

I was surprised because he definitely didn't need it anymore, especially weeks after the item arrived. We don't work on the same projects or are even in the same team, it also wasn't the kind of item you would re-order any time soon. The rest of his desk is well-organised and ordered, so he wouldn't keep unnecessary clutter on his desk.

The hopeless romantic in me is thinking that he kept the post-it note on his desk because he secretly likes me and wanted a reminder in the form of my neon pink message.

He's been friendly with me since, if a bit reserved, no different than normal. I can't help daydream about "what if..." and I feel a surge of excitement each day I walk past his desk and the post-it note is still there.

But then, I feel stupid. I am a grown-ass woman losing sleep over a post-it note on my co-worker's desk. I feel like I am definitely reading too much into this, but just wanted a second opinion and to vent a bit.

TL;DR: My crush has kept the post-it note I gave him on his desk, weeks after he needed it. Is it because he likes me or am I a hopeless romantic?

submitted by /u/abexamene
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* This article was originally published here