As the title says, i think my gf may be depressed or burnt out and i have no clear image of anything I could do to help.
Basically we've been toghether for close to 8 months and so far it was good, with no problem that we couldn t find a solution to. She's a bit of a fragile person from an emotional pov but on all the other fronts she's the smartest, cutest and outright person i've ever got to know. Anyways, she came to my place some weeks ago and one of my relatives said in a joking manner that we have totally different career paths and passions and we ll also go in different cities for university so what will happen then, which she took as a joke initially ( as it was meant to be ) or so I tought.
Fast forward a few weeks and she started to get colder not only with me but with everyone in her social circle and started to have struggles with sleep, eating almost one meal a day and reasponding to messages after long intervals of time, which is not usual for her at all. I didn t think much of it since she also had some stressful situations in that period and a competition in another city to attend for 4-5 days.
Anyways, this week she texted me after classes one day and told me that she feels unable to do anything anymore and that if I d be ok with taking a break, but that she would love to meet up to express her feelings and see me. We talked about it and I reassured that if it s meant to be it ll work and it s of no use to stress herself out based on a problem that doesn t even exist yet, since we don t know what could change in eachothers career plans and uni choices. She seemed better after the talk, in the beggining she was crying and looked totally broken but at the end i managed to somehow put a smile on her face. After that she said that she needs some more time and asked me to wait a bit for her to sort herself out because she feels like a shitty person for not giving in as much as usual to our relationship, but without breaking up or taking a break, so we re still together.
The thing is that i have no ideea how to help her or if I can even do that at all, except for giving her all the space she needs. Any advice would be appreciated. Also we still text daily since then, but she s still cold and responds after several hours and has a messed up sleep schedule. ( going to therapy is not an option since her parents believe that therapy is just a scam )
I also feel anxious since i don t know if anything will go back to normal or if it is me who caused the problem and she s saying i didn t do anything wrong just so she doesn t hurt me. I am overthinking all this so i wanted to check out eith others opinions as well.
TL;DR! I think my gf is depressed and i have no idea how to help
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* This article was originally published here