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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Still acting like a couple after breakup

Since breaking up about 2 1/2 months ago, him (25m) and I (26f) have remained extremely close. For the first two weeks we had very limited contact, and we weren’t sure we wanted to talk to each other ever again. Slowly, we started falling back into old routines and we began to text each other almost every day. From there, we started playing video games again. A little less than a month after our break up, we began exchanging photos with each other and have hooked up multiple times — the last time being almost a month ago. Since we last hooked up, we’ve been on the phone daily (and nightly). The only people he talks to more than me are his own parents. It’s rare that we’re off the phone for more than an hour. This wasn’t something I initiated — and at first it was because he wasn’t feeling well and didn’t want to be alone because he has health issues and me being there is a comfort to him. But now we’re constantly on the phone (oftentimes just in silence to just be in each other’s company) and if we aren’t on the phone, he’ll call me up right before going to bed and sleep with me on the phone. We hang out in person every so often, we play video games nightly, we’re constantly consulting each other about goings ons in our lives, we still look to each other to make plans with to do stuff in the future (like attending concerts, etc)…lately we do a lot of stuff we did while we were dating. It feels a lot like we’re a couple — without being a couple. I think his parents even think we’re still dating. And some people see how we interact with each other and assume we’re together. It feels like things get more and more borderline like an actual relationship the more time goes by.

For background — we dated and lived together for four years. He moved home with his parents approximately a month before the breakup. He initiated the breakup, the period of not talking, us picking back up communication, the fwb encounters we’ve had, and this current trend of him being on the phone with me constantly. The phone thing is very reminiscent of when we first started dating and we were inseparable on video calls until we got serious and moved in together.

It feels like a weird situation to be in. I love our friendship. I love having him in my life. I’m not opposed to getting back together eventually. Lately, we’ve been acting more and more like a couple without actually being a couple.

tl;dr my boyfriend of 4 years and I broke up a few months ago and have started acting more and more like a couple without actually being one.

How normal is it to basically still be acting like a couple even though we broke up 2 1/2 months ago? What are the odds him and I wind up eventually getting back together?

I don’t necessarily have an issue with how things are between us. I’m kind of curious as to what other people’s takes on the situation are.

submitted by /u/Level_Recover7931
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* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

TLDR: I don't know if I should marry my fiance (47,M) after a thresome

TLDR: I don't know if I should marry my fiance (47,M) after a thresome

If anyone wants to read this, although is gonna be semi long, I would appreciate it. If not, all good. 😂 I'm a 28 year old female,based in Florida, Tarpon Springs. I've been with my fiance for the past two years. To make long story kind of short, around 2 months ago I came to the idea that we should have a threeway with another girl. Why, I don't know. I am attracted to girls as well (not a cheater, just saying why I came to the idea), and I also figured that's kind of every man's dream. Or at least that's what society tells us girls lol. Anyway, yeah, we did it. I thought it was going to be great. (Don't get me wrong, the girl was awesome, nothing wrong on her part nor she wanted anything serious with either of us, it was just a one time thing). But me on the other hand...when it actually happened, it broke me. I realized I made a mistake. Huge mistake. I didn't react at that time because I didn't wanted to make the girl feel bad or like she did something wrong, because she didn't. Fast forward to now, I'm broken. I get random flashbacks of him and her and it just breaks my heart and I don't know how to move on. Is this something that's fixable? And for the people who will say: well, you wanted it. Yes, that is true. But were you ever in a situation where, let's say, Starbucks, puts out a new drink and you're like YES I WANT TO TRY THAT, and you do, and then you maybe realize; ew, this is nasty, I don't want to have it ever again? I'm not comparing our relationship to Starbucks lol, but you get the point. Anyway, thank you for whoever will offer advice/help/whatever. Much love.

submitted by /u/FLgirlie22
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* This article was originally published here

Monday, June 24, 2024

I (F28) think my partner (M30) is purposely trying to bring me down, but not?

He compliments me weekly but it doesn't always feels honest.

I remember when he drunkenly said that I'm out of his league. Don't know if it's relevant to everything below, but not sure if he actually meant it as he is good looking, "gym bro" and from wealthy family.

Anyway I noticed that anytime I get any type of male attention in front of him he denies it and acts that a guy is winking for him, his mum, sister or anyone else but me.

Recently he even got into a little disagreement with his brother as his brother said that I was nearly snached from them and how those guys tried on with me just in front of them. My partner denied it and said that "no, this attention was for Sara" (their sister who was walking way behind us.) which alienated me and his brother.

I brought this up later on and told him that it seems that he doesn't care at all, and he just called me jealous and that he's worried about his little sister (F27)???..

He is also one of those men who has a tendancy to glance multiple times at atractive women even when I'm right in front of him and find it hard not to do so.

During my birthday he sat right in front of me and stared at the loud girls and guy behind me until that guy gave him a look which my boyfriend annoucend to me that he got just flirted on, to which I responded that it's most likely that he stared bit too long at one of the girls, to which he flipped and called me delulu.

Then recently before our date I changed my hair color. When he saw me his reaction was off (even though I looked my best) he seemed annoyed by it, saying that I look good but he's not sure and that my bright blue eyes next to dark hair look unnatural. Then few weeks later he said that this color looks amazing on me.

Does this looks like he is trying to make me insecure? I feel like I'm going bit crazy.

TL;DR my(F28) partner (M30) denies when I get attention in front of him from other males, weird reactions to positives in my life

submitted by /u/raudonaarbata
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, June 23, 2024

rocky first 3m of dating and still tgt?

23F dating 29M for 100+ days. first 3m of dating werent smooth, we had our ups and downs, fought a few times but communicated and talk things out, now reconciled. told a few other people online bout my rs, all of them were saying i deserve better, i shld leave etc, why am i staying?

the thing is i cant see myself leaving this rs bcos i still see the good in him (this is my first rs). i gave myself an ultimatum, if by 180 days still no flowers and a gf status i will leave.

tldr: does have anybody experienced a rocky first 3m in dating but still succeed in the relationship? pls advice/share with me your story.

submitted by /u/WonderMindless3398
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* This article was originally published here

Friday, June 21, 2024

Can someone explain ?

Hello gentlemen ! I already posted a story about a guy I met on Tinder about a month ago and I need the advice of men again because his actions are confusing : Tl;Dr I (31F) met Roman (30M) on Tinder about a month ago. But As I said in my previous post a week before we were supposed to meet, he told me he saw a girl 2/3 times and clicked with her but still wanted to meet me because he had a really good connexion but only as friends. I said yes but.... since then, we have been talking every single day when on the other end he says he doesn't talk to that girl everyday. If he is busy with work and hasn't texted he would apologise profusely for not sending at least a "hi, have a great day", which is, to me, totally fine, we all get busy sometimes.

We saw each other again and talked about his relationship with her because it was supposed to be casual but she is showing that she wants more and he refuse to get attached. We ended the evening in a sauna and he said let's go take a shower it's too hot here. So we ended up taking a shower together. After that I took care of his skin (facial mask, facial massages ect...) but I was just wearing a towel at that point and decided to rest between my legs so I could massage his face.... at the end, we slept in the same bed... totally naked, hugged a bit and that's it. Now a few weeks forward, yesterday to be exact. He talks to me about this girl again, and I told him that I was happy for him because his relationship was becoming official and they would see each other maybe 2/3 a week. But... I actually realised that even if I said I was OK with a friendship.... I wasn't. He Also said that he was happy that the relationship is evolving with this girl but still refuse to get attached I sent him a text not asking him to be with me, just saying that I don't think I am a 100% ok with being friends and therefore I'll take a step back because hearing about her hurts me. He said he was extremely sad, because he really liked me as a friend. And that even if I understood that it didn't not work out between us because he met someone else right before me, it wasn't going to happen even if there wasn't any other girls, because he didn't have the "thing" with me. So he basically said, that our relationship was very particular because he really got attached to me , even more than he had with his best friends but didn't have a romantic thing. At one point he heard in my vocal message that I seemed extremely sad, said that he is here for me and started to also confess his problem insisting on the fact that he is here for me and would be mad if I'm not ok and doesn't reach out. So I'm very confused and I need you guys' opinion. Could it be that he found me attractive on photo on tinder but not in real life,Could it be that he's keeping on the side just in case... As men, what would be the reason you act like this with a woman or would you act like this.

submitted by /u/GladReddit
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* This article was originally published here