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Sunday, July 7, 2024

Should i end things with my boyfriend?

Hi, this has recently been all that's on my mind and I have no clue what to do. I am 14/F and my boyfriend is 14/M. I have recently started questioning whether or not I actually want to be in this relationship. We have been together for a bit over 2 months. It has been good, and I love him, but it's just.. There's something wrong. The way we don't have that connection, it's like we are just telling ourselves that we do love each other, and that we are happy. But, I just don't feel 100% about this. I mean.. I've seen how he treats his dad, all because he doesn't wanna do school work, and how he talks to his friends, argues with them, argues with everyone. I just... I don't know what to do. I mean he is really nice, but I just don't wanna date him anymore, but I do at the same time. I don't really wanna hurt his feelings either, but uh, I just don't know. We have english together tomorrow morning, and we sit together at lunch breaks with our friends. But when it's just us, it's just awkward, to say the least. Before we started dating,andb up until a few weeks ago everything was good, but I just don't know if I want to stay in this relationship. I mean, we've talked about meeting each others parents, and about about me coming over to his, but I just don't know. So please, if anyone can help me figure what to do, that would be so so helpful.


Basically, I'm not sure about me and my boyfrienda relationship.Hits been good up until now (2 months), but I've started to notice the way he treats people when things don't go his way, and I'm not sureiwe actually love each other. We are both 14, but I still dowannak figure something out, because this is driving meiinsane...

submitted by /u/Drs4eva
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* This article was originally published here

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Boyfriend went to the bar last night and still hasn’t come home at 8am

My (25f) bf (30m) went out with friends last night and it is now 8am and he still hasn’t come home.

He said he was only going to go to his friends for a couple hours, then they ended up going out to a concert. At 12am he texted me saying that he has a ride home and he will be coming home soon. I then saw on location sharing they went to the bar.

His phone is on silent. I’ve tried texting him and calling him. His location hasn’t updated for 6 hours and it shows the bar as his last location. I don’t know how to feel. We have been on very rocky grounds lately, and I honestly felt a little uncomfortable with him getting drunk in the first place because he always takes it too far.

I’m worried, I’m angry, and I don’t know what to do when he walks in the door. I don’t know if he fell asleep at a friends, is in the hospital or jail, or evened up staying with some girl.

Tldr; boyfriend went to the bar with friends last night and has now 8am and he still hasn’t come home

submitted by /u/Eastern-River-1758
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* This article was originally published here

Thursday, July 4, 2024

I can't stand my step-sister even if she is nice to me

Hi reddit, i apologize in advance for any possible mistake but english is not my first language.

I'm a 19 years old male and my mom (F45) married married in 2021 my step-father (M45). My mom and dad divorced in 2016 and she got the main custody. I was happy for her, expecially since my step-father is a good person and from the beginning he always has been nice to me. After the marriage they bought a house with the plan of living there all together. I knew he had a daughter one year younger than me(F18), but they never organized anything for us to meet so i never pressured them into anything, i met her like a month before the wedding but it has been awkward since none of us actually interacted with the other and just acknowledged our presence. But once we moved in she immediately became all sweet and lovey-dovey with me, telling how much she wanted to have a step-brother, how she wanted to know me better,etc... i tried to welcome her but i never felt comfortable around her, as if i always had to walk on eggshells and shared the house with a stranger, i just forced myself to be nice because i didn't wanted to "disappoint" my mother and my step-father. I don't hate her, but spending time with her it feels like an homework more than something i enjoy, everytime she calls me or suggest something we can do together, i feel annoyed inside and force myself to smile and accept, it has been like that for the last 3 years and i just can't see her as my step-sister, as someone i should be close with. Maybe it's because i've never had any sibling but i can't understand why i feel this way and sometimes i even feel guilty because of it, she and my mom formed a great relationship like me and her dad. Why can't i even feel an hint of affection towards her? But a part of me also doesn't trust her because people who are too over-friendly from the beginning without even knowing me, it makes me feels like they have a hidden reason for it.

TL;DR, I can't stand my step-sister despite she is nice to me and I feel guilty for it.

submitted by /u/Mdamaje
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* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

how do i have this conversation with my husband?

first i want to say that i tired to post this in r/relationship-advice but it wouldn’t let me post

so, 6 months ago i had a son. my husband (25m) and i(23f) smoke weed (i didn’t during pregnancy or breastfeeding) and he does get CHA (marijuana sickened) every month or 2. well he got sick the day after my son was home so from the time we were discharged to about a week later i was caring for a baby by myself after a c section. i understand he was sick and it saddens me i had to go through that alone it was so hard and taxing and i even had second thoughts about my child witch i regret every day. but even when he’s not sick he barely helps out unless i ask him to or he’s alone with the baby and he’s the only caregiver for him. but that’s not my only issue here, ever since i’ve recovered and we have been having sex again, it’s just seems like all he wants from me is sex. not like he ignores me throughout the day, but when i want to go to bed, i either go alone because he won’t ever come with me, or if he does it’s only to have sex and he leaves the room again for hours. i asked him if i could just have his love and some cuddles and his reply was “i’m sorry.” it’s just makes me feel so gross like at this point that’s all i am to him. his child mother, and someone to have sex with.

i’m i over reacting to the situation or should i have a sit down with him? i’m just so worried about it messing up my relationship. he dosnt keep cool well and gets aggravated/annoyed/mad very quickly and stays in that mood. after he’s like that the only way the conversation ends is if i give in and agree with him. so idk what to do. also he know i have a reddit but he dosnt have one so i hope he dosnt find this.

tl;dr : my husband dosnt want to help with baby unless asked and seems to only want to be in the room to have sex with me, no cuddles or love.

submitted by /u/uwu-bee
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* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

My SO of 2 years refuses to add me on social media

TLDR boyfriend won’t add me on social media even though I’ve asked him to. He said he doesn’t use it but I feel that’s not the real reasons why he’s so against it.

I am a 44F nd have been in a serious relationship with my partner 43M for almost 2 years. We have talked about getting married and are moving in together at the end of the year. I’ve met all his family and friends and am very much included in his life. He however refuses to add me on social media.

He has a Facebook and insta account he rarely uses. I can see he has zero posts and less than 20 friends on there. When I’ve asked him about adding him he said “I only use it for work or I don’t use it”. I called him out on this reason as I’m friends with his friends on socials and I can see they are added there. When I commented about that he said something like “oh they added me when I first joined that’s the only reason we are friends”

I had said to him once early on, that I intended to add him there eventually and he was very negative about it and said “Whyyy” I feel his reaction to social media add was negative and unnecessarily inflexible.

He told me a story once about how he used it years earlier when he was on online dating and she made comments on his tagged photos and friends list. I think he felt judged and that his privacy was invaded by this. I also know that he just came out of a pretty coercive and controlling DV relationship where his ex wife monitored his phone records, checked through his phone etc

Regardless, I still feel upset that he doesn’t trust me with his limited social information and won’t share this aspect of his life with me. I feel he’s not being forthcoming about his real reasons why he doesn’t want to be my friend there.

I’ve raised this issue a few times and he refuses to change his mind about it. Any thoughts or insights to help me resolve this ? Should I just add him and see if he accepts? Should I talk to him about it again?

submitted by /u/curiousjazmine
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* This article was originally published here