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Sunday, July 14, 2024

My friend (19F) made me(18F) go to house party(I didn't wanted to go there) on my birthday. We've been friends for about 2 years

tl dr;We got in argument during my birthday because I didn't wanted to go where she wanted ( a house party with her friends) I ended up going there because we were at sleepover and I promised my mom to be with her all night, my friend told me if I don't want to go l have to get home.

Also I had to pay for everything (before we were at fancy restaurant also we were using uber to get everywhere). In the morning she was offended by me because I didn't give her 5 dollars.

Her present was only few packages of sweets. She promised to later gift me something special, but didn't do it. We are in one friend group so l don't want get into an argument with her.

I don't want to put a lot of effort into her gift, but I also don't want to look bad in the eyes of others. Her birthday is coming soon and she will celebrate it in a restaurant. What do I do and what present should I get her?

submitted by /u/user7656782876
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* This article was originally published here

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Considering Starting a Family with My Older Boyfriend: Seeking Advice

Hi everyone, I [F/27] have recently started dating a man [M/55] We've been together for 6 months now. He already has children who are adults and around my age, from a previous relationship with one woman. He was never married and still maintains a very good relationship with her. He sees his children regularly. I don‘t have children.

Recently, he expressed his desire to have another child and start a new family with me. He said he never planned to have more children because he is already happy with his and just wanted to date but when he met me his desire to build a family grew.

This raises some questions for me. How would this dynamic work when he already has an existing family? Additionally, I personally believe that marriage (not the act it self but „to commit“ is important when bringing children into the world (for example to share the same last name, legal-, financial- and parental-rights for both of us) How should I approach the topic of marriage with him? Is it concerning that he has never been married before?

I also wonder why, at his age, he still wants to have more children when he already has some. I'm feeling a bit conflicted and would appreciate some advice. How do you know when you're sure about having a child with someone? What factors should I consider before making such a big decision? Any insights or personal experiences would be incredibly helpful.

Thank you!

TL;DR I’m a 27-year-old woman dating a 55-year-old man who has adult children. He wants to start a new family with me, which raises questions about our dynamic, the importance of marriage, and his desire for more kids at his age. How should I approach these topics and know if I’m ready for a child with him?

submitted by /u/Tiny-Fee6535
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* This article was originally published here

Friday, July 12, 2024

Should I (39F) pursue a long distance relationship with my friend (36M)?

TL;DR; been friends for 11 years and realized my feelings for my friend, which are reciprocated, who lives over a 1000 miles away. Should I pursue a long distance relationship with them?

My friend, let’s call him Aaron, and I first met in undergrad about 11 years ago. We started a research lab together, spending weeks together in the field collecting moths and other insects and hours in the lab sorting them. At the time I thought he was really smart, funny, but got on my dang nerves. I wasn’t interested in him in sort of way other than research colleagues mainly bc he was annoying but also because I was in a long term relationship (LTR) at the time.

Fast forward to me ending things with my LTR, Aaron move to NYC and became a teacher and I went into the private industry, but we remained in contact periodically throughout the years.

We remained friends but when covid hit, him and I became closer, texting frequently and even calling each other, talking about all the time about weirdo science things that we found fascinating.

I could tell that he was developing feelings for me, but I didn’t pay much attention bc we live 1000s of miles apart.

He came to visit 5 year ago, but nothing happened even though I was anticipating that it would. I was too nervous to make a move and come to find out so was he. We just awkwardly enjoyed each others company.

Fast forward through the years and we kept in touch. He would send me shirtless selfies as he glowed up and would tell me, “I wish I could find someone like you.” Again, I ignored it bc of the distance.

Now 5 yrs later he has come to visit again. The other day we hung out, road bikes, and had an absolute wonderful time. While we were chilling at my house, cooling down from the ride, we were sitting really close and I asked him if he would like to make out, to which he enthusiastically agreed. We ended up fooling around but not hooking up.

It was wonderful, the whole experience. He was so gentle but strong and he made me feel safe in his arms, something I haven’t felt for some time.

He told me during that interlude, “I really like you and I have liked you for sometime.”

I came to realize my feelings since that night has passed. He’s everything I want in a partner. He’s sweet, kind, altruistic, cute, funny, wicked smart, and we do all the same hobbies. He’s no longer that annoying 25 year old I met 11 years ago, he’s a full blown man.

So here I am thinking, should I pursue a long distance relationship with him?

submitted by /u/notmepleaseokay
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* This article was originally published here

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Cheated on early in relationship

TL;DR I was cheated for the first three months we were together and new details keep emerging about what he did with his ex, should I reach out to her to get her truth?

Boyfriend 23M cheated on me 23F from the start of our relationship through 2-3 months into our now 8 month relationship. That I know of. And I decided to stay and I thought l'd be over it by now but I can't let it go as new details always emerge.

First I had a bad feeling in my stomach at 4 months into our relationship and found the texts with his ex on his phone. So I have no idea about phone calls or anything that occurred outside of that or what was deleted. Since we got together he texted her everyday, trying to get her to respond and saying he loved or missed her.

Then I saw they made plans one night, he went to hers and swore he just set a boundary with her. I've felt really troubled by this and it bottles inside me because everytime I bring it up he freaks out over me bringing his difficult past up. So l've started to be petty and argue over little things, seeking some sort of retribution or release while everything inside me hurts. The reason I can't heal is because there's always new details emerging or new excuses that make me question it all. He told me last night that when they saw one another he "thinks" he did kiss her "hello" and thinks he did cuddle with her for 2-3 hours. Now I fear the worst happened. I've never attempted to seek her side of the story since he said she cheated on him and made his life really horrible and is fearful of her coming after him and harassing him if they have contact. Now after seeing he harassed her with no reply for weeks, initiated seeing her in secret and said he loved her at Christmas (her mom had died and she reached out) I do wonder if he doesn't want contact because she'll tell me the truth.

He's been a habitual liar, from little things like what he had for dinner to big things like drug use and talking to his ex. He blames this all on withdrawal from cocaine. It makes me sick when I think about how he voluntarily told me she was out of his life and psychotic and that I was his person. I'm moving in with him this week and starting a new job. I don't know how to handle living with him as he's really hurt me.

Can anyone confirm if withdrawal symptoms are that significant and make someone weak enough to reach out to an ex and cheat? I'm wary to believe him. Ar can anyone tell me if I should or shouldn't reach o the ex? To get her end of events?

submitted by /u/rubbersoulcd
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* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Me 26F and my boyfriend 30M have been together 1 year. He always sticks to set days when we see each other, even if there’s nights when we are both free with no plans. What could be some rationale behind this?

We were talking this week about when we would see each other, and he said Friday and Sunday which is is fine. However, we both have no plans on Saturday night so I don’t understand why he wouldn’t want to spend it together if we are both not doing anything anyway? I don’t want to be clingy and ask him or tell him when he obviously doesn’t want to spend the Saturday night with me, otherwise he would have suggested then.

tl;dr Me 26F and my boyfriend 30M are both free with no plans on Saturday night, yet he doesn’t want to spend it together

submitted by /u/Miserable-Cable4679
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* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

How do I support my partner? How do we get through this?

I(F23) have spent the week gutted completely. I had my son 3 years ago and have really tried losing the weight but instead due to financial stress and poor mental health, I instead have gained weight. Me and my partner(M25) have since moved to another country where all my family are and we’ve been able to not need to pay for child care and both work. From this I’ve spent the last 8 weeks being able to afford healthier options and had lost some weight.

We were told about 3-4 weeks ago my partners grandad is terminal. He has no one else once his grandad passes and he lives back in the other country and my partners only able to go see him at the end of each month. Now for the part where it all fucked up.

He went down for 4 days to see him and whilst down he received an anonymous text I had cheated with someone I work with. This just isn’t true and god I’d never do that to him especially during this situation when me and my son are all he has now really. Given his already bad headspace he went out and cheated. Spent 12 hours with her speaking cuddling. He was planning on just leaving me but he came back and immediately regretted what happened. He said at the time he did feel heard and understood and validated by someone who wasn’t me but that now he’s told me everything he feels really guilty and regretful given I’ve not actually done anything and his really bad head frame right now.

As much as this has gut punched me, I cannot find it in me to leave. I know he’s in such a bad head space and the text he received tipped him over the edge. I’m not looking for anyone to tell me to leave either. He was honest with me and he does truly want to be with me but with the way I currently look I’m missing the one box that’s important which is sexually. I used to be a lot thinner and active in our sex and now I feel so down about my weight sex has become a struggle and I can’t be as much of a participant as I once was and it sucks so badly.

I mean I’m barely eating now because I honestly don’t know any other way for me to lose weight especially quickly. I have one small meal a day and just suck on some mints to stop the need to snack during the day and so far seems to somewhat work.

Please anyone who has been through this situation, how can I support him? How did yous get through it?

TL:DR my partner is going through a rough time and cheated.

submitted by /u/Anonymousgirl1213
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* This article was originally published here

Monday, July 8, 2024

Is speed dating worth it? [25F]

So, I'm 25F, I finished 2 - year relationship lately and now I feel I am ready to go back to the dating market. I thought of dating apps but I found an idea of speed dating on the internet. It is about person paying low amount of money to get to a place where she can meet some people of opposite gender and maybe try to get along with them and date them later. Does anyone have an experience with this and could tell me if it's worth it?

tl;dr i want to go back to dating and i think of trying speed dating

submitted by /u/PenLongjumping9100
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* This article was originally published here