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Saturday, August 31, 2024

My (21 F) bf’s (22 M) friend made a comment about my body to him- am I being overly sensitive or is he TA?

My (21 F) bf (22 M) of 2yrs’ friend made a comment looking at a pic of us, where he called me fat. I don’t know what specifically was said, maybe smth like ‘oh you’re with that fatty/big girl’ type thing. My bf told me after it happened. He said it upset him and he said something to him about it.

But since them, it affects our relationship and when at the gym together he will try to get me to do cardio at the end of the workout, or say I used to be thinner but have ‘let myself go’ (I have not), and also straight up calling me fat but attempting to be gentle about it. I have voiced countless times that it bothers me and makes me feel terrible and unattractive to him, but he’s continued for at least a year. He says the only reason he keeps saying it is so if I have an amazing thin/fit body it will ‘shut them down’ - them being his friend and anyone who would think that about me. He says it’s for that reason but also for my own benefit for health/I would benefit from the nicer body too

I feel like a normal response would be to feel angry at that friend and defensive of me, but feeling the need to then prove everyone else wrong by encouraging me to look better, makes it seem like he’s only concerned about how it looks to others for him to be with me. And that he isn’t proud to be with me how I am. I thought the normal thing would be to feel angry at the friend but then also think ‘this is the person I love and choose to be with, and she is perfect the way she is and doesn’t need to change’.

Is his explanation unreasonable for his actions? Is he TA or NTA?

Has anyone else had a friend say something bad about your s/o and how did you react. What would be your reaction in my situation.

For context, I do struggle with body image issues from being a bit heavier in the past, but I objectively am not fat. Size 10, work out regularly in the week. I have a curvy figure , naturally broad shoulders and hips, and might be what some see as chubby in areas, but very much within the average female population build. Bmi also objectively not overweight, not that that matters or is the best measurement anyways

TLDR; my bf’s friend made a comment about my appearance and now he’s trying to get me to improve my body to ‘show everyone’ and prove them wrong. Is his reasoning completely off- is he TA or NTA?

submitted by /u/Remarkable-Ad7771
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* This article was originally published here

Friday, August 30, 2024

M80 Just died and partner m36 acting odd

My uncle M80 died a couple of hours ago. I told my partner 36M and he said, already that was quick, then I was upset, more for my dads sake as he was extremely close to his brother. Partner asked when will the funeral be, I said I don't know he just died. I said you know which one it is and he said yeah I think I saw him a few times, I'm not coming to the funeral though I only met him a few times. That upset me more, my logic is you are there to support my dad and the whole family. Then he just went back on his computer googling retreats for himself so he can do some fasting or something. Am I overreacting or is this not normal?

TL;DR uncle just died and partner is not phased

submitted by /u/New2thisplac3
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* This article was originally published here

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Wife’s (32f) poor treatment of me (32m). What am I doing to deserve this? How can I fix it?

My wife (32f) and I (32m) have been together 4 years, we have dated on and off prior to this but consistently together 4 years.

She had our first baby within the last year, and ever since she was pregnant, she doesn’t treat me the same. She has a short fuse, always snaps back at me, or is less than kind. This is getting to the point that I don’t even really try and converse with her because 50% of the time or more, I get some snappy, frustrated, or condescending response.

Prior to getting pregnant and having the baby, she was sweet, kind, affectionate, and very into me. We had a pretty passionate bedroom and the passion translated out of the bedroom as well. It was like the honeymoon phase on steroids. Now it’s turned into a dead bedroom, and what feels like a dying relationship. I’m critiqued about almost everything I do, or say. Don’t get me wrong, I do miss the passion in the bedroom, but it wouldn’t be so bad if I was treated with general respect, or had some stress relief. Also, I don’t really want to initiate anything, because of the day to day treatment is kind of a turn off. She is very well spoken, and focused in her remarks. Whereas I’m more of a reserved, kind person who tends to avoid confrontation.

I’ve been an attentive husband, I help with the baby as much as I can. Whether that be diapers, feeding, house maintenance, dinner\meals. Anything. Going from work, to family\house care nonstop to the point where I’m getting burnt out on all fronts. I’ve brought this to her attention, because I’d rather deal with it directly, than to be passive aggressive about it. This turned into her feeling horrible, crying, and me consoling her. I’ve tried to be as understanding as possible, because pregnancy, nursing, first time childcare is taxing, and a hormonal time. But I’m getting to my wits end.

Hopefully this all makes sense and I didn’t miss any details. This was kind of a vent to help relieve some stress, as well as if anyone has advice. I’ll try and clarify any missing points as they arise.

TL;DR my wife is rude and condescending to me after pregnancy and baby, and I’m getting fed up with the treatment and lack of intimacy.

Edit: another thought came to mind

submitted by /u/Alert-Cucumber13
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* This article was originally published here

Monday, August 26, 2024

Bothered about New Gfs Ability to Lie

I (29m) have been seeing this woman (34f) for about 2 months now and everything seems to be going well. We are teetering on entering the "boyfriend/girlfriend" stage, but we spent this weekend together and something happened that freaked me out a little.

I had bought us a bottle of her favorite tequila to enjoy together over the weekend and we drank a little bit Friday night. Saturday we spent the morning + afternoon at my place and I noticed she was extra affectionate and slurring her words a bit. She smelled of alcohol but I thought maybe she was just sweating out what we had drank the night before. She fell asleep on the couch once when I was home and when I came back from a mid-afternoon haircut she was also passed out. Again, I thought nothing of it because we were just having a lazy day. Fast forward to later that night when we get back from our dinner date, I ask if she wants a shot of that tequila; she agrees. I walk over to the fridge to find almost the entire bottle drank. When I asked her about it she said she didn't touch it and didn't know what happened to it. I recounted the her behaviour and thought it was very obvious she had been drinking throughout the day looking back, but when I pressed a little bit she got standoffish and promised me that she didn't touch it once again.I live alone and other than her dog no one else was in my apartment all weekend.

I don't care about the alcohol being gone, I bought it for us to enjoy and she didn't have anywhere to be. I do care though that she was able to lie to me about it without pause and keep up the lie without much effort. I asked her again the next morning, telling her I dont care about the booze just that I was freaked out it seemed like she was lying. She swore on my life that she didn't touch it so I backed off because I wasn't getting anywhere.

Other than this everything has been great, but I don't want this to plant a seed that breaks our trust going forward.

Should I try to confront her about it again? Am I overthinking this?

TLDR: my new girlfriend drank a bunch of alcohol at my place behind my back and lied about it. I worry about breaking trust this early and wonder if I should confront her about it a third time to try and get her to come clean.

Any advice/opinions are welcome. Thanks!

submitted by /u/Enginot95
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Me [23m] and my girlfriend [23f] keep discussing breaking up, but we struggle to do it because our relationship has many positive aspects.

TL;DR We've been in a 6-month relationship that started out wonderfully, but now it's on the verge of breaking up due to arguments and feelings of being pushed away.

We've been in the relationship for only 6 months, and we've been having a lot of arguments. In the beginning, everything was great. The first 2-3 months were romantic, and we were deeply in love. However, my partner started experiencing intense emotions during her periods, despite being on birth control. I tried to comfort her and show empathy, but I noticed that these emotional episodes were often directed at me. As time went on, these episodes became more frequent, especially during our 2-month trip to Asia. The trip started well, but we experienced a major disagreement that hurt me deeply. Though we managed to resolve it, similar 'hiccups' kept occurring over small issues throughout the trip. We both made mistakes, but we always reconciled and grew stronger. However, the arguments always seemed to start with her complaints about me, and I began feeling worn out. Despite this, I don't want to paint her in a negative light. I simply want her to be happy. We were supposed to go to Hong Kong together to meet her family, but we decided against it due to the frequent disagreements. I ended up flying back from Bangkok alone. Now that we're back home, we're on the brink of breaking up because of these ongoing issues. I'm unsure whether I should fight for the relationship, as we have many positive aspects. The whole trip was wonderful apart from the arguments. The arguments that are always aimed at me every time just really get to me because I've never tried this hard and put this much effort with a female ever. It would be heart wrenching to lose her. I'd appreciate advice from anyone who's been in a similar situation or any helpful insights. Thank you.

submitted by /u/King-Bricky
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* This article was originally published here