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Monday, August 26, 2024

Bothered about New Gfs Ability to Lie

I (29m) have been seeing this woman (34f) for about 2 months now and everything seems to be going well. We are teetering on entering the "boyfriend/girlfriend" stage, but we spent this weekend together and something happened that freaked me out a little.

I had bought us a bottle of her favorite tequila to enjoy together over the weekend and we drank a little bit Friday night. Saturday we spent the morning + afternoon at my place and I noticed she was extra affectionate and slurring her words a bit. She smelled of alcohol but I thought maybe she was just sweating out what we had drank the night before. She fell asleep on the couch once when I was home and when I came back from a mid-afternoon haircut she was also passed out. Again, I thought nothing of it because we were just having a lazy day. Fast forward to later that night when we get back from our dinner date, I ask if she wants a shot of that tequila; she agrees. I walk over to the fridge to find almost the entire bottle drank. When I asked her about it she said she didn't touch it and didn't know what happened to it. I recounted the her behaviour and thought it was very obvious she had been drinking throughout the day looking back, but when I pressed a little bit she got standoffish and promised me that she didn't touch it once again.I live alone and other than her dog no one else was in my apartment all weekend.

I don't care about the alcohol being gone, I bought it for us to enjoy and she didn't have anywhere to be. I do care though that she was able to lie to me about it without pause and keep up the lie without much effort. I asked her again the next morning, telling her I dont care about the booze just that I was freaked out it seemed like she was lying. She swore on my life that she didn't touch it so I backed off because I wasn't getting anywhere.

Other than this everything has been great, but I don't want this to plant a seed that breaks our trust going forward.

Should I try to confront her about it again? Am I overthinking this?

TLDR: my new girlfriend drank a bunch of alcohol at my place behind my back and lied about it. I worry about breaking trust this early and wonder if I should confront her about it a third time to try and get her to come clean.

Any advice/opinions are welcome. Thanks!

submitted by /u/Enginot95
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* This article was originally published here

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