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Tuesday, August 20, 2024

My(18F)boyfriend(19M)broke up with me, and when i tried to talk things out he accused me of cheating, what do i do?

A little background information: my(18F) boyfriend(19M) had two exes before me, as far as i know both of them cheated on him. It left a huge scar on him, and I was aware of that when we started dating. I always had a few guy friends in my life, but not many, maybe one and two, but I only had one when me and my boyfriend got together. I told him that it's just casual friendship, and nothing more, and he didnt have a problem with that. The problem started when another guy from my school texted me a few times. It wasn't flirty text, he just told me that if I liked a certain band, there are a few songs I should listen to, and we sometimes spoke a few words about music. I didnt have feelings for him and I dont think he had feelings for me, because we never talked about nothing personal, maybe said hi and a few words in school. I of course told my boyfriend that I have a casual friendship with this guy, and if he doesnt like it I'll block him, because I dont want to make the love of my life uncomfortable. I know he had a hard time trusting people, so I showed him the few text we had (although at the time i was clearing my insta dms and I deleted a lot of texts, not just with the guy but with everyone else). After two months maybe, we had a huge argument because my boyfriend thought that I was talking with that guy behind his back, and I want something from him. I immediately blocked the guy, and tried to talk things out with my boyfriend. After two months, we finally fixed everything, or so I thought. A few weeks ago, he broke up with me. He didnt gave me a really good reason, we had a small argument before the break up, but nothing we couldnt talk out. Two days ago, I tried reaching out to him, talking things out. I begged him to just talk it out and we can fix everything, and he told me that I shouldnt think he's stupid, and he knows that I'm with someone already, and I cheated on him, because of the texts I deleted(although I didnt delete them for him not to see them, I deleted because we didnt talk anymore and I just dont want people whom I dont talk with in my dms). I really didn't cheat on him, although I know that I made him feel really shitty because I was friendly with someone else, but I really never had intentions having something more than a casual friendship. I didn't even talked the guy after that, I just explained to him that I dont want to make my boyfriend uncomfortable, so I dont want to be friends anymore, he understood and that was it. I really miss my boyfriend. He was a really good boyfriend besides the jealousy, and I feel like I messed things up and I didnt even cheat on him.

TLDR; I tried to fix my relationship with my boyfriend, but he accused me of cheating on him and being with someone else right now

submitted by /u/Hopeful_Meeting_8675
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* This article was originally published here

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