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Monday, August 12, 2024

Very long, possibly NSFW - was she with her boss & my friend?

I’d love to get a perspective from both males and females on this. It’s a little long and these events happened some time ago, but I’ve just recalled them. This is a two parter. None of the names are real. I’m gonna put rough dates in place to keep track of things.

I'm also open to DM if you don't want to post an opinion publicly, but I would REALLY like some feedback.

The reason I’m writing this is I’ve started to remember some things and they’re in my head & I’m finding them incredible hot to think about (like continuously, but it’s driving me nuts). I was going to break it into two parts but they’re kind of intertwined in the timeline so I have to keep it together. Sorry, it’s long.


Two years ago. I was going through a bit of a breakdown. Covid lockdowns were going on, I was suffering from depression & anxiety, I was off sick from work. I was aware a mutual friend of ours (childhood friend of hers) was going through some stuff as I’d heard she was also off long term sick. This friend (KATE), called in one day while she was not here, kids are in school & I opened the door & was surprised that she was there & told her Maria wasn’t home, she said she knew and wanted to talk to me, I invited her in & made her a coffee with some small talk & then she came out with I need to tell you something…. Kate had divorced a year earlier & we were both supportive to her. Her & Maria had several nights out when covid lockdowns were lifted both drowning sorrows & later getting her back on the scene. No problems with this at all, in fact I encouraged it. Maria would tell me when guys chatted her up or bought her drinks and it’s an insane turn on to hear other guys are interested in & find your wife as sexy as you do.

So Kate starts to tell me about something that happened with someone she was seeing that resulted in her being off work sick. I told her that I wasn’t comfortable knowing this on my own, and could she tell Maria, or could I tell her, she said she already knew and had known for about four months. Maria hadn’t said a word & I never suspected that she knew anything. I said it to her later and she was surprised Kate had told me and said she had asked her not to tell anyone, including me. So at that moment I realised, Maria is great at keeping secrets. What else did I not know. So I asked her, she said she tells me everything apart from a couple of times when she had bought herself some stuff at full price & told me it was on sale & there was one time when her & Kate were out & she was playing wingwoman and this guy tried to kiss her but she pushed him away and told him she was married. She didn’t say anything because she didn’t want me to think she wasn’t safe…

Now Maria is fun loving, great looking, and funny. The second I saw her, I fell in love with her & knew we’d get married someday. Now myself, I’m kind of a funny guy, but I was punching way above my weight with her. I mean she was stunning, while I was a slightly overweight badly dressed geeky type guy.

Back then I was Peter Griffin to her Lois :) Fast forward a couple of years and she’s been struggling with her weight & I’ve actually lost some and started looking after myself. She put on about 34 lbs and I lost about 40. Although her face is rounder these days, she’s still stunning, I’ve kind of grown into my face, less round, little saggy but I’d now see myself as handsome whereas I never did. Her body is more renaissance painting than barbie like, but she’s had kids & for a number of years we both kind of let ourselves go, just sitting around eating and drinking. We’re both doing something about it now, but my results have been a lot faster than hers.

Now for the rewind…


For a little backstory & qualification, when I met my wife (MARIA) she was almost 20 & I had just turned 25. She was a knockout then as she is now.

It took her a little longer. We went on a couple of dates and she wasn’t really feeling it, but I guess at some point something kind of clicked with her. I’d just come back from travelling & was living at home, she hadn’t yet moved out. I’d been with a couple of other women before while she had only been intimate with one guy when she was about 17, but hadn’t had sex with him - she told me it went as far as both of them going down on each other & hands, but she didn’t like him going down on her. We ended up sleeping together after seven weeks, so I guess I was doing something right. Although she didn’t like the idea of me going down on her so it didn’t happen.

Life went on. We went on… holidays together etc, after two years I asked her to marry me & she said no, she was enjoying herself too much to settle down… this happened every so often, we bought a house together & the fifth time I asked her, I told her that as I was now in my 30s, and had a home with her, if she still didn’t want to get married, I was totally ok with that, we’d be together forever but I didn’t want to keep getting turned down and so probably wouldn’t ask again. She organised everything and we ended up married eight months later… kids and life journey etc. ups & downs etc but that’s life anyway, it’s not a straight line & there’s highs and lows.. we’re happy.


Shortly after we got together, she got a job in a young small company in a very exciting industry, it was all parties & openings and launches and nights out. I met the people that she worked with & they were all great, guys & girls all great energy & nice people. The guy who owned the company (JOHN) was a really interesting dude. unnbelieveibly charismatic, not traditionally good looking, but handsome & well dressed and funny & interesting. She worked in one role and partially as his assistant. Some of the nights I went out with them, and some I didn’t. She still works there and has risen up through the company. There’s only about five or six oof the original ones left and the company has grown to quite a large international company & she’s quite high up in it now.

Early on, I told her of my best friend (GAVIN) who lives abroad, back then there was no Facebook, or email or video calling. (I feel old). My friend and I used to call to shoot the breeze every two or three weeks. He lived a very exotic lifestyle, had a different girl every time we talked, good looking, dated models, worked in an industry that was glam and lived the lifestyle. They talked a couple of these times on the phone, mutual fun slagging off of me in jest etc), I’d sent him a photo of the two of us, but the only one I had of him was him dimly lit in the background of a party where I met him). I should mention. He’s from here too, just emigrated many years ago. I grew up with him.


One day, he called me to tell me he was coming home to surprise his little brother for his birthday & asked if I’d pick him up, drop him off and we could all go out that night. So we went to pick him up & they got to meet in person for the first time. He hugs me, then her & then she pushes him back, holding onto him and say “Oh my god, you’re Sarah’s ex…. He looked surprised and said “Sarah (surname)??? How’d you know that?” Turns out an old teenage friend of hers had gone out with him for a couple of weeks months when they were about 13/14. Different parts of the city, but they had all met up, group of guys, group of girls a couple of times…. so as it happened, he met her before I did. I dropped him of & we all went out & hung out that night and a couple more times before he went home. The night before he went, we were hanging out & he said to us, we should come stay with him next year for our vacation. She’d never been there and we thought that’s a great idea…

Now the rewind…. Bear in mind, I’m remembering this some time after the events and my recollections may not be accurate


We go visit him. He brings us out to some of the hottest clubs and bars in town. He only had a couple of beers because he was driving, but we were on vacation so had many more. We head back to his 1 bed (he’d got a futon in the living room for us), and crack open a couple of beers to finish off the night. It’s around 2am, he’s up at 6 for work, we’re jet-lagged, but we’re having great fun. I made the mistake of sitting on the futon, I should have stayed standing because jet lag and drunkenness kick in and I find myself drifting off but still aware of the conversation going on, they’re talking about his current girlfriend who’s columbian, very exotic, and passionate but he says she’s only for now, there’s nothing there, he prefers someone else, at this point, I black out, I stir briefly some time after, open my eyes and they’re having a whisky I pass out again. I wake briefly again, unfinished whisky glasses on the counter & no sign of them, I figure he’s gone to bed and she’s either in the loo or beside me but I don’t have the energy to roll over to check. Look at watch, 5:15. Close eyes & wake again at 11:30am. He’s gone to work a while (left a note, she’s still crashed out & at some point, I or someone got me undressed.

I put on coffee & jump in the shower, when I get out she’s having breakfast wearing my t-shirt from yesterday (super sexy look), and we end up having sex on the futon (they’re not made for sex). We head off for the day, get home, he’s making dinner, we talk and go for a swim in his pool etc.. Days went on like this, we meet his girlfriend, she’s very hot. One night they have an argument & split, no big deal, he was only seeing her six weeks or so. So we spend the next week and a half doing our thing while he’s working & hanging out together when he’s not. One day he’s not in the best mood. He can be kind of deep, and he’s very quiet. This goes on for hours, out of the blue Maria asks (kind of annoyed) Do you want us to go get a hotel? And he says no, it’s him, just feeling off and we’re only there for another couple of days. So we stay & everything is grand. Drops us at the airport, hugs & we head home. Great trip

Me & Maria are doing great, we start saving for a house, she keeps turning me down, life is generally good.


She goes out on one of her work nights, I go out with my friends, but texts me about three am, asks can I stay at yours? Sure, get a cab, she turns up and I greet her, she’s pretty well on. Not messy, but well on. I ask if she’s ok, she says she did something really dumb & doesn’t want to go to her parents, I ask what it was & he hesitates for a second & then says someone was passing round a brownie & it got to me and I ate the whole thing and I was supposed to pass it round and I don’t know and kind of freaking out, so I hug her, tell her to get into m bed and then stay up all night watching her in case she gets sick, she ok the following morning, subdued but otherwise not sick or anything.


We go see Gavin again. He has a long term girlfriend now & we meet her & she’s awesome (in fact they’re married to this day). Another great trip. We meet some of their friends and go to some of their parties. Really jealous of the lifestyle. We’ve got our first house and are living together a year at this point (about three months after the previous entry). we’re at one particular party & a couple of people including me end up naked in the pool, everyone is dancing, Gavin is drunk & sitting down in the chair we dumbed our stuff when we got back to the house for the party. The two girls are up dancing with about ten other people. People are in the pool, I’m howling off & looking for my clothes, others are standing around drinking. This trip is awesome. I had a video camera (remember those) and am capturing everything, it’s really a great time.

Time goes on, they get married, we get married, they have kids, we have kids, Maria gets promotions & is rising up through the ranks, I change jobs a couple of times, we have ups & downs. I’ve always had a very high sex drive, her less so, this did lead to arguments & unfair demands on my part for which I’m truly sorry. She was tired & didn’t feel good about herself and I still made demands on her to satisfy myself. I probably jerked off every day in addition to wanting sex, it was not a good time for her. Even though she had put on weight I still find her extremely sexy & attractive, but sexually she would start to shut down on me, refusals and then telling me there was something wrong with me & refusing to discuss things. To this day, even though she would flash her boobs at me when we were out no matter where we were, she was always kind of prudish, only let me start going down on her ten years ago or so, which she loves now (so many wasted years), I’ve never finished from a HJ or BJ from her (finds cum distasteful - literally).

We’re recovering now, I’m going out of my way to be better for her, date nights, massages (with no expectations), flowers. We get intimate about twice a week in some way. I want to do the mojo upgrade thing with her but am afraid to bring it up in case she thinks I’m weird. She has said many times she doesn’t have any fantasies and is very vanilla, I don’t think I have any either but would be more experimental thinking. There’s stuff I’d like to try, but afraid to bring it up with her for what she’s think of me. I also, because of this stuff going on, thin I might have unlocked a kink or started a kink or developed an interest….

Fast Forward…


I’m on medication for depression & anxiety (stuff going on in work getting to me as well as struggling financially), it’s causing the most vivid full colour 8K dreams you can imagine. Some of them are sexual, some of them are terrifying. On the frightening ones, I end up waking in the middle of the night in a panic & have to calm down before going asleep. In the sexual ones, I’ve woken up having ejaculated in my sleep (wet dreams from teenage years are back). These dreams include Gavin & his wife & other friends of ours and sometimes co-workers of both of ours.

I find some old video cassette from back in the early 2000s in the attic. Long forgotten, I start going through them and discover a moment in one of them where I was recording at that party sitting down. Taking it all in, then zoomed in on the two girls dancing. And then held it on them but mostly Maria for a couple of minutes, she’s dancing sexily with his girlfriend, but facing the camera the whole time & then while Gavin’s girlfriend was turned the other way, she flashed her boobs it zoomed in. I didn’t remember taking it & figured I was drunk, then a couple of minutes later, I walked in from the pool, so it was Gavin who was recording…. I wrote it off as everyone being drunk and having fun but to was also really really hot knowing she had flashed him.

Flash Forward…


We’re out a couple of weeks ago, we had a nice meal and then some drinks and are having great time, we’re really getting on well & reconnecting. To this day, I still can’t believe she chose me. There’s guys looking at her, it’s hot, she’s a stunning looking woman.

We’re talking about some work stuff & she tells me that at last year’s Xmas party her boss John got really drunk and confided in her that he’d been going for happy ending massages because his marriage is a dead bedroom and had been for years. Over the years John had been with and slept with several of the women who had worked for him. I asked her was she ever upset that he’d never come on to her & she hesitated for a split second and said that about six years ago at another of their nights out, he got really drunk (does that a lot), so much so, that she called him a cab, got his coat and went to wait with him for the car to get him home, while waiting, he made a pass at him and she brushed him off… she’d never told me this (great at secrets), but instead of feeling annoyed, it felt hot. I asked her if she would have slept with him and she laughed and said no, I’m married (fake shock). I asked her if there was no chance of getting caught, or there were no consequences, would she & she considered the question, said I do think I missed out getting with you so young & inexperienced, I agreed and said that I wished she had experienced life and other people and probably sex more before we met (but then would we have met? Real sliding doors moment right there).

So now I’ve these events going over in my head, I find it incredibly arousing that others find my wife sexy & attractive even all these years later.

I’m not going anywhere and neither is she, we love each other and it’s so long ago, it doesn’t make any difference anyway as we’re still together, I’m also not going to call anything out about it to my friend or her boss, as there’s no point.

I do feel sorry for her that she only ever experienced one guy & I’m prepared to offer her a hall pass should the situation arise for her in the future if she wants to pursue it

TLDR - She possibly hooked up with her boss a couple of times and my best friend.


  1. I do find it hot, but should I offer her a hall pass?
  2. Why am I so turned on about it?
  3. What do you think happened with each guy if anything?
  4. Is it all in my head?
submitted by /u/deltazephyr
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* This article was originally published here

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