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Friday, August 2, 2024

Partner spending on mobile game

Hi everyone,

I need some advice about my partner's (F 29) spending on a mobile game. To give a bit of background, we have a 10-month-old, and my partner has been on maternity leave since just before he was born. We agreed she'd take a year off work, and I was happy to support us during that time.

Recently, she's become quite addicted to this mobile game. We've had a few arguments about how much time she spends on it and whether she's giving our son enough attention. These talks haven't gone well.

I've noticed some odd transfers from our joint account to her personal account. I ended up checking a recent bank statement for her account and saw lots of payments to this game. They're small amounts, between $4 and $30, but there are so many of them. When I asked her before how much she was spending, she gave a very low number, and I believed her.

Now that I know the truth, I don't know how to bring this up without it turning into a big fight and her getting defensive, which has happened before. I know I was wrong to snoop, but I cover all our finances, like groceries, our son's clothes and toys, outings, everything. Even though some of the money she's spending might be from her savings from before our son was born, I can't help feeling frustrated. I'm paying for everything, and she's spending hundreds a month on this game.

I'm really not sure what to do next.

TL;DR: My partner, on maternity leave, is spending a lot on a mobile game from our joint account. We've argued about her game time affecting our son's care. I cover all our finances and need advice on addressing her spending without causing a big fight.

submitted by /u/orion1423
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* This article was originally published here

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