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Sunday, February 27, 2022

26 [M] has no idea how to break up with 28 [F] girlfriend

So.. I have been living together with her for a bout 4 years and I keep noticing that I have been pushing myself into the background for more than a year.

I don't really feel "happy" anymore and I am kinda running on auto-pilot. Every day is the same. Wake up, work, eat, watch tv/play video games, go to bed. We aren't intimate anymore either. I get annoyed with the tiniest things that she does. She always lectures me, even on my job, almost pretending she is my boss.

There is almost no communication between us since it almost always ends with me apologizing or a huge akward silence.

The problem of breaking up is that she doesn't have a job, she is finally doing an education to get a job, and I am afraid I will push her back down now that she is finally becoming more positive. She has had a very difficult life. The only money that she gets is a funding from the government wich isn't enough to go and rent something. And she doesn't really have any family nearby to move in with.

So I have no clue. I don't just want to throw her out. I know how "unstable" she can be... And even though I notice my feelings for her are completely fading, I still want her to be okay.

Any help would really be appreciated because I am completely lost and don't know how much longer I can take this :s

TL;DR I am in a relationship of 5 years that is going nowhere and making me unhappy. I have no idea how to end it because of multiple reasons.

submitted by /u/rias_lover1
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* This article was originally published here

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