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Saturday, December 10, 2022

How do i overcame feelings for a girl that lives too far away to date

I really like this girl that I met , but she is like 17 and I am like 19, and we live in different states. But she is so beutiful and we vibe so well, and when we talked. The only issue is our age and we live in different states. I want to ask her out, but how would that even work, we live in different places, and we have common mutual friends, which will make it even more akward if they find out. I am also a dry and straight forward texter, so that makes it even worse, if I wanted to maintain a convo to last long distance

Like I lokey want to wait a year before asking her out, and go there in person. I am down so bad, can you guys give me advice....... I want to get her out of mind, but I am so scared that I will never find someone as beautiful and someone that I vibe with so well.

tl:dr: like a girl, but she is under 18, and she lives in differrnt states.

submitted by /u/SnooRegrets1871
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* This article was originally published here

Friday, December 9, 2022

I am tired of people commenting on my boyfriend’s appearance.

I know I can’t control on how people react, but I get so stressed sometimes, I even have dreams about arguing with people. So, basically, I(F21) have been in a relationship with my boyfriend(M20) for about 4 months now. We always had a very pleasant connection, prior to our relationships we were friends for like 5 months. He wasn’t my type, but I always liked him as a person, like I just wanted to get to know him. I thought he had a cute face, but he is slightly shorter (I am almost 5’11 and he is 5’9). Height was never a dealbreaker for me, I can find men around my height (both taller and shorter) to be attractive, and as time went by I really got into him, we have amazing chemistry. So far, we had a few people say we are cute, but most just think that I am way out of his league. It hurts me so much to hear that, I honestly don’t think people would comment at all if he were taller than me, since that is the social norm. I asked him if he is bothered by me being taller and he said he was fine with it, as it’s not that much, but he never dated another tall girl before. I am aware he can too get insecure from time to time, but he never really shows it. I love this guy more than I ever loved anyone and we make each other so happy, I look at him and think he is so cute and when people tell me that I could do so much better it makes me feel like a bad person, like maybe I shouldn’t be attracted to him and I will end up hurting him(this thought kills me). My mom says that she really likes him, but as I am tall, skinny and very conventionally attractive, it looks unusual, but she can’t deny that we have great chemistry and personality-wise compliment each other very well. I start to care less and less because I love him more and more, but it still feels horrible to get all these looks and like I have to justify our attraction for each other.

TL;DR : My boyfriend is slightly shorter and not so conventionally attractive and some of my friends and my mom made comments that make me insecure. I like his looks so it bugs me on why people care so much to tear us down, makes me feel like I am doing something wrong

submitted by /u/ok_whatever_u_say
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* This article was originally published here

Thursday, December 8, 2022

My (20F) best friend (20M) is confusing me.

I met him over the internet a few months back and he was in a relationship. However, the relationship didn't last long after that (because of family issues) and they ended up breaking up with each other. After a while, he said he has feelings for me and I did too! However, I was scared of being his rebound so I told him no. Later a guy was interested in me and I rejected him and clearly told my best friend that it was because I was waiting for him to move on from his ex. He still talks to his ex and I know he loves her and misses her a lot. He told me I should say yes if I find someone else but then later when we were discussing the topic he said he'll be happy for me but a little sad at the same time. Now I was stalking his Reddit account and found out that he has been on dating subreddits and left a comment on a girl's post saying he would love to talk to her. I am so confused about his feelings. Should I think of him as just a friend and move on or should I confess my love? I haven't officially done it yet because I wasn't sure but with him going around looking for girls, I feel like he does not even like me cuz he would have waited for me if he did.

TL;DR: My best friend claims to have feelings for me but talks to his ex and looks for other girls to date. We have not committed to each other but he knows I like him back. Is he leading me on?

submitted by /u/throwaway_797290
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* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Be with a guy just so we can take a picture of him and brag about it

I'm sure I can't stand him (M19) from 1 month i,He always makes sxist and misgynistic speeches and sees the girls he has sx with as slts. He told me that he only sees me as an outlet and that if he doesn't have sx with me and say, he goes out on the town and that's all he gets angry,even if we did nothing but laugh and talk the days we also had sx. In May he wanted to end our friendship because I told a friend of his that we went out together, even years ago he wanted to hide me because he was ashamed of our friendship. He has always been ashamed to tell others that he goes out with me, I would like to take a picture of us and let our former classmates see it to expose him from this point of view To get a revenge towards all the people who they judged and insulted me behind my back or snubbed me, at the same time I am angry with myself herself for not moving forward and thinking about a class that is part of my past

TL;DR - I just wish I had a rematch towards everytime he hide me and towards a toxic environment

submitted by /u/Designer-Explorer956
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* This article was originally published here

Monday, December 5, 2022

My ex we t on 2 “dates” 2 weeks after she broke up with me but still loves me

Okay so this is a complicated story. We had a 3 year long relationship. A lot happened in the last year of it in my life so I started wasting my own life and our relationship suffered from it. She broke up several times and we got back together because I said I would change back to the way it was. Each time I didn’t change. So 2 months ago she broke up with me and we still saw eachother and still did things we would do in our relationship the first month. Then she told me she really had to choose for herself and stop seeing me because it couldn’t go on like this. So this time I was like okay I get you broke up with me, I got so many chances I can’t really talk you back into it because I say I will change. So I thought to myself I’m just gonna have to show her that I can change (and yes show myself too because I wasnt happy with it either). So I did and now a month later I told her the changes I had made and everything and that I just wanted one last chance and if I would fall back in to my old habits she could breakup with me and I would leave her alone. We had a good talk but then she told me she felt more free now and she even had 2 “dates” with a guy she met 2 weeks after we stopped seeing eachother. Nothing happened but still. She told me she didn’t see anything in him and later started to rephrase it as it was just hanging out with him to look what it would bring. I had a breakdown but we talked some more. At the time I could settle with it. She did say she still loves me and misses me every day but its just hard after all the chances she gave me. We still went and had a nice night she wanted to cuddle etc. It looked like she was willing to try again. And then after her brain told her against her feeling like I can’t do this again. And she told me she couldn’t. We had a long talk again and tbh I think I could still make this work if I try my best. But the thing that bothers me is that she went out with another guy so soon to see if they would have a connection. I know I’m not really in a position where I can talk as I’m the one who fucked up but what do you think I should do? I really love her..

TLDR: My ex broke up w me and went on 2 dates. She still loves me and I think I could get her back but it still bothers me.

submitted by /u/Mental-Acanthisitta4
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, December 4, 2022

My boyfriend loves me. Most of the time I think I love him too. But I keep getting hit with waves of doubt and anxiety, followed by waves of confidence and calm.

TL;DR; I think I might be avoidantly attached and I'm scared I'm going to let my anxiety and doubt ruin a great relationship, please help 😅

My bf (24m) and I (24f) have been officially together for 5 months, preceded by a weird will they/won't they period of 4 months in which we went on a first date, I said let's be friends, one thing led to another and we decided to date. So I've known him for a good 9 months at this point.

He is great. He loves me - we've both said it - he adores me, is very happy as far as I know, and is cautiously excited about our future.

Somehow, he is so perfectly attuned to me and what I need. I'll think about getting up to do something and sometimes he's already doing it for me. He always puts in effort, is always keen to spend time with me, both at home and making plans to go out. He follows through on all the "what ifs". He keeps it healthy, he has his own friends that he makes time to see independent of me. He is silly and ridiculous in the same way as me, we do stupid things together and nothing I do embarrasses him, instead he embraces it and gives it right back. Sex is great, he genuinely cares about making it good for both of us. Went from never finishing with my ex to having like a 90% success rate with my bf.

And yet I'm still anxious. About a month ago, I started having some painful doubts. Like, I don't think he's handsome, I don't look at him and think "beautiful", instead it's an affectionate "how silly". And sometimes when he's being silly, I get irritated, like "why is he like this, why can't he just be normal?!" While other times I don't give a damn. I worry that he's too keen, more than I am, and because I think I don't match the depth of his feelings I get anxious about saying "I love you" because it might not mean to me what it means to him.

I struggle to imagine us in the future. I don't have much idea of what it will be but he doesn't quite fit the picture perfect hallmark movie life that I just assumed would eventually be attainable if I just worked hard enough. (But in the flipside, I can't imagine any aspect of my future right now. There's a lot going on, uni just finished, working part time, planning a trip, preparing to start full time work, possibly working away for three months) Hanging out with his family is triggering, I think from the fear of making and losing again the relationship I had with my ex's family. It gives me more fear for the future.

Last time, everything was easy, I had no idea what I was jumping into. Now I know the pain of heartbreak, of having to start again, there's things to fear.

I've talked about this with my psychologist, we've discussed the possibility of my having an anxious-avoidant attachment style. You find yourself noticing the flaws and wanting to run away so you can find the perfect partner, but that perfection doesn't exist or probably isn't even what you want. You focus on it with intensity, it consumes you, and it ruins relationships that could be great if you aren't aware and don't handle it properly. I am just generally an anxious person, possibly could be medicated but I'm scared to go down that route so young when I could try other things.

And I feel like I do this a lot, I ruin things by stressing about them not being perfect- friendships, experiences. But then, am I just latching on to an explanation to avoid the dreaded idea that we might not be suited? Except I know that we are, we get on really well, have even had an acquaintance who is a relationship counsellor comment on it.

I don't know, my brain starts thinking and then it starts spiralling and I forget all my reasons for doing anything other than running away somewhere and hiding.

This has turned into me pouring out my anxieties to Reddit. I guess I'd love to know people's thoughts. Especially if you have any experience or advice for someone with an anxious-avoidant attachment style who wants to make their relationship work. And yeah I know there's various different names for this, this is what my psychologist used when she explained the origins and what they were and how they worked.

submitted by /u/bluetessellations
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* This article was originally published here