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Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Should I stay friends with this person?

While it might have been a friendship in the beginning, it has turned into tolerating her existence for the sake of entertainment.

I [30F] met this girl [27F] a few years ago and we quickly formed a connection. We shared a common interest and she seemed friendly and approachable, always with a big smile on her face. Not gonna lie, we have had some good memories together.

Time has shown that there was nothing but vapidity behind that Hollywood smile. She's the laziest, most entitled person I've ever met, but I have never even insinuated that in front of her. Found her first real job at 27 (saying real because she did some light manual labor for around a week before that) and was spending her parent's money while cosplaying as a student. She has officially been a student for a long, long time, with no diploma in sight. And her failure has never been her fault. Either the exams were extremely hard or the professor hated her. She would try to convince me that she had actually been studying hard for the exam, just to give up and not show up. Apparently taking accountability wasn't one of the classes. I know she's full of shit because I graduated from the same Uni in my early twenties while maintaining a few part-time jobs and having a beyond messed up situation at home. Meanwhile, she did absolutely nothing with her life, aside from watching anime and mooching off her parents and friends. Just to make it perfectly clear, she didn't have trouble finding a job; she didn't even try.

My husband and I always paid for her food and drinks, without complaining. Her way of showing gratitude was very peculiar. So, we are not doing very well financially right now and she started working a few months ago. One of the first things she said upon arriving to our house party the other day was: "Look at this poverty! You're rolling your own cigarettes!" I'm not anyone's doormat, but I pick my battles because confrontation exhausts me. Basically, if I value you, you will know how I feel. If I don't really respect you, I will let it slide because your opinion is irrelevant. This doesn't apply to random strangers being rude to me or my loved ones, then I have no problem arguing or even getting in a physical altercation. My stance is that making fun of someone's poverty or looks is hitting the rock bottom and an undeniable proof of moral destitution.

It became obvious to me that this girl was deeply unsatisfied with her life and therefore tried to boost her self-esteem by putting others down and sabotaging them. I like bragging about my little sister because she is a prodigy in her field and my friend responded very condescendingly: "Well, at least you have a bachelor's degree." The same bachelor's degree she's been "trying" to obtain for the past 8 years. When I was trying to quit smoking, she kept convincing me that I wouldn't be able to do it. I did continue smoking, but what is more important: you getting some weird, borderline sadistic satisfaction from predicting the future or supporting your friend in making a positive change? When I decided to pursue a Master's degree because I wanted to have another purpose in life aside from work, she said the stupidest thing I've ever heard: "There are much better ways to spend your time". When I informed her I started dating someone online, while revealing nothing or very little, she violently expressed her view that it was delusional and doomed to fail. That man became my husband.

I believe there are more failures than successes in an average person's life. Sometimes there is only one way to succeed and a million ways to fail. If you randomly guess "fail", that will most likely be the correct answer, but statistics doesn't make you wise. She is one of those people who proudly say "I told you so", even when she hasn't backed up her opinion with a coherent explanation.

I think she finds great joy in her more successful friends being degraded. Petty stuff, but here it is. We were out and I was dressed pretty gym-y because I was in the middle of moving and had almost no clothes at my current place. She gave me a t-shirt, that was nice. Two older men approached us and the one I had the pleasure to talk to had some nasty remarks about my looks, commenting on the way I was dressed and touching my stomach. I removed myself from the situation asap. She said nothing, but continued to flirt with the other grandpa she clearly wasn't interested in. Once we were on Omegle and the random stranger we were talking to told me something like: "Shut up, I wanna talk to your pretty friend". She took that as a compliment and laughed. Yet, when another random Omegler insulted her (possibly something about her looking way older), I lost my shit and yelled at the guy.

She is also an incredibly terrible listener, but can talk your ear off. Once I was sharing a secret I'd kept from her for years because it was kind of a touchy subject, when she cut me off and started talking about something random. I would say her emotional and social intelligence are extremely low. She also doesn't know how to choose her audience and introduce the other person to her passion (anime). I don't watch it, but she talks about it like I'm an expert, going into specific details, quoting characters in Japanese, which I don't understand. Even my other friend, who also loves anime, was confused and uncomfortable talking to her. The other friend was also telling me about anime, but in a very mature way, letting me actually relate to some topics and compare them to shows I watch. I was able to have a conversation and develop some curiosity, instead of listening to a half an hour podcast.

It's almost impossible to have a deep conversation with her due to her superficiality and lack of understanding. She's very quick to dismiss someone's feelings and even quicker to give unsolicited advice, which is kinda funny because she hasn't struggled a day in her life and has a very limited experience with relationships. I don't think she's intellectually disabled, but definitely emotionally stunted, as if she hasn't aged a day past high school. Add some maliciousness stemming from insecurities to the mix and you get the whole picture.

tl;dr A grown friend is acting disrespectful and immature

submitted by /u/SpeakerPillowAC
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* This article was originally published here

Monday, January 2, 2023

My (30f) late husband (42m) passed away 2 months ago, I found a man(36m) who is really into me but I feel guilty.. am I wrong for finding a partner so soon?

(30f) met my husband (42m) in April 2019....within 7 months we started dating, made it official, got engaged and got married. It was a beautiful love at first sight kind of story. I knew I would marry him the second I laid eyes on him. Everything we did for each other, and our ridiculously passionate relationship made me feel like he was the only one I could ever love. We had so much love for each other. Which was rare for him because he was your typical "badboy' who did not often reveal his emotions. Now while our relationship was amazing.. it was also filled with traumatic periods of time. We had met in a recovery home he was an addict for 20 years or so and I was for 5 years. So unfortunately relapse was part of our story and ultimately our downfall.

I have so many conflicted emotions when it comes to my late husband.. I feel sadness that he passed away, anger that he left me, that also appreciation for the time I had with him and thankfulness that I got to meet him and feel a love I never felt before. I will never regret our story. My husband passed on Halloween this past year 2022. I feel like it destroyed me. I'm still broken. The pain I feel in my heart about losing him is the most intense and depressing feeling I have ever felt. And I have gone through a lot in my lifetime. So I wanted a little distraction, and someone to touch to get that intimacy and attention I had with my husband. I went on a dating site mid-December and within 30 minutes of downloading it I had a bunch of messages but one man (36m) stuck out to me. He is an extremely attractive man, and very good at communication so we talked on the phone and texted a lot. I knew I just wanted him as a distraction so used his looks as the basis for our connection. I didn't feel anything from him because I am still deeply in love with my husband, but as me and this new man talked I started realizing he is a man who would be good for me. He gives good advice, seems honest, and best part he's not an addict, but he is willing to help me along my recovery. These are amazing qualities that really would be good for me. So two weeks later brings us to today and now I am holding a lot of guilt towards the situation. Before it was a superficial attraction that I didn't think anything of besides the fact that I knew people would judge me, and when I met my husband, there was an instant bond that I knew was going to go far, I didn't necessarily get that with this new man right away but now I'm starting to actually have feelings for him. When feeling started popping up the realization that this could go somewhere started making me feel like I should back away. I feel bad that I'm allowing another man in, I feel bad that I keep comparing him to the man of my dreams( my late husband), and feel like I'm letting down my husband and his family. I feel like it's very soon and my emotions are going back and forth. Part of me wants to see where this can go, yet the other half of me feels like I'm a bad person for finding someone so soon. I just wonder what I should do.. should I take a step back?? Maybe try to take it slow even though we'd have to go backwards because we're ready further than intended?? I just really don't know what to do or what to feel..

TL;DR: I had an intense connection with my late husband who passed away two months ago. I recently met a new man who I didn't feel that intense connection with right away I just felt lust. Now I'm starting to actually have real feelings for him and it is terrifying me and causing me so much guilt. I know it's normal to have all these feelings but how do I manage them? Am I a bogus person for going for a new man only a few months after he passed? I feel so bad and conflicted....

submitted by /u/Straight-Yak-767
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, January 1, 2023

When those closest to me (friends and family), feel inclined to hurt me?

My father gaslights me ever since I stopped agreeing with him about everything, since about 2 years now (60M).

My mother doesn't find me interesting, after a while in her company she starts mocking me to others and disrespecting me/ shouting at me in public (57F).

Since getting married my brother (31 M) has dumped me and replaced me with our female cousin (28F) and her family who is at the same stage of life (married with children), and also with his wife's sister (24F). When I turned up at said cousins baby's party, SIL (27F) and her mum were already at the venue helping with prep. When she saw me SIL looked away and her mum asked if she knew I was coming - to my own cousins event? Also at my cousins party was SILs brother's best friend and his family, it was not an intimate invite only affair, so how can he be present while SILs mother asks such a question about me? My brother saw me but kept his distance at the party. When brother was newly married with his wife I tried to show love and care for the 18 months they lived in our family home to foster some tradition. I'd cook for everyone when I was preparing stuff, they'd only cook for themselves. I'd make a full English breakfast for everyone very Saturday morning, even if I wasn't making it for myself. I'd get gifts on their birthdays. I never got anything back but I know she is from a gift giving family. I constantly got the cold shoulder, on a family beach trip I greeted her and she ignored me along with her sister. Even younger brother (28M) noticed and he's a man who isn't too caught up in women's dynamics he said they're unfriendly. The following morning I asked SIL about it that is everything ok because I felt she was cold to me the day before, she cried to my brother and I was the bad guy.

My other brother (28M) briefly mentioned above screams and shouts at me for bothering him by repeatedly asking what he would like to eat so I can plan cooking. I just had to stop doing stuff for him as I'd do stuff for both of us but he'd do stuff for himself. I would cook for us, he'd get takeaway for himself and never offer me. I'd cook for us, he'd visit a cousin and get pizzas in. And the day he shouted at me screaming and following me up and down the house that I'd caused him to lose momentum on something he was working on because I kept asking about what to buy for what meals (he WFH) I just went numb and realised that I would never be appreciated.

Friends - flirting with my boyfriends, trying to sleep with people who showed an interest in me when I was single. Gossiping to men that they were better than me. One Swedish friend 10 years older and into black guys keeps me as the ugly friend. I know this as she said she watches a YouTube series about finding black love and black men don't want black women. That they want women like her.

Single 6.5 years. I'm black, work in life sciences, Christian, in shape, waiting until marriage for sex. I wouldn't say I'm stunning but it's not unusual to catch someone staring at me so I know I'm at least attractive.

I try to go out once a day, sit in coffee shops, having quality time to myself or working so I'm not always in doors. This is a new habit after spending 18 months as a recluse and relying completely on online dating which did not work out. But no one is folllowing up to approach me. Because of toxic dynamic between my parents (my father ignores and belittles my mother, cheats, I have never seen him hold her hand or willingly protect her. On the contrary he takes every opportunity to shoot her down to children - and for a while I'm ashamed to say he succeeded in getting us to disrespect and mock her. I've never seen them kiss in their whole marriage) took me a while to understand what a healthy relationship looks like ,because of this and now at 32 I feel it's too late, will I have a family of my own? What if I meet someone and he turns against me once we're settled?. What if I don't meet anyone, when for the last 15 years all I've spoken of and my hopes have been around having a loving and supportive family of my own? How embarrassing. I cried to my mother about feeling lonely. She asked how do I think she feels, everyone else's daughter is getting married and I'm not. On several occasions friends of my brothers have expressed surprise- they didn't even know they had a sister. I feel like I have no real connections and I'm not cherished or valued by anyone. I'm single when everyone knows I don't want to be. And those closest to me do not like me. Online dating yields nothing. I'm really hurting emotionally.

Tl;dr - I feel so hurt by the people in my life, at 32 I'm still in the same state as I was 6 years ago hen I was dumped by a guy I know didn't love me and had wandering eyes. But I want to have a fresh start, have a healthy dynamic with those closest to me. I also want a family of my own, how do I fix up actively so another 6 years of no progress is avoided and I can have the family I long for.

submitted by /u/findingbeauty1
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* This article was originally published here

Saturday, December 31, 2022

Got asked out by my friend

My friend (23F) just asked me (23M) out and I am not sure what to do. I do really like her and wish I could say yes but the truth is that she deserves far better than me. I don’t have anything to offer her and I’m not sure what she sees in me or why she likes me. She’s a far better person than me. I don’t know what to do though, I don’t want to say yes because I don’t want to waste her time and hold her back from finding someone who truly deserves her. But I also don’t want to say no and break her heart. Deep down I wish I could be the right guy for her but I’m not. Is there anything I could do or say to avoid both of these?

TL;DR: my friend asked me out, I don’t deserve her, I’m not sure what to do

submitted by /u/mcto117
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* This article was originally published here

Friday, December 30, 2022

How can I (27f) show him (28m) that he is worthy of love?

I (27f) am seeing someone (28m) who thinks he isn’t a guy that women would not like to date. He often makes comments that show that he is not comfortable with the way he looks. He is super shy and a bit nerdy. But I feel super attracted to him. He’s never been in a relationship & I don’t want to overwhelm him by just tellling him how hot he is to me 😅 have you experienced something similar before? I want him to know that he is worthy of love in a nice way without making it awkward or being pushy.

Tldr: He is insecure & thinks that women won’t love him, but I want to tell him that he is great

submitted by /u/Lemoncatlady_95
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* This article was originally published here

Thursday, December 29, 2022

[26M] [26F] Resentment

Hi all,

To add some context, me (26M) and my gf (26F) have been together for 2.5 years. Had our ups and downs, most of which was lack of communication.

I’m really struggling with how things are at the moment, I always check in with her and make her feel appreciated but now starting to get resentful as she doesn’t reciprocate. For example, Christmas this year I went above and beyond to get her some nice things, whereas she didn’t really put any thought into it. It’s not so much about the gifts but more the thought.

I’ve brought up her lack of affection which she says she struggles with, I’m not sure how to go about this now?

TL;DR Girlfriend is taking me for granted and making me resentful of the relationship

submitted by /u/Unfair_Philosophy_86
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* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Am I an asshole for having some kind of feelings for my EXs best friend after we broke up?

So some weeks ago my girlfriend of 6 years told me she had cheated on me which crushed me and we broke up. Our relationship sometimes felt like we were best friends who lived under the same roof so this is probably for the best. However during our relationship I have been very good friends with her friends and one of them to the point of me being able to be with her without my (ex)girlfriend (known that friend for about 6 years as well). I have always felt a good connection with her (friendly) and we are more similar than me and my ex. The last year of my relationship I have felt that it’s more fun hanging out with her then my then gf which I have questioned myself about.

So to the current moment. She has taken my side in all of this even though my gf and her has been friends since first years of school. We have talked on phone and been texting a bunch. She wants to meet when she’s home and talk and is also up for going for a drink sometime. I got invited to a new year’s party which my ex is not attending. She has even said she might cut the contact with her after what she did to me?

I have felt she might have liked me before but it was nothing we talked about. My ex also said that she is worried she liked me more but I told her we were just friends.

Do you think she might like me more than a friend?

Am I a total asshole for doing stuff with her that might lead to something more?

Otherwise me and my ex has had a really civilized breakup and talked a lot so not really any angry feelings. I am not doing this in any way to get back at her.

Might have had feelings for her more than a friend during our relationship but pushed it away because it’s wrong and I still loved my girlfriend.

Edit: Worried I’m just feeling this way because she has given me support during this shitty situation and genuinely cares about me.

TL;DR Broke up with my girlfriend of 6 years after she cheated on me and now I have been talking a lot to her best friend feeling it could lead to something more. Is this wrong?

submitted by /u/Affectionate-Note802
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* This article was originally published here