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Saturday, November 4, 2023

Is he(28M) just being friendly or does he want to date?

A coworker(28M) of mine(32F) has suddenly started messaging me a lot ever since I told him I broke up with my boyfriend and I moved in his area.

Most of the time it's banter about work or organising things to do together as a group, but we'll be talking for hours and he always replies instantly.

Last time we shifted the conversation more into our dating life and how he feels awkward asking people out, asking me what type of date I like for a first date etc. (I said I like going for a coffee and a walk)

Then at one point he asked me to go for a walk, just the two of us, close to where I live. This will be on a non working day.

There are other coworkers who live in our area, he didn't mention anything about them, but I know he brought up in conversation with one of them that I moved here too now.

I don't fully understand what his intentions are. On one side he's saying he's not dating and especially wouldn't date at work, on the other he completely changed how he is with me.

TL;dr: Coworker asked me to go out for a walk just the two of us on a non working day after I told him that's what I like doing for a first date.

submitted by /u/ThrowRA-572
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* This article was originally published here

Friday, November 3, 2023

I feel like a stranger in my own friend group.

I brought together a group of people (4 guys including me and 2 girls) who wouldn't have met otherwise, a year and a half ago during the start of degree college. 9 months ago, my best friend in that group and I started dating, who happens to get constant attention from me and the group. I broke up 2 months ago for reasons I do not want to mention, it got really messed up on both sides but once we stopped talking, it feels like I have become lonely, no one talks to me on their own anymore, especially when she's around. Everyone's showering attention only to her and being really touchy with her and it hurts to see it in front of my own eyes, all the time.

If I talk to her, it feels like I'm leading her on again and it could escalate but I really like these guys and I cry myself to bed because I am so quiet and no one ever seems to notice but the moment she's quiet, everyone just gives her so much attention, asks her what's up, hugs her and what not. I do not want to stay here anymore but I have no other friends in this class. My only other friend is a guy from another branch with whom I share everything with but even he is in a relationship and I always feel I'm burdening him and his gf. What do I do? I have 2 years of college left.

TLDR: I split up with my gf who was in the same group and I feel like a loner because only she gets attention while no one even has asked me what happened, maybe because I am a guy, so I have to fit into the very group I made, but I have no other friends. What do I do?

submitted by /u/StinkySlime_2406
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* This article was originally published here

Thursday, November 2, 2023

I (27 m) can’t take a decision about who I wanna be with.

I (27 m) was in a situation-ship about a year ago with a girl that we really liked each other but this has ended with me heartbroken for at least 6 months. Before that happens and after I moved on, I’m having a hard time deciding about with which girl I wanna make a move on from the girls I like/have good relationship with. Is it because I’m not getting deep enough in the connection with them? Or what exactly might be stopping someone from making a move on many girls that he knows there are mutual feelings between them?

tl;dr: I can’t take a decision about who I wanna be with

submitted by /u/Old_Firefighter2906
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* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

How do I (F19) know if I'm in the differentiation phase in my relationship or if I really don't love him(M19) anymore?

How do I know if I'm in the differentiation phase in my relationship or if I really don't love him anymore? Everything is in the title. We did some wonderful things together and got along incredibly well. But two months ago he did things that hurt me, I tried to communicate with him but he didn't care. Now I have become insensitive to anything that could make me sad coming from him. Now it sometimes takes me a lot longer to respond to him because I forget, I'm very happy when I go out with my friends, I don't miss him so much anymore.

TL;DR; : How do I know if I'm in the differentiation phase in my relationship or if I really don't love him anymore?

submitted by /u/emmatome_
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* This article was originally published here

Monday, October 30, 2023

I (27f) am confused with what this guys (26m) intentions are

I first met this guy about 6 years ago we were both in a relationship. We talked a couple times as friends. We were barely acquaintances. Fast forward to this year, we now work together and see each other briefly once a week. He’s higher ranking than me where I work and kind of unofficially my boss. We matched on a dating app and went on a date, it went good.

The next week we went on another date. He was very kind and chivalrous…opened the car door for me all the time, let me hold his hand, paid, even asked to take a picture together... we went back to my place, hung out and etc etc. I was going to be spending thanksgiving alone that weekend, so he stopped by my place with a plate of food for him and me to have a thanksgiving dinner together.

Fast forward a couple weeks..I asked him to hang out again. I went over to his place and we went on a walk and watched a movie, he cooked for me and we just hung out.

The thing is…when we’re not together there’s NO communication. We don’t talk. We don’t text. It’s like we don’t exist. His job is pretty busy, but he’s also the type of person to almost never be on his phone/a bad texter.

But when we’re together it’s great. He always asks me about myself, kisses me a lot (head, cheek). When we were cuddling watching a movie, I fell asleep and half woke up to him rubbing my head, playing with my hair, kissing my head. He asks about kids and jokes about my good genes.

I’m just so confused as to what his intentions are. When we’re together it seems like a he’s super into me but when we’re not it’s zero. I’m 100% positive that there’s no other girlfriend in this situation.

Tl;dr when I hang out with this guy everything is perfect but when we’re not physically together we don’t talk.

submitted by /u/charliecando
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, October 29, 2023

My [30M] narcissistic ex-friend [30M] won't leave me alone

Hi all,

Really need advice on this one.

I have a former friend we'll call Mike, who I decided not to be friends with anymore around a year ago because he's an abuser. The problem is he is in our friendship circle and keeps bad mouthing me to friends. He just won't let it go and now blames me for 'disappearing'.

A bit of history:

At first, Mike came across as a bit narcissistic (always talking about himself, rarely engaging about others), but then I discovered he was physically and emotionally abusive to his then-girlfriend. His girlfriend left him and blocked him on everything, and this was my first hint, then I heard that the neighbours had been called and various other things.

After their breakup, Mike began to be emotionally abusive to me and other friends, insulting me at random times, talking down my achievements, mocking my career choice, talking bad about me behind my back. He also began to chronically lie about everyone. "That friend who was going to live in Europe? Oh, he had a mental breakdown and came home" (No, he had a girlfriend back home and wanted to stay with her). "That other friend who moved away. Oh, she went MANIC and left." (No, she got a prestigious job offer and left).

I have a personal rule in my life that I don't stay friends with abusers. I have been abused before and it's a red line that I'll never cross. I'm stronger now. Abusers need to be behind bars and in therapy, not friends with me. I confronted Mike about his abusive behaviour towards me and others. He refused to apologize, tried to gaslight me, and ruined my birthday among other things.

So, I decided to never talk to him again. This was a year ago. Mike is still friends with all of my close friends. I've tried to talk to my close friends about him but it's like talking about Santa Clause. They kind of believe me and have seen some of it, but they still want to be friends with him. That's fine, the problem is that now Mike keeps bringing me up to them, saying I disappeared on him etc. I've decided to ignore all of this and continue to not talk to him. I believe that this attention-seeking strategy is designed to get me to talk to him again, so I have decided to stay strong.

But how do I get him to leave me alone?
TL;DR; I discovered my friend was abusive to his gf and others, and cut him out of my life. Now he is badmouthing me to people in our friendship circle. How do I get him to leave me alone?

submitted by /u/ThrowAwayAccounts9
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* This article was originally published here