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Friday, November 3, 2023

I feel like a stranger in my own friend group.

I brought together a group of people (4 guys including me and 2 girls) who wouldn't have met otherwise, a year and a half ago during the start of degree college. 9 months ago, my best friend in that group and I started dating, who happens to get constant attention from me and the group. I broke up 2 months ago for reasons I do not want to mention, it got really messed up on both sides but once we stopped talking, it feels like I have become lonely, no one talks to me on their own anymore, especially when she's around. Everyone's showering attention only to her and being really touchy with her and it hurts to see it in front of my own eyes, all the time.

If I talk to her, it feels like I'm leading her on again and it could escalate but I really like these guys and I cry myself to bed because I am so quiet and no one ever seems to notice but the moment she's quiet, everyone just gives her so much attention, asks her what's up, hugs her and what not. I do not want to stay here anymore but I have no other friends in this class. My only other friend is a guy from another branch with whom I share everything with but even he is in a relationship and I always feel I'm burdening him and his gf. What do I do? I have 2 years of college left.

TLDR: I split up with my gf who was in the same group and I feel like a loner because only she gets attention while no one even has asked me what happened, maybe because I am a guy, so I have to fit into the very group I made, but I have no other friends. What do I do?

submitted by /u/StinkySlime_2406
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* This article was originally published here

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