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Thursday, May 23, 2024

What are your thoughts on me calling him? Me 34(f) him 44(m) known each other about a year.

Tl;dr I’m calling someone several times a week with no response and wondering if this is excessive. Friends with benefits relationship. Reasons for concern.

For the long story: I met this man at work when I started March of 2023. He had worked there as a janitor for 7 years. I started in overnight stocking. July we started snap chatting but after a few weeks he deleted his account. I no longer use mine either.

Beginning of August he didn’t show up to work. After a few weeks of overhearing another janitor worried about him, the janitor gave me his phone number. I texted and called once or twice but no response. I knew from our past conversations where he lived so I walked by sometimes late at night. One night he saw me, had me come back to his apartment. We made out. Talked. Went for a car ride. Came back to my place. Made out. He said he doesn’t really have any friends. He hasn’t made love in 11 years and was something he rushed into or something like that, sounded like a regret somewhat. He fiddled with his ring finger and I got the impression he doesn’t believe in sex outside of marriage. I don’t remember when we had the conversation about hallucinations but he has seen angels and demons and believed he was an angel. This gives me reason to think he’s schizophrenic. He has an old flip phone that doesn’t receive texts and he’s very shy and introverted like me - why we really connected. But he does have an Apple phone for pictures. I sometimes question whether he was honest, but I do know I have my imessaging on and other Apple phones have that. It never says sent or delivered when I text, it just blips into nothingness.

So another month went by, I think. Or maybe it was only a week at first. And he called me up and asked to come over and hang out. This was September. I was hoping we’d be in a relationship at some point. I don’t remember if we hung out in October. Then the holidays went by and he didn’t call me until January. I had written a couple letters by then but he never wrote back. January came and he talked quite a bit about his family and his trauma.

I forgot to mention why he quit - he had attendance issues and was sick that day and assumed he’d be fired anyway. So all this time he has been unemployed. Going into debt. I’ve wanted to help him and he doesn’t really want help. I sent a couple small gift cards in April. I bought him groceries in September.

February he came over because his apartment sewer backed up and made it seem like he wanted to move in with me. We made out for like the fifth time.

March came and he apologized for making out with me, said he wasn’t trying to make me his girlfriend so he felt bad about it. I took that pretty hard. And now I haven’t heard from him. Still in March he was unemployed, seeing a demon in his bedroom, traumatized by his family. It’s so hard to wrap my head around the situation. He doesn’t know love and acceptance and I feel like maybe I’m smothering him with it. Maybe not, I’m just self conscious because it’s hard to believe he might have the feelings for me that I do for him. Obviously he told me he didn’t want to be with me. “Not trying to make me his girlfriend.” The past ten months roughly I’ve been in love with him. Or at least I care very deeply. I think about him all the time. I’ve probably sent about 5 letters. I’m doing what I can to be there for him but I’m aware he isn’t there for me. He’s just isolated. Self isolating. He might come around again, he might not.

I call every few days, sometimes twice. I sometimes leave a voicemail. I don’t want to be excessive. I notice he turns the phone on and off so he’s still there. I’m always telling myself to move on but I can’t stop caring.

Will things change for the better, possibly? Maybe he finally gets a job. Maybe that resolves some confidence issues. Or maybe he’ll qualify for disability. Maybe he learns to trust me and gets therapy for his family trauma. All I know is I can’t just drop someone who seems to need help.

submitted by /u/PhoenixFire1234
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* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

My girlfriend (F29) is upset and doesn’t respect me (M26) anymore now that I eat meat.

At the beginning of the year I opted to go vegetarian, I had never tried it and was open to the experience of it. My girlfriend whom is a vegan was obviously quite happy about this decision and encouraged me to try it. Fast forward to the beginning of May when I took the personal decision to once again eat meat due to personal reasons. Currently I am feeling a lot of anger, disrespect and hatred from her to me for choosing to eat meat again. She has openly admitted to ‘no longer respecting me’ and that I am being stupid for choosing to eat meat. The kicker was the peer pressure I feel from her to return to being a vegetarian/vegan, she would say along the lines that ‘if I respect her I would remain a veggie’. What should I do or say to this? I cannot have a normal conversation with her without her becoming upset, crying and ending the discussion or as she sees it an argument on her terms always. I feel completely belittled sometimes and judged every single time I eat meat. I love my girlfriend and we have a great relationship. There has never been a serious problem before and we both had tremendous respect for one another. I want to get back to this way and not let this current situation fester into something awful down the line. Any advice would be great, thanks all.

TLDR; my girlfriend shows a lot of anger and disrespect now that I eat meat again and am not longer vegetarian.

submitted by /u/crumpetine
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* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Advice for the next step

Close to the start of last month me (23m) and my girlfriend (21f) broke up. It was completely my fault and I did repeated actions that had caused problems before. This was my first serious realtionship it lasted 1 year and 3 months. A few days after she asked if we could still be friends or at the very least fuck buddies.

Well yesterday was my 24th Birthday and it was horrible. The conversations with people just coming to a standstill and being left on read/ sent. Hurt so much I haven't felt this alone. To make matters worse the day prior I had got back home from taken my ex on a 3.5 hour drive to her new job and helped her unpack (I had offered). The state of the staff living were horrible. So I don't blame for asking me to help repack her and driving her home. I don't think trip was a waste. I felt so good spending almost 2 days with her alone.

But to go from that to feeling so alone and having being left on sent for 24+ hours now on top of how I was already feeling really sucks. I reached to my friend of 19 years (23m) and told him about how lost and alone I felt. The worst part is any notification I get washes this feel dread and isolation untill I see it wasn't her,The feeling just gets bigger. At least other people messaged even if it was just happy birthday

I know that she's alive at the very least I cause I can see her actively play a game on steam then when she leaves it idleing on said game

TL;Dr 24m and 21f broke up a month ago spent over 24hours with her the next day on my birthday I feel like everyone ghosted me especially my ex who wanted to stay friends/fwbs

submitted by /u/SlickDickmaybeNick
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* This article was originally published here

Monday, May 20, 2024

Can't tell if I (25f) love my boyfriend (22m) anymore, what do I do?

My boyfriend (22m) and I (25f) have been together nearly 2.5 years. I was madly in love with him until maybe about 6 months ago. I've been questioning my love for him & our relationship. It wasn't that much at first but the past few weeks it's become an every day, all day thing. I can't tell if I love him. I don't like saying 'I love you, too' when he says it to me.

We've had discussions about this several times. He is still really in love with me and doesn't want to break up. I don't want it to end either, but I don't know what to do. I still find him physically attractive, but I don't want to have sex with him at all. We've had sex problems throughout our entire relationship. I used to always want sex and he didn't, and now it's the opposite.

I just want to feel how I used to feel. I look a old photos and remember how it used to be and it's what I want so much. It's hard to pinpoint when it all started going wrong. I have a lot of mental health issues though and I can't tell if that's the main problem.

He's a really good guy who treats me amazing, but he is socially awkward and that's probably the biggest issue I have with him. Sometimes I see other men who are better at talking and I crave to be with someone who can be like that. But then there's SO much about my boyfriend that I do love and value. I think I can be really critical of other people and I can't tell if I'm just being overly critical and if I need to just accept him for who he is.

We live together though and I think that is also making the issue worse. Sometimes I really just want space from him and that's something I can't really have. We moved to a new city together and neither have made friends yet so we only ever hang out with each other. Plus we live in a studio apartment so are always in the same room.

If we lived apart I feel like I'd suggest having some space for a bit, but that's not something we can just do in this situation. But then it's not that simple to just move out either.

Sometimes I have moments where I feel like he is the one for me, but then other moments I want it to end. Just don't know what to do, but a huge part of me doesn't want it to end.

TL;DR Been with my boyfriend 2.5 years, the past 6 months I've been questioning if I want to be with him. Sometimes I really want it to end but sometimes I really don't want it to end. I don't know what to do.

submitted by /u/mushrooms8
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, May 19, 2024

How to stop caring about what my ex is thinking about me?

TL;DR Ex an I work together. Self-esteem shattered by criticism and rejection during the relationship. Therapy helps, but ex's voice still haunts, causing anxiety, especially at work. Fear of new relationship being affected. Struggling with ex's success post-breakup, feeling unfairness of the world.

My (30F) ex(30F) and I broke up about 9 months ago. The relationship was quite abusive: she treated me like garbage from start to finish. Just to give you an example: we worked together, and she played jealousy games involving a coworker of ours. After a while, she admitted doing it because she envied my position in the company.

Anyway, my self-esteem was terrible during this relationship because she criticized me about everything: my way of working, my personality, my English skills (I'm a non native speaker), mocked me, etc. Also, we weren't having sex anymore, and I was rejected many times.

All of this destroyed my self-esteem, which I'm recovering now, but even though I'm getting better, it seems like I've been traumatized by this relationship, and I always hear her voice in my head criticizing everything. Every time I do something, there's an automatic thought like, "she won't like it and will criticize me." This is causing me enormous anxiety, especially because we work together. I'm already going to therapy and I've been doing much better but I can't stop caring about what she would think about everything I do.

I'm also starting to see someone else whom I really like, and I'm afraid this will affect us somehow.

Furthermore, I can't accept the fact that, after she treated me so badly, she's managing to do well: she got what she wanted (same salary as me and a manegement position) and is now dating someone else. I feel like this world is so unfair... bad people always thrive.

submitted by /u/Creepy_Letter_1267
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* This article was originally published here

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Wife(33F) Belittle me(28M) when she gets angry and highlights my insecurities during fight. Is this normal? Please help , I am confused.

Hi Gentlemen & Ladies,

I(28M) got married to my wife(33F) last year who is 5 years elder to me.I I am gradually loosing my self esteem and suffering from low confidence & inadequecy. I am somewhat introvert and secretly resent her for her actions. I am confused about her action if it is normal or abnormal. She says it is normal in every relationship.

Following actions (Is these normal in marraige?):-

  • She complain about me to one of her close friend and speak loudly so that I can hear as well. E.g How I don't give her enough money to shop etc. When I ask her she says her friend also complain about her husband and is normal among girls to do.
  • She complains to her mother and brothers during conference about me unnecessarily like how I don't give her this & that.
  • She starts telling my insecurities during the fight which I have shared with her earlier. She only initiate fight and always have reason to fight and blames me that due to my some action/inactions she did that.
  • She is not earning and I have been paying for house maid and washerwomen since last 2 years but when I ask if she will pay if I stop earning (hypothetical ), she says she will take care of her and her child(Don't have one yet) and not me.
  • We stay in other town and when I ask her to visit to my parents my home only one time in a year, she strart highlighting how my parents are poor and not cultured and she can't tolerate them. Mind it she stayed for only 2 days at my ancestral home after marraige and then we left.
  • She highlights that I am useless and not worthy, how I lack this & that during the fight even though I am paying for everything her clother, study, food, travel etc but in normal days she act normal.
  • She used to compare me to her brother , how they treat their wife with gifts and jwellery while I don't? How her brother is so smart & capable.(Her brother is of my age).
  • She complain about my mother & sister even though they have never said anything bad about her behind her back. She has not met my sister after marraige and does not talk to my sister but she keep telling me how they(mom&sis) must be plotting against her.
  • I don't have any say over her and when I try to stop her from doing something which is making me uncomfortable, she starts spewing hate against me & my family.
  • She become cold whenever someone visit from her extended family and priortise them. She try to avoid me. (e.g during dinner food serve she asked everyone(3-4 guest member) but not me about my requirment)
  • I tries to tell about my discomfort but she laughs on it and says I am taking things seriously and suggest me to grow up.
  • After the first night of marraige, she shared to me that she want to control me. (It's our love marraige)
  • She discard my opinion and claims how she knows the better way.
  • She even complain about me to my mother and when I ask why you are doing? She says to act cute before my mother. (I have already told my mother how she lies)

So couple who fights, please tell me is this normal in fight. How do you people fight, like conversation and contents in fight?

P.S - Asked by my married friend.

tl;dr - I(28M) male, my wife(34F) female , has been married since one year and was in live-in relationship since 1 year. She becomes personal during fight and mocks me, also highlights my flaws and insecurities. She disprepsect me and my family during fight. Is this normal among couples fight? When I tell to avoid saying these, she tell me its normal amoung couple and I am being emotional. Please suggest is this normal? How you people fight and do you all hurt and disrespect your spouse?. Thanks!!

submitted by /u/Last_Willingness9847
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* This article was originally published here

Friday, May 17, 2024

I [21m] have been slightly lying to my bf [22m] about my date of birth the whole time.

My now bf and I started out as FWBs. You have to understand that i already loved this guy, he was my bi awakening and remains, the only boy ive ever been intimate with.
However, I wanted to see if he'd even be interested in anything romantic with me so i poked around and got him to mention among other things that he wouldn't want to date someone who was a full year or more younger than him. His only interest for guys "that young" is sexual.

We already knew each other's ages but not our birthdays so i asked him his. Turns out he's 1 year and 6 days older than me but I didnt wanna lose him and i knew we'd be good together if he could just look past that. So when he asked for my birthday, I lied by slightly adjusting the date by 8 days. He laughed at the coincidence and later that evening I asked him on our 1st proper date.

Fast forward 10 months, and things are beyond great between us, the relationships ive had with girls dont even come close to comparing to what we have. Our birthdays are coming up and my friends and family are in on the lie and they think the situation is hilarious and are fully prepared to throw a party on my fake birthday to keep up the ruse.
However, this has led to a ton of stress for me. I’ve had to hide all forms of ID from my boyfriend so he doesn’t discover the truth, which is getting increasingly difficult.
We both still get carded so if we're going somewhere with alcohol where they might quiz me on my ID, either I get there first or I drop him off at the entrance so he gets seated to look for parking. I always pay so I'm also paranoid that one of my IDs will fall from my wallet and he'll see it.

Idk how or if to come clean at this point I don’t think the tiny age "gap" would bother him now that he loves me but ik 100% he'd be upset abt the fact that I lied to him for so long abt a basic information about me, he always says abt bad relationships "it all starts with a petty lie".

tldr: lied to reduce an already insignificant age gap so he would date me, everyone's in on it, it's been 10 months and our birthdays are coming soon

submitted by /u/bdliar
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* This article was originally published here