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Monday, May 20, 2024

Can't tell if I (25f) love my boyfriend (22m) anymore, what do I do?

My boyfriend (22m) and I (25f) have been together nearly 2.5 years. I was madly in love with him until maybe about 6 months ago. I've been questioning my love for him & our relationship. It wasn't that much at first but the past few weeks it's become an every day, all day thing. I can't tell if I love him. I don't like saying 'I love you, too' when he says it to me.

We've had discussions about this several times. He is still really in love with me and doesn't want to break up. I don't want it to end either, but I don't know what to do. I still find him physically attractive, but I don't want to have sex with him at all. We've had sex problems throughout our entire relationship. I used to always want sex and he didn't, and now it's the opposite.

I just want to feel how I used to feel. I look a old photos and remember how it used to be and it's what I want so much. It's hard to pinpoint when it all started going wrong. I have a lot of mental health issues though and I can't tell if that's the main problem.

He's a really good guy who treats me amazing, but he is socially awkward and that's probably the biggest issue I have with him. Sometimes I see other men who are better at talking and I crave to be with someone who can be like that. But then there's SO much about my boyfriend that I do love and value. I think I can be really critical of other people and I can't tell if I'm just being overly critical and if I need to just accept him for who he is.

We live together though and I think that is also making the issue worse. Sometimes I really just want space from him and that's something I can't really have. We moved to a new city together and neither have made friends yet so we only ever hang out with each other. Plus we live in a studio apartment so are always in the same room.

If we lived apart I feel like I'd suggest having some space for a bit, but that's not something we can just do in this situation. But then it's not that simple to just move out either.

Sometimes I have moments where I feel like he is the one for me, but then other moments I want it to end. Just don't know what to do, but a huge part of me doesn't want it to end.

TL;DR Been with my boyfriend 2.5 years, the past 6 months I've been questioning if I want to be with him. Sometimes I really want it to end but sometimes I really don't want it to end. I don't know what to do.

submitted by /u/mushrooms8
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* This article was originally published here

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