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Thursday, May 30, 2024

am i awful for thinking abt breaking up with my bf?

i'll try to make this as short as possible. i (19F) think i need to break up with my boyfriend (20M). the problem is that there is no problem exactly. i've been feeling this was for a few months and i just tried to thug it out thinking maybe i was just overthinking and confused but these thoughts haven't gone away. i love him but im just not sure im in love with him any more. we've been dating since we were 16 and it's been perfectly fine the whole way along... no fights, no cheating, everyone says we're perfect together. so why have i suddenly emotionally disconnected ? i don't feel like spending as much time together, i no longer enjoy being in his space nor having him in mine, little things he says and does are starting to annoy me. we both still live in our own homes with our parents and family, we don't share any finances, we don't really have a mixed group of our friends. neither of us would be at any major loss if we ended it. i just think as we're getting older and growing up i've decided i want to take a different path now. there's not a thing i would change about the last few years i've spent with him, it's just time to move on. but now the question is, how do i go about telling him? this will completely catch him off guard, he is still fully in love with me and i feel like the scum of the earth for thinking of wanting to end things. i just don't think it's fair on either of us to stay as we are when im feeling this way. he deserves to know but i know it will hurt him and i want to make this as painless as possible. i need advice desperately

ーーー TL;DR;: i think i want to break up with my bf but he hasn’t done anything wrong and is still in love with me. am i awful for thinking this way? how to i make it less painful for him ?

submitted by /u/j_oeyyyyy
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* This article was originally published here

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